The Illustrations are printed in italics. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, W Aldhelm, Abbot, 100 Aldon, Thomas of, 29 Alford, Dean, 19, 37 Alfroin, 11 Alphege, 9 Angel Tower, 1 Anselm, 12 Arthur, Catherine, 90 Arundel, 43 Arundel, Archbishop, 17 Athol, Countess of, 40 Augustine, 97 Austin Canons’ priory of St Gregory, 68 Auxerre, Henry of, 47 Baptistry, 45 Barton, Elizabeth, 80 Beale, Henry, 94 Beaufort, John, 38 Becket’s Murder, 46 Bell Harry Tower, 1 Bertha, 97 Bigberry Wood, 111 Bigge, Thomas, 109 Bocking, 86 Boehm, Sir Edgar, 37 Bourchier, Archbishop, 32 Boys, Sir John, 22 Bregwin, Archbishop, 100 Bret, 49 Broc, Robert de, 46 Butterfield, Mr, 101 Canterbury College, Oxford, 68 Canterbury Pilgrims, 54 Canterbury, St Thomas of, 51 Canterbury Weavers, The, 92 Canute, 99 Cathedral, The— Baptistry, The, 46 Chapel of “Our Lady” in the Undercroft, The, 18 Christ Church Gate, 4 Edward the Black Prince’s Tomb, 38 Infirmary, The Ruins of, 44 Nave, The, 22 North Side, The, Frontispiece St Martin’s Church Tower and Harbledown, 110 Warrior’s Chapel, The, 38 West Towers and South-West Entrance, The, 42 Exterior of, 41 Interior of, 18 The Story of, 7 Catherine, 84 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 54 “Chequers of the Hope”, 56 Chichele, Archbishop, 31 Chichele Tower, 43 Chillenden, Prior, 17, 18, 20, 38, 45 Christ Church, 8 Gateway, 4 Priory of, 57 Colet, 113 Coligny, Odo, 34 Conrad, 12 Cooper, Sidney, 111 Courtenay, Archbishop, 34 Cranmer, 84 Dark Entry, 44 Denys of Burgundy, 71 Dunster, Lady Mohun of, 40 Durham, Rites of, 72 East Bridge Hospital, 94 Edmer, 10 Edward III., 30 Edward the Black Prince, 32, 33 Elizabeth, 90 Emperor Charles V., 53 Envoi, 117 Erasmus, 19, 64, 113 Ernulf, 12, 35, 36, 39 Estria, Prior Henry de, 25 Ethelbert, King, 97 First View of Canterbury, 1 Fitzstephen, William, 47 Fordwich, 106 Gasquet, Abbot, 72 Gerard, 71 Gervase, 12, 26 Gibbons, Orlando, 22 Goldstone, Prior, 39, 42 Grandison, Bishop of Exeter, 36 Green Court, 45 Greyfriars’ House, The, 64 Grim Edward, 46 Guest House Hostry, The, 72 Hadley, 86 Harbledown, 110 Hasted, 63, 78 Henry IV., 34 Henry V., 31, 52 Henry VIII., 25, 35, 44, 52 Holland, Lady Margaret, 38 Holy Maid of Kent, 80 “Hope, Chequers of the”, 56 Hope, Mr A. J. Beresford, 101 Hospital, East Bridge, 94 St John’s, 94 Howley, William, 31 “Inglesant, John”, 74 Ingworth, Richard, 93 Kemp, Cardinal, 31 Kent, Holy Maid of, 80 King’s School, 45 Lanfranc, 10, 43, 104 Langton, Archbishop Stephen, 38 Lavatory Tower, 45 Lawrence, 99 Lindhard, 97 Louis VII., 51 Magdalen College, Oxford, 70 Marlowe, Christopher, 4, 90 John, 90 Martyrdom, The, 50 Doorway from Cloisters into Westgate Towers, 70, 88 Masters, 86 Maynard, John, 106 Mepham, Archbishop Simon de, 36 Molash, Prior, 42 Montreuil, Madame de, 62 More, Sir Thomas, 116 Morton, Cardinal, 40 Navarre, Joan of, 34 Norman Staircase, King’s School, Canterbury, 48 Odo, Archbishop, 8 Oxford Tower, 43 Peckham, Archbishop, 39 Peter II., 32 Peter’s Pence, 116 Pole, Cardinal Archbishop, 35 Prince Consort, 32 Priory of Christ Church, 57 Queen Mary, 35 Queen Victoria, 32 Religious, The, 66 Richard Coeur de Lion, 52 Roger, 99 Roper, Margaret, 116 Roundabout, A Canterbury, 104 Ruskin, 42 St Anselm, 36, 79 St Augustine, 43 St Augustine’s College, 96 St Augustine’s College, In the Quadrangle, 96 St Cuthbert, 100 St Dunstan, 27 St Ethelbert, 35 St Gregory, Austin Canons’ priory of, 68 St John’s Hospital, 94, 104 St Martin, 97, 102 St Martin’s Church, 102 St Martin at Dover, 68 St Mildred, 99 St Pancras, 96 St Sepulchre, 79 St Thomas of Canterbury, 51 St Wilfrid, 11 Salisbury, John of, 47 Sens, William of, 16 Shrines, Other, 87 Simon, Archbishop of Sudbury, 17, 28, 91 Somerset, Earl of, 38 South-West Transept and St George’s Tower, 56 Stanley, Dean, 22, 29, 58 Stratford, Archbishop, 30 Sturry, 105 Sudbury, Archbishop Simon of, 17, 28, 91 Summer, Archbishop, 22 Tait, Archbishop, 37 Thackeray, 90 Thomas, Duke of Clarence, 38 Thwaites, 86 Tyler, Wat, 30 Walter, Prior, 79 Warham, Archbishop, 27, 39 Warrior’s Chapel, 38 West Gate, 87 Wiclif, 34 William, Archbishop, 12 William of Sens, 16, 23 William, “English”, 16, 23, 32 Willis, 24 Winchelsea, Archbishop, 37, 80 PRINTED BY NEILL AND CO., LTD., EDINBURGH
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Typographical error corrected by the etext transcriber: | shryne as Sainct Thomas’s bed=> shryne as Sainct Thomas’s hed {pg 63} | |