Achill, island of, 50, 53, 57, 60, 62, 64, 95, 156, 173
Adrian IV., Pope, 248, 252, 253, 255
Aldworth, Mrs., 153
Alexander III., Pope, 251
Antrim, 26
Ardill, John Roche, 256
Armagh, 22, 27
Arran, 32
Augustine, Abbot, 165
Auxerre, 26
Awbeg, 146
Baginbun, 248
Ballentine, Nancy, 21
Ballinaboy Bridge, 85
Ballybeg Abbey, 140, 146
Ballycastle, 33, 34, 173
Ballygalley Bay, 32
Ballymena, 26
Ballynahinch, 85
Bannow, 184, 189, 231, 234, 246, 247, 260, 264
Bannow church, 191, 192
Bannow House, 184, 186, 188, 242, 262, 264
Bantry Bay, 173
Beddoes, Major, 135, 154, 156
Belfast, 31
Bennett's Bridge, 266
Biddy, 90, 91
Birr, 101, 104, 115
Birr Castle, 102, 103
Blackwater, 162, 180
Blake, Mr. and Mrs., 44
Blarney, 167
Boggeragh Mountains, 173
Bohemia, Queen of, 205
Bombay, 157
Bowen, Mr., 40
Boyne, the, 12
Boyse family, the, 185, 191
Braganza, Catherine of, 157
Bray, 234, 299
Bray Head, 282
Brenan, Rev. M. J., 254
Bretons, 138
Brice, Archbishop, 121
Brigid, St., 28
Brittany, 138
Bruce, Edward, 123
Buchanan, George, 19
Bundoran, 37, 52
Burne-Jones, 155
Burrishoole, 77, 78
Bushmills, 36
Butlers, 124
Buttevant, 127, 130, 132, 134, 148, 150, 160, 214
Buttevant Castle, 147
"Caiseal," 123
Campion, Edmund, 255, 256
Cantyre, 32
Carrickfergus, 31
Carrig-a-Hooly, 77, 78, 80
Carrig-a-pooka, 174
Carrolls, the, 101, 102
Cashel, 44, 127, 129
Cashel, Rock of, 120, 121, 123-125
"Castle of Roses," 78
Castlebar, 73
Castletown, Lord, 151
Caucasus, 78
Caulfields, the, 61
Celtic tongue, the, 86, 87
Charles I., King, 97, 205, 206
Charles II., King, 132, 157, 185
Charlotte, Queen, 186
Chinon Castle, 259
"Cios-ail," 125
Claddagh, 99
Clare, island of, 75, 79, 80
Clare, Lady Isabel de, 195
Clarence, Duke of, 206, 207
Clares, the de, 195
Clew Bay, 50
Clifden, 85
"Cloicoheach," 123
Clonmacnoise, 114-116
Clonmel, 126, 218, 219
Clonmines, 167, 246, 247
"Cluain-maccu-Nois," 115
"Cluan-mac-noise," 115
Colclough, Sir Anthony, 198, 202
Coleraine, 36
Columba, St., 28
Connemara, 82
Constantine, Emperor, 255, 256
"Copper," 279
Cork, 175, 176, 178, 210, 211, 213
Cormac, King, 10
Cormac's Chapel, 122, 125, 282, 283, 288
Coro, 125
Cotton, Archdeacon, 121
Cromwell, Edward, Lord, 28
Cromwell, Oliver, 97, 218, 224
Culloden, battle of, 103
Cumberland, Duke of, 103
Curragh, the, 277-279, 282, 285
Curragh Camp, 288
Curraghmore House, 219, 221, 223, 224
Curraun, Peninsula of, 54
Currick-Patrick, 125
D——, Captain, 158, 159
Dame Court, Dublin, 36
Danes, the, 12, 28, 123, 181
Dargle, the, 268
Dark Valley, 68
Darnley, Lord, 285
Deasy, Jerry, 174
Decies, 123
Declan, St., 123
De Courcey, 28
Derby, 227
Desmond, Earl of, 129, 130
Desmonds, the, 128, 150
Dichu, 27
Dickens, Charles, 230
"Dinnis," 163, 168
Doneraile Court, 150, 152, 153, 187
Donnelly, Bishop, 27
Dooley's Hotel, Birr, 103
Doo Lough, 82, 85
Doordry, 125
Downpatrick, 26, 27, 31
Dowth, 12
Drogheda, 13
Drum-feeva, 125
Dublin, 6, 14, 23, 227, 228, 279, 282
Dublin Fusiliers, 132, 158
Dudley, Lady, 58
Dugort, 61
Dunbrody Abbey, 183
Dundalethglass, 27
Dundrum, 25
Dunloe, Gap of, 169
Edison, Mr., 237
Edward IV., King, 206
Edward VI., King, 204
Edward VII., King, 23
Elizabeth, Queen, 22, 79, 202, 246
Ely, Earl of, 190
Ely, King of, 125
Emmet, Thomas Addis, 257
Erne, Lough, 37
Fee Lough, 85
Fermoy, 160, 178, 179, 214, 215
Fermoy, Lord, 215
Ferns Castle, 258
Fethard, 218
Ffranckfort Castle, 102, 110, 112, 113
Fitzgeralds, 124
Fitzstephens, Robert, 248, 258
Fontevrault, 259
Forgotten Facts of Irish History, 256
Franciscan Friary, 182
French, Walter, 190
Galty Mountains, 126
Galway, 14, 40, 44, 66, 88, 94, 95, 97, 99-101, 168
Gaughans, 61
Germanus, Bishop, 26
Giant's Causeway, 34, 35, 167
Gladstone, 14
Glasgow, 31
Glendalough, 123, 231-233
Glengariff, 170, 172
Grace, Queen, 77, 78
Gurguntius, 255
H——, Lord, 274
"Harp of Erin," 105
Henry II., King, 123, 248, 251-255, 257, 259
Henry VI., King, 206, 27
Penshurst, 204
Peterborough, 207
Phoenix Park, 7
Pointz-pass, 15
Pole, Cardinal, 254
Pope, the, 23
Portugal, 158
Powerscourt, 267, 270, 271
Powerscourt House, 231, 275
Powerscourt, Viscount, 267, 273
Prospect Cemetery, 288
Ptolemy, 8
Purcell, Sir Hugh, 182
"Queen of Hearts," 205
Read, T. Buchanan, 105
Recess, 85, 88, 91
Redmond, 198
Reginald, 181, 182
Richard, Earl of Chepstow, 258
Richard, King, 206
Rolleston, Major, 110, 111
Roscommon, 40, 42, 48
"Royal Irish," the, 188
St. Dominick, Abbey of, Lorrha, 102
St. James's Palace, 208
St. Ledger, Hon. Mary, 153
St. Ledger, William, 152
St. Mary's, Abbey of, Trim, 10
St. Nicholas, Church of, Claddagh, 100
St. Patrick's Cathedral, 286
Salis, Count de, 15
Saul, Church of, Strangford Lough, 26
Scullaboyne House, 264, 265
Shandon bells, 167, 175, 213
Shannon, the, 115
"Shan Van Do," the, 68
Shelburn Hotel, Dublin, 3
Sidneys, the, 204
Skreen, Hill of, 8
Slieve Donard, 25
Slievemore, 61
Slievenaman Hills, 126
Sligo, county of, 37, 40, 55, 179
Spenser, 150, 152
Stanford's, 36
"Stone of Destiny," 10
Strafford, Earl of,
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