Of the different Nations of the Austrian Dominions—The Jews—The Germans—The Slavonians, including the Bohemians—The Slowacks—The Wendes and the Rascians of Illyria—The Magyares or Hungarians—The Walachians—The Zingares or Gipsies—The Armenians—The Greeks, Turks, &c.
Inhabitants of Lower Austria—Manners of the People of Vienna—Amusements—Houses—Population and Mortality—Shops—Paved Streets—The Fire-Watch—Costumes of Upper Austria
Migrations of the Tyrolese—Their Frankness—Their Attachment to the House of Austria—Anecdote of the Archduchess Elizabeth—Literary Turn of the Tyrolese—Their Extraordinary Honesty—Fondness for Pugilistic Exercises and the Chase—Ancient Practice—Moral Character—Superstition—Mechanical Genius—Persons and Costumes—National Songs—Custom of visiting the Graves of Relations—Marriage Ceremonies of the Tyrolese
Extent—Division—Constitution—Vast Estates of the Magnats—State of the Peasantry—Their Indolence—Thievish Disposition of the Herdsmen—Punishments—Hungarian Prison—General Appearance of the Peasants and their Habitations in different Counties—Horned Cattle—Sheep—Village Herdsmen—Ravages of Wolves—Granaries—Costumes
Extent and Nature of the Country—Benefits resulting to the People from the Partition of Poland—Cruelty and Injustice of the Ancient System—Superior Degree of Security enjoyed under the Austrian Government—Mode of Building—Appearance of a Polish Village—Inns—Jews—Uncleanliness of the Poles