Bukowina, formerly part of Moldavia, was subdued in 1769 by the Russians, but restored to the Ottoman Porte at the peace concluded in 1774. In the same year Austria took military possession of this province, and by the convention of the 12th of May, 1776, it was formally ceded to that power. It derives its name from the numerous forests of beech which it contains, that tree being called in the Slavonian language buk. Its greatest length is about 150 miles, and its extreme breadth 80. The soil is fertile, especially between the rivers Pruth and Dniester, and in the valley of Szucsawa; and the mountainous parts are interspersed with rich and extensive pasture-grounds; but on account of the early frosts and the long duration of the winter, the only crops that can be raised there are oats, barley, and potatoes. At the time of the occupation of this province by Austria in 1776, it contained no more than eleven or twelve A BOYAR, or GENTLEMAN OF THE BUKOWINA.In the Bukowina every gentleman or proprietor of land is called Boyar. The usual dress of this class is faithfully represented in the opposite plate. A long blue pelisse, with short sleeves, covers the under-garments, which consist of wide red trowsers, a blue striped shirt, and a broad belt, in which a knife is stuck, and from which hangs a handkerchief. The head is covered with a red Servian cloth cap. The Boyar here represented, is an inhabitant of the town of Szered; he is supposed to have just quitted his house, and appears in a contemplative attitude. A PEASANT OF THE BUKOWINA.The usual costume of the peasants of the Bukowina, consists of white or red trowsers, a shirt, the wide, open sleeves of which are embroidered at the wrist, and over that an open waistcoat bordered with fur. With a pouch slung over his shoulder, and a long handled hatchet, According to the regulations of Gregory Gyka, prince of Moldavia, the holders of land are bound to labour twelve days in the year, and the holders of houses six days, for their lord, besides paying him the tithe of all their field-crops and fruit, and also of the produce of their gardens when they deal in such articles. According to ancient custom, every vassal holding grants of land gives, moreover, as a yearly acknowledgment, a hen, and a certain quantity of yarn; and if he keeps a cart or wagon, he must carry home for his lord a load of wood from his forest, or if there be none on his domains, from that which lies nearest to them. WOMAN OF SZUCSAWICZA.Szucsawicza, pronounced Szutzawitza, is celebrated as the ancient residence of the princes of Moldavia. On a hill near the place are still to be seen the ruins of a strong castle which they inhabited. It seems to have been destroyed by violence, probably in one of the frequent incursions of the Turks and Poles into this province. Whether the destruction of this castle, or as some assert, the commands of the Porte, caused the princes of Moldavia to change their place of abode, we shall not pretend to determine. So much at any rate is certain, that, till the middle of the sixteenth century, the Woywodes or Hospodars of Moldavia resided at Szucsawicza; and consequently it was not till the latter half of that century that they removed from this place to Yassy. On a gentle eminence near the town there is a convent of monks of St. Basil, belonging to the not united Greek church, which, in regard to the number of its members, predominates in the Bukowina. This edifice stands in a dreary, melancholy country, and makes an extraordinary impression on the traveller with its numerous towers, The women of Szucsawicza wrap a handkerchief about the head, and wear trowsers, slippers turned up at the toe, and a jacket bordered with fur in the Greek fashion. In their manners and customs these people closely resemble the Moldavians. UNMARRIED FEMALE OF JAKOBENY.Jakobeny is a place situated in the mountains and inhabited by miners. The females of the lower class here as every where else, are fond of finery. To the decorations of their persons belong indispensably numerous necklaces and other ornaments made of beads, coins, crosses, rich embroidery, and in summer fresh flowers and sprigs of plants for their hair. The gown is coloured and striped, and a red sash encircles the waist. The engraving represents an unmarried female; the dress of the married woman is destitute alike of ornament and taste. The coarse gown is commonly of a dark colour with blue stripes, and in cold weather they wear over it a loose shapeless brown coat. FEMALE PEASANTS OF PHILIPPOWAN.We have already observed that the Lipowanians, or Philippowanians, form a particular class of the inhabitants of Bukowina. They belong to the Russian Raskolniks, and to the not united Greek church. They removed about the year 1785, from the Black Sea into the Bukowina, and obtained of the emperor Joseph II. the free exercise of their religion. They are a peaceable, industrious and active people, addicted to agriculture, and partly subsist by the sale of fresh and dried fruit, fish, and cordage of their own manufacture. They are extremely skilful in draining wet, marshy lands, inhabit three villages, and are among the different sects of the eastern church what the Moravians are among the Protestants. The appearance of the Philippowanians produces an agreeable impression on the stranger. They are in general tall and well-shaped, and both sexes usually wear long cloth coats carefully buttoned from top to bottom. The women have stiff caps over which they tie a large handkerchief. A bandeau embroidered with gold encircles the forehead. The gown, without sleeves, is either green or red, bound round the waist with a sash, and the feet are covered with red or yellow buskins. The annexed engraving represents two females of this district, and displays the front and back of their rich dress, which bears a strong affinity to the Ottoman costume; the only features seemingly peculiar to the subjects before us being the ornamented shift sleeves. The Lipowanians have but little intercourse with the other inhabitants of the country: at least, if they can help it they will not admit strangers into their habitations. Should a person, nevertheless, have obtained access through accident or against their will, they consider the spot where he has sat or stood as contaminated till they have purified it in their own way. They never eat with any stranger. They have particular plates, vessels, and utensils for guests, and when they entertain a person they press him to eat all that is set before him, or throw away what is left. They are forbidden to use tobacco and snuff, and suffer no inn or public house to be kept among them. It is surprising with what care these people keep both the ceremonies and the doctrines of their religion profoundly secret. They have no priests but only a teacher called daskal: they acknowledge the authority of no oriental ecclesiastic, but profess to belong to a church of their The Philippowanians are said to have derived their name from one Philip, who was first servitor in a Russian convent, then became a monk, and aspired to the rank of superior. Being disappointed in this scheme, he accused his brethren of having swerved from the ancient faith; and having made proselytes of about fifty of his colleagues, he seceded from the convent, built another, and thus became the founder of a new sect. |