| PAGE | PERSONALIA | xi | THE ERA OF THE SAILING SHIP | 1 | THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE STEAMSHIP | 15 | Table I. Epoch-Marking Steamers built by the Scotts, 1819 to 1841 | 31 | Table II. Progress in the Economy of the Marine Engine, 1872 to 1901 | 41 | A CENTURY'S WORK FOR THE NAVY | 43 | Table III. Progressive Types of Warship Machinery, and their Economy, 1840 to 1905 | 53 | Table IV. Particulars of the Successive Large Naval Guns, 1800 to 1905 | 56 | Table V. Size and Fighting Qualities of British Battleships of Different Periods, 1861 to 1905 | 59 | YACHTING AND YACHTS | 63 | Table VI. General Particulars of Principal Steam Yachts Built by Scotts' Company | 69 | THE TWENTIETH CENTURY | 73 | Numbers of British and Foreign, and of Oversea and Channel, Steamers, of over 16 knots speed | 75 | Table VII. Records of Coal Consumption of Steamship "Narragansett" | 79 | EFFICIENCY: DESIGN: ADMINISTRATION | 88 | THE SHIPBUILDING YARD | 94 | THE ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS | 106 |