THE PRINCESS POURQUOI Once upon a time, in a country very far away, a new princess was born. As is usual in such cases, the King, her father, and the Queen, her mother, held a great christening feast, to which were invited all the crowned heads for miles around, all the nobility of their own kingdom, and the fairies whose good wishes were considered desirable. In the middle of the ceremony, as is also customary, a very angry little old lady, with a nose like a beak, burst into the room. "You!" stammered his Majesty. "Why, it is only a girl. We—we thought you would be offended. Later, if a son should be born"— "You thought!" shrieked the enraged little creature, gathering her shoulder-shawl about her. "You thought nothing whatever about it. I am insulted, and I shall be revenged. Before anything yet has been given to this child I shall curse her"— "Oh!" begged the crowned heads and the nobility. "Anything but that," groaned his Majesty. "Not that for a woman-child," moaned the mother, from under her silken coverlid. "Yes," said the fairy, and her wicked black eyes snapped over her withered red cheeks. "She is a woman-child, and yet she shall think. She shall be alien to her own sex, and undesired by the other. She shall ask and it will not be given her. She shall achieve and it shall count her for naught. Men shall point the finger at her like this" (and she pointed one skinny forefinger at the King), "and shall whisper, 'There goes the woman with brains, poor thing!' As for your Majesty, in her shall The fairy who rules circumstance stood by the cradle and spoke. Her face was the face of one who wavers two ways, and her voice was unsure. "The child shall have fortune," she said, "good-fortune, so far as is consistent with what has already been given. I wish," she added apologetically, "that I had spoken first." The other fairy stood silent, looking down into the child's face. "But she shall know love," she said softly, after a little time. The sleeping princess smiled. From the time that it was spoken the curse was felt. Before the baby could talk, she would lie in the royal cradle, fixing upon the King, her father, and the Queen, her mother, when they came to see her, eyes so big, so wise, so full of question, that his Majesty fled, and her Majesty covered her face with her hands, wondering what it could be that the child remembered and she "Why," she asked, when she was very small, "did trees grow this way, instead of the other end up? Why did people stand on their feet instead of on their heads? Why did you like some people better than others, and why couldn't it be just as easy to like them all alike?" She was a good little girl, but she had all the credit of being a bad one. She saw through what she was not intended to see through; she heard what she was not meant When she was four and five, her questions were theological or philosophical. "Why was she made at all, if she were as naughty as people said? Wouldn't it have been less trouble not to have made her, or The Princess Pourquoi objected to wearing a stomacher, for she liked to lie flat on her face in the park, watching the ants. She objected to making the court bow, and smiling the court smile, and putting Once his Majesty held a great festival to "You are a naughty little girl, and if you act this way, the fairy prince will never come." "I don't want a fairy prince," replied the Princess proudly, looking at her governess with steady blue eyes. "I want a real one." As time went on, the Princess Pourquoi was not quite content. She was too eager for that. "I shall be happy when I find out," she said sadly one day. "Find out what, your Highness?" asked the chief philosopher. "It," answered the girl, and she pointed toward the horizon. "What it means, where we came from, what you are for and I am for." The chief philosopher took a golden goblet of wine that a page had brought him and drank it to its dregs. Perhaps he meant this for an answer. Then he winked at his fellow-philosopher, and the two went arm "Your Majesty," she asked, "why are people who do not know anything called wise men and philosophers?" It was soon after this that the King made a great proclamation, offering the hand of his daughter to any one who would answer one of her questions satisfactorily. Suitors came by scores, although her unfortunate propensity was known, for the Princess was growing to be very beautiful, and his Majesty the King was very rich. The aspirant to her hand usually stood before the royal throne in the presence of the court, and the Princess was ushered in by the major domo. It was at this time that the Princess resolved to study, and to achieve something that was really her own. People should respect her, not because she was a princess, but because she could do great things. She "What masculine strength of handling!" said the artists. "What wonderful inner meaning!" said the philosophers. The Princess Pourquoi came one day to visit it, and stood a long time watching the "There is great power there," said the workingman, "but the work is crude." The peasant was hustled out of the room, and an admiring crowd gathered about the statue of the groping woman. Some one whispered that it was not a man's work at all, but the work of a woman. Surprise, incredulity, disapproval passed in waves over the faces of the crowd. The rumor was established as a fact, though the woman's name was withheld. Every one could see faults now. "We suspected it from the first," said "You can see the woman's carelessness in regard to details in every fold of the drapery!" said the artists. The Princess Pourquoi listened. Presently she faced the crowd. "It is my work," she said simply. Then she summoned her lackeys and ordered her carriage, and disappeared before artists or philosophers could find any knot-holes to crawl through. Their Majesties, the royal parents, were greatly pleased when they heard of this scene. Perhaps this condemnation of her statue would bring their daughter to her senses. It was very fortunate that just at this time there came rumors of the advent of The royal household was ordered into its very best clothing. The King and the Queen, the Prince and the Princesses, shimmered in velvet and jewels. The pages were After the ceremonies of greeting were over, when Prince Ludwig Jerome Victor had bent before the King and the Queen on their throne, and had had presented to him all the royal offspring, the Princess Pourquoi was requested to show his Highness the garden of flowers, that his eyes might be refreshed after his long journey. So side by side they walked, talking together, SIDE BY SIDE THEY WALKED TOGETHER As they paced the garden, the peacocks retreated slowly, a statelier procession than they. They passed a fountain where a single workman was busy sculpturing a figure from a block of gray granite. His face was shaded by a cap, but the splendid action of strong arms and muscular shoulders was visible. The Princess paused, and the waiting-women turned, pretending to be busy with the box of the hedges or the pink-tipped daisies at their feet. The face of "Why blue jean for one man's arm and velvet with pearls for another?" she said half to herself. "Why hunger for that man, and for me surfeit?" "Most gracious Princess," answered Prince Ludwig Jerome Victor, secure in his reply, "the earth with all upon it is glad to lie as dirt beneath the feet of the most beautiful lady in the world." He fell upon one knee and kissed her hand. She looked down intently into his narrow, upraised face. "Queen among princesses," he begged, "You have answered," said the Princess. "Rise." The hand of the workman had paused, uplifted, with a sculptor's hammer in its grasp. There was a queer little smile upon his face below the shadow of the cap. The waiting-women paced in silence behind the Princess back to the presence of the King. "Most august Sovereign," said the Prince, bending his knee in the royal presence, "I have come to place my kingdom at your daughter's feet. Deign to ask her if I have found favor in her eyes." "My Lord and Father," said the Princess Pourquoi, bending in courtesy, then standing erect, more haughty than before, "it is no prince, but a man with a lackey's soul. He may come to reign, but a king he can never be. As for my hand, he may not again touch it. I go to make it clean." Then she turned and walked, in a great silence, between the parted lines of frightened people, out of the audience-chamber and away. How Prince Ludwig Jerome Victor Christian Ernst went away in great anger, how the royal apologies were presented in vain, how the Princess Pourquoi was imprisoned The artisan was there at the fountain, working at the same stone figure. The Princess stood in silence and watched him. At her approach he had taken off his cap and had laid it on the grass. Yellow autumn leaves fell on his blue blouse and on her crimson velvet robe. "Do you like to work?" asked the Princess Pourquoi timidly. "Yes, your Highness," he answered, making an inclination of his head. And he went on working. "Why?" asked the Princess Pourquoi. "Gracious Lady and Princess," replied the artisan, "I do not know." The Princess stared at his deft fingers and the quivering muscles of his arms. Then she strolled away to pick a late white rose, and presently wandered back, as if forgetful where her feet were going. "I have seen you before," she remarked absent-mindedly. He bent again, and murmured something respectful that she could not hear. The "Once," continued the Princess, "in a hovel among other hovels at the foot of the hill. Through the open door of the sick-room where I stood, I saw you sitting at a poor man's table, sharing his black bread and muddy ale. Why were you there?" "He was my friend," said the artisan. "His hut was then my home." "Why do you wear a workingman's blouse and carve in stone?" demanded the Princess abruptly. "Madame and Princess," replied the man, "it is the work that I have chosen," and he went on chipping away fine flakes of stone. When the Princess came back the next time, she spoke with the quiet air of one who is greeting an old friend. "You criticised my statue," she remarked. "You called it crude." "Whoever reported my poor opinion to the Princess," said the man, "had evidently heard but part of what I said." The Princess showed no curiosity as to the rest. The artisan answered not a word, but went on chipping, chipping, bending all his energy to the curve of a finger. The Princess watched with eyes in which all the blue of the autumn sky and all the shining of the autumn sun seemed centred. When the young man at length looked at her, her head was thrown back, and her face wore the look of one who feels her blood to be royal. "Do you know," she asked sternly, though the expression of her eyes was of "Gracious Lady and Princess," he said humbly, "I have answered nothing, for I did not know. My mind, too, has questioned ceaselessly into the injustice of many things. I only"— "You only," said the Princess, with a sweep of her hand,—"you only kept on working! Come!" Refusing to walk at her side, he followed at a little distance, stepping unsurely, as one would walk in a dream. The lackeys looked at him and sneered as he went. His Majesty the King and her Majesty the Queen looked down in impatience from the throne when they saw the Princess "Some injury to redress!" muttered his Majesty. "Always a new grievance! I never have time to sleep or think." The Princess swept across the audience-chamber with the air of one whom nature, not circumstance alone, had made a queen. She bent before her royal parents, then laid her hand upon that of the artisan. "Your Majesties will remember," she said, "the decree made regarding me when I was fifteen years old. This man alone has answered one question of mine to my satisfaction. I come to beg"—and her face wore a frightened look, yet shone with a sudden gleam of mischief—"I come to beg that he incur the penalty." "He is no impostor," said the Princess scornfully. "Whatever his birth may be, his soul is royal." The men-at-arms came forward to seize him, but the Princess flung herself between him and them. He put her gently aside, "May it please your Grace," he panted, "his Majesty the King of Bobitania desires to make known that the Heir-Apparent to the throne, who disappeared many weeks ago, has not been discovered. News has just reached Bobitania that his valet, who The nobles, the ladies-in-waiting, the philosophers crowded about the messenger. While he was explaining that Prince Ludwig Jerome Victor was eccentric, though deeply loved by every man, woman, and child in Bobitania; how he had insisted on learning a trade; how he had often disappeared for a time, living in disguise among his poorest subjects—the Princess was looking at the stone-cutter's face and smiling. The messenger took his leave of his Majesty and turned to go. Suddenly he fell upon his knees and kissed the hand of the peasant. "My Lord the Prince!" he cried. And the vaulted ceiling gave back the cry, for all the people in waiting took it up and shouted for the Prince who wore blue jean. "Why did you do it?" asked the Princess Pourquoi, two hours later, when she stood in the garden with her betrothed, the real Ludwig Jerome Victor Christian Ernst, Heir-Apparent to the throne of Bobitania. "Gracious Lady and Princess," he answered, laughing, "I wanted to be real." "I took the only way I knew to become real," he said. "Have I found favor in your eyes, O beloved of my heart?" "How long beloved?" asked the Princess anxiously, for she was much ashamed of the way in which she had wooed him. "All my life long," he answered. And the peacocks never told how he kissed her. His Majesty the King and her Majesty the Queen were delighted with the match. The royal father spent hours in telling the young Prince how great a delight his daughter's mind had always been to him, So there was a great wedding, the preparations for which shook Christendom to The Princess Pourquoi was attired in white velvet, with a train eleven feet and six inches long; her lord and master glowed like a tropical bird in scarlet, and Christendom exclaimed that there had never been so beautiful a pair. While the trumpets The most magnificent guest of all was "A pretty age of the world, when not even the curse of a mind can harm a woman!" |