
1 (return)
[ This PORTRAIT and Garrick's PROLOGUE are not included in Fraser Rae's text.]

2 (return)
[ From Sheridan's manuscript.]

3 (return)
[ The story in Act I. Scene I., told by Crabtree about Miss Letitia Piper, is repeated here, the speaker being Sir Peter:

SIR PETER. O nine out of ten malicious inventions are founded
on some ridiculous misrepresentation—Mrs. Candour you remember
how poor Miss Shepherd lost her Lover and her Character one
Summer at Tunbridge.

MRS. C. To be sure that was a very ridiculous affair.

CRABTREE. Pray tell us Sir Peter how it was.

SIR P. Why madam—[The story follows.]

MRS. C. Ha ha strange indeed—

SIR P. Matter of Fact I assure you....

LADY T. As sure as can be—Sir Peter will grow scandalous
himself—if you encourage him to tell stories.
(Fraser Rae's footnote—Ed.)]

4 (return)
[ The words which follow this title are not inserted in the manuscript of the play. (Fraser Rae's footnote.—Ed.)]

5 (return)
[ From this place to Scene ii. Act IV. several sheets are missing. (Fraser Rae's footnote.—Ed.)]


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