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(etext transcriber's note)

Clare Sheridan Frontispiece
“Victory, 1918 13
Krassin (bust) 21
Kameneff (bust) 24
Litvinoff and his son Misha at Kristiania 49
Bridge Blown up by Yudenitch 60
Gukovski, his Daughter, Kameneff and Marinashky 63
Marinashky and the Ministerial Rolls-Royce 65
The Kremlin, showing Entrance to the Kameneffs’ Apartments 67
Big Bell, Kremlin 70
Colonnades of the Alexander Memorial 71
Serge Trotsky and Alexandre Kameneff 74
Bronze Eagle at the MusÉe Alexandre III. 76
Big Gun at the Kremlin 78
Rothstein 81
St. Saviour’s 83
Zinoviev (bust) 85
Dzhirjinsky (bust) 88
Margaret and Richard Brinsley Sheridan 90
Church of St. Basil 92
Spassky entrance to the Kremlin 113
Lenin (from a photograph) 118
Lenin (bust) 119
Trotsky (from a drawing) 124
Nicholas Andrev 129
Trotsky at the Front 140
Trotsky (bust) 143
Sentry Outside the Guest-House 158
Litvinoff at Moscow 181
Statue of Dostoievsky 182
Statue, “The Thinker” 183
The Sukharefski Market 184


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