CHAPTER VI. Battle of Dinwiddie Court House—Pickett Repulsed —Reinforced by the Fifth Corps—Battle of Five Forks—Turning the Confederate Left—An Unqualified Success—Relieving General Warren—The Warren Court of Inquiry—General Sherman's Opinion CHAPTER VII. Result of the Battle of Five Forks—Retreat of Lee —An Intercepted Despatch—At Amelia Court House —Battle of Sailor's Creek—The Confederates' Stubborn Resistance—A Complete Victory —Importance of the Battle CHAPTER VIII. Lincoln's Laconic Despatch—Capturing Lee's Supplies —Delighted Engineers—The Confederates' Last Effort—A Flag of Truce—General Geary's "Last Ditch" Absurdity—Meeting of Grant and Lee —The Surrender—Estimate of General Grant CHAPTER IX. Ordered to Greensboro', N. C.—March to the Dan River—Assigned to the Command West of the Mississippi—Leaving Washington—Flight of General Early—Maximilian—Making Demonstrations on the Upper Rio Grande—Confederates Join Maximilian—The French Invasion of Mexico, and its Relations to the Rebellion—Assisting the Liberals—Restoration of the Republic CHAPTER X. A. J. Hamilton Appointed Provisional Governor of Texas—Assembles a Constitutional Convention —The Texans Dissatisfied—Lawlessness—Oppressive Legislation—Ex-Confederates—Controlling Louisiana—A Constitutional Convention—The Meeting Suppressed—A Bloody Riot—My Reports of the Massacre—Portions Suppressed by President Johnson—Sustained by a Congressional Committee —The Reconstruction Laws CHAPTER XI. Passage of the Reconstruction Act Over the President's Veto—Placed in Command of the Fifth Military District—Removing Officers—My Reasons for Such Action—Affairs in Louisiana and Texas —Removal of Governor Wells—Revision of the jury Lists—Relieved from the Command of the Fifth Military District
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