CHAPTER I. Organizing Scouts—Miss Rebecca Wright—Important Information—Decides to Move on Newtown—Meeting General Grant—Organization of the Union Army —Opening of the Battle of the Opequon —Death of General Russell—A Turning Movement —A Successful Cavalry Charge—Victory—Three Loyal Girls—Appointed a Brigadier—General in the Regular Army—Remarks on the Battle CHAPTER II. Pursuing Early—A Secret March—Fisher's Hill —A Great Success—Removal of Averell—The Retreat —Capturing an Old Comrade—The Murder of Lieutenant Meigs CHAPTER III. Reasons for Not Pursuing Early Through the Blue Ridge —General Torbert Detailed to Give General Rosser a "Drubbing"—General Rosser Routed —Telegraphed to Meet Stanton—Longstreet's Message —Return to Winchester—The Ride to Cedar Creek —The Retreating Army—Rallying the Troops —Reforming the Line—Commencing the Attack—Defeat of the Confederates—Appointed a Major-General in the Regular Army—Results of the Battle CHAPTER IV. General Early Reorganizes His Forces—Mosby the Guerrilla—General Merritt sent to Operate Against Mosby—Rosser Again Active—General Custer Surprised—Colonel Young Sent to Capture Gilmore the Guerrilla—Colonel Young's Success —Capture of General Kelly and General Crook —Spies—Was Wilkes Booth a Spy—Driving the Confederates Out of the Valley—The Battle of Waynesboro'—Marching to join the Army of the Potomac CHAPTER V. Transferred to Petersburg—General Raw'ins's Cordial Welcome—General Grant's Orders and Plans—A Trip with Mr. Lincoln and General Grant—Meeting General Sherman—Opposed to Joining the Army of the Tennessee —Opening of the Appomattox Campaign—General Grant and General Rawlins