CHAPTER IX. Expedition to Booneville—Destroying Supplies —Confederate Stragglers—Success of the Expedition —A Reconnoissance—The Importance of Bodily Sustenance—The Battle of Booneville—Recommended for Appointment as a Brigadier-General CHAPTER X. In Camp near Rienzi—General Granger—A Valuable Capture at Ripley—Raiding a Corn—Field—Repulsing an Attack—Presented with the Black Horse "Rienzi" —Meeting General Grant—Appointed a Brigadier-General CHAPTER XI. Good Advice from General Nelson—His Tragic Death —Putting Louisville in a State of Defense— Assigned to the Command of the Eleventh Division —Capture of Chaplin Heights—Battle of Perryville —Reported Among the Killed—A Thrilling Incident —General Buell Relieved by General Rosecrans CHAPTER XII. Moving to Bowling Green—James Card, the Scout and Guide—General Sill—Colonel Schaefer—Colonel G. W. Roberts—Movement on Murfreesboro' —Opening of the Battle of Stone River CHAPTER XIII. Assault on our Right Flank—Occupying a New Position —The Enemy Checked — Terrible Loss of Officers —Ammunition Gives Out—Reconstructing the Line —Collecting the Wounded and Burying the Dead —Dealing with Cowards—Results of the Victory CHAPTER XIV. Appointed a Major-General—The Secret Expedition under Card the Scout—His Capture by Guerrillas —Escape—A Revenge Party—Women Soldiers —A Fight with Sabres—Tullahoma Campaign —A Foolish Adventure CHAPTER XV. Ordered to Occupy Bridgeport—A Spy—The Battle of Chickamauga—General Thomas—Treated to Coffee —Results of the Battle
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