THE PALM TREE FINDS THE WATERThis marvelous production of nature is not hindered by the scorching sun of the desert, nor is it dependent upon the copious showers of rain. If the rain comes, all well and good; but if it fails, the palm flourishes right on anyway. But it will get to water. If it does not come down from above, then it sends down its roots till they drink at the subterranean stream below. Water it must have and water it will find. Now, if God has a people that flourish this way, it signifies that they will get where there is the water of life. If the "showers of blessing" are falling in the revival meeting, or campmeeting, or at the regular preaching service, they are sure to be present if possible and "take of the water of life freely." Perchance they are out on some spiritual desert far from any means of grace where the gospel sound is never heard; there they are not dependent upon the revival rains, but they send down the roots of faith till they strike the under-currents, and then with joy they "draw water out of the wells of salvation." How refreshing to meet with such independent specimens of God's handiwork! If they get to the place of worship where God's people are free, they are a whole campmeeting in themselves. Out of them are Oh, for more palm tree saints! May we all be so in touch with the reservoir of the skies, that we may say, "All my springs are in thee." Then, no matter whether our lot is with many pilgrims or none, we may flourish on and shine and shout, and show to the world that we are in touch with hidden springs. Amen! It is certainly a puzzle to the world and worldly minded professors, when one, who has no visible means of enjoyment, keeps up a happy, cheerful experience, and though her lot or his lot is extremely dry, and barren of what generally goes to make people happy, yet the hidden stream is flowing, and that soul is drinking of the fountain that never runs dry. The deep, underlying current has been found and is supplying a peace which the world can not give, nor can it take away. When the martyrs went to the stake, they had a triumphant tread and a victorious faith and a well-spring of joy which were indeed an enigma to the persecutors. Who can understand Madame Guyon in her dismal prison cell singing her sweet song, a hundred times happier than those outside, or realize the triumphant joy of the Apostle Paul as he faces the axman's block, What would have become of the Apostle John on Patmos' lonely isle, shut off from all associations with kindred spirits on earth, with no prayermeeting nor fellowship such as he had been so accustomed to enjoy, had he not known the way to the hidden springs which brought him in contact with the Eternal? There was no place to banish this pilgrim saint that would shut him off from the water of life. When human hands banished him to an island in the sea, thinking they could cut off his supply, he proved to the world that he could reach the hidden springs and be in touch with the Infinite, in spite of his banishment. God's holy ones are a conundrum to the world. "For we are made a spectacle [theater in the margin] unto the world, and to angels, and to men," and they do not understand the mystery of the hidden glory and springs of life, the very angels desiring to look into some of these mysteries (1 Peter 1:12). There are some people, when we have not seen them for a few months, we hardly dare to ask them how they are prospering, for fear they will drop their heads and say, "Well, not so well as I would like." They have not been drinking at the fountain. They did not send down their roots and find the under-currents of saving grace; and the result is, they have no victorious testimony to the power of Jesus to save. On the other hand, there are certain individuals, though we have not In the economy of grace, God has made no provision for one to have less grace than in the past. The best experience of one's life should be up-to-date. It is |