THE PALM TREE IS APPRECIATEDSearch the world over; call for a consensus of opinion in civilized countries and heathen lands, and ask them what is the most appreciated tree in the world, and see if they do not with one voice exclaim, "The palm tree." In the civilized portions of the globe where the various kinds are not brought into requisition for their extensive utility, yet the beauty of the trees demands that they have a place in the front yards to decorate their surroundings. If any tree at all is used to beautify the place, it is quite sure to be a palm. And when the climate does not admit of outside growth, the hothouse will have its various kinds. But where is there a tree in the world that furnishes so much material for practically all the necessities of life where the palm is indigenous? When we think of the great variety of food, and furniture, building material, and the hundreds of useful articles of every description that are made from some part or other of this most valuable tree, it stands to reason that it occupies the very foremost place of utility and appreciation. There are some places in the world that the inhabitants practically live from the products of the palm. The appreciation In the realm of grace, there is an experience that is most appreciated. It is appreciated most by those who are the most familiar with it. It appeals little to those in spiritually frigid zones, who are utterly foreign to its utility; but by those of a warmer climate who know of its valuable properties, it is prized above rubies and diamonds. Just as the Icelander or Greenlander cares nothing for the palm, and perhaps knows nothing of its merits, so the people who dwell in spiritual Arctics do not appreciate the possibilities of this full salvation grace. Ask the possessor of the palm tree blessing what it is worth, and language at once fails. It becomes his very life from day to day. It furnishes his spiritual necessities of life. Cut off its supplies and he would be stranded as quickly as the islander in the tropics, without his real palm. Let the definite seeker after this blessing reach the point of actual possession, and he will have to pass the station of utmost desire and appreciation. He will reach a want in his soul that will surpass every other desire. He will sell all to purchase that field. It is the pearl of great price to him. Why do not more people obtain it? Because they are not willing to part with that which stands in the way of its possession. When God says, "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled," He gave us a divine philosophy concerning the proper seeking. He wants a seeker to We have been amazed at seekers at the altar of prayer; at the listless, lifeless way they have sought. Many times they fail even to make an audible prayer. This is prima facie evidence of a lack of appreciation. When the hunger reaches practical starvation, and the desire becomes sufficient, then the seeker will lay aside all conventionalities and press his claims regardless of people present or opposing foes, and lay hold on the precious prize. How often have we observed the half-hearted seeker make his indifferent prayer and wait awhile and go away without the blessing sought, when at a later time, when intensity took the place of listlessness, and hunger pressed the soul, the agonizing heart pressed through spiritual chloroform, broke loose the padlock from the lips, and soon was rejoicing in the freedom of full salvation! One time the writer was conducting a meeting in Knoxville, Tenn., and a sister came to the altar a number of times. She wanted the blessing, but did not seem to be enough in earnest, although she prayed aloud each time she came. Finally, we said to the sister, "If you will do what I ask you to do, you will get through in five minutes." Of course she wanted We once heard the story of a man who was real hungry for holiness. He was in attendance at some spiritual gathering where a number of people were professing the experience. He cast about in his mind to find some holy man whom he might get to pray with him. After selecting his man, he asked him if he would go into the woods and pray with him that he might obtain the experience of sanctification. The brother was only too glad to go and was ready for the trip There is something about an intensified determination that God honors. The fact is, that He honors faith, and when the seeking soul gets into the state of mind where he feels that he wants the grace more than life, and is determined to have it at any cost, it invariably opens up the way of faith, and the victory at once is his. We once heard of a young man at a campmeeting who was seeking the Lord. When he When all earthly hopes are gone, and one is thrown out alone on the merits of Jesus Christ, it is then that faith takes hold and the victory comes. It is certainly a sad sight at the altar when some daughter is crying her way to God in a penitential grief, to have her foolish mother kneel down beside her and begin to stroke her and say, "My dear child, you have always been a good girl." Immediately note how the girl drops the Mr. Charles G. Finney tells of a woman in one of his meetings who was much burdened on account of her sins. Mr. Finney was stopping at her house and daily he was called upon to come and pray for the woman. He responded from time to time and prayed for her the best he knew how, but found out that it was doing no good. Finally, the Lord showed him that the woman was depending upon his prayers instead of the Lord. The next time she asked him to come and pray for her, he said, "I will pray for you no more." Heartbroken and alarmed she threw herself on the mercy of the Lord and was saved at once. Christ must be depended upon alone. Other props must go. He needs no earthly help to save a sinner or sanctify a believer. And when the struggle is over and the pearl of full salvation is found, it will be observed that the harder the struggle and the more it cost, the more will it be appreciated. It is quite apparent that the cause of the fearful decadence of religion on every hand is the failure of obtaining the real thing on the one hand, and the failure to appreciate on the other. How some can claim Christ today and sell Him out tomorrow, is a marvel. The way to appreciate anything is to note what one will be with it, and what he will be without it. What is one with this great pearl in his possession? Reader, how much is Christ worth? How much do you appreciate His gift? Let us ask some who let it slip. Judas, what is it worth? What is Christ worth to you? The answer is, "Sixteen dollars and ninety-six cents." That was his price for the Savior; the price of a slave in the olden times if he were killed by a beast; the lowest price placed upon a human being. Demas, how much is it worth? The answer is, "The love of this present world," for that is what he obtained. Saul, what is your salvation worth? "The gratifying of a jealous disposition," for he sold out on that line, till it turned to anger, then hatred and then murder, till finally he was utterly forsaken by God, and he turned into a spiritualist, consulted the witch of Endor, went into battle, committed suicide and passed off from the stage of action here. Solomon, |