IT IS NOTED FOR ITS PERENNIAL FRESHNESSThe palm tree is an evergreen. It always has a fresh, green crown on top, on the heavenly side. Some parts may wither; some leaves fade and fall in time, but up at the top is a never-fading, fresh, beautiful crown that basks in the open sunlight and is a beauty to behold. Now, pilgrim, press up alongside of this characteristic and see if you have the mark. The palm tree blessing is always a fresh blessing. Those who are so fortunate as to have this experience have a freshness about them that makes others desire it. There is nothing stale nor dry in their testimonies or prayers. With this beautiful characteristic, one does not say over the same old testimony, repeat the same stereotyped prayer at family worship, nor ask the same blessing at the table over and over. You might note the next time you say grace at the table, and then ask yourself if you have the palm tree blessing. How refreshing some people's testimonies always are! We are sure to get something new. Even if it is old, it is set forth in a new garb, and people enjoy it and get blessed. They have a perennial freshness in their lives, and a storehouse from which to draw, so There are some saints that are always in demand in meetings because they are so juicy and blessed. There is such a crown of rejoicing toward heaven in it all, that the meeting is sure to rise in interest and power whenever they take part. Have you ever noticed a meeting that begins to rise with each succeeding testimony? One speaks and the spiritual thermometer goes up a little, then another in the Spirit talks out his heart, and up goes the temperature another degree or so, and thus it rises till it reaches a good, warm level, when suddenly some one arises and instantly down goes the thermometer. The meeting has cooled off several degrees. What was the matter? Will you kindly notice the next time you testify, and see if the thermometer goes up or down? Then ask yourself about this blessing, providing you cooled the meeting off. What is the reason, when some people talk or pray, the saints seem to be so glad? They take it for granted that they are going to get something helpful and interesting, and that the meeting will get a boost. On the other hand, why is it when certain others take part, there is a sort of inward sigh, "uttered or unexpressed," and a settling down to endure the ordeal till he gets through? We will let the reader answer. Oh, to be fresh, and free, and full of the Spirit all the time! The Word declares that "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." The liberty of the Spirit The story is told of Amanda Smith, the colored evangelist, who felt one time that she should lift her hand in the service and say, "Glory to God." At first she wondered if that was best under the circumstances, but felt the prompting was of the Lord, so she lifted her hand and shouted it out. Immediately the blessing of God was precipitated upon the congregation and a wonderful time of freedom was the result. We knew a brother who said he felt impressed once to do a similar thing, but he allowed something to hold him back, and so grieved the Spirit, and he declared it The amusing story is told of Frederick Douglas who rose from slavery to quite a place in history. When in bondage in the South, he was wont to pray the Lord to give him his freedom. But he said the Lord did not answer his prayer. Again and again he prayed, but the Lord did not answer his petition. "One night," said he, "I went out and set my eyes on the North Star, and scratched gravel behind, and then the Lord answered my prayer." No wonder the paper he afterwards edited was called the North Star. If more people who are in bondage to fear, and are longing at the same time for deliverance, would do as this |