THE PALM TREE IS NOTED FOR ITS STRAIGHTNESSThere is something in the very nature of this remarkable production, that scarcely allows of any departure from the perpendicular. The palm tree will grow straight. One seldom sees a crooked one. We remember seeing one, but it was dead. Now, if we have the palm tree blessing, we are spiritually straight. God's people are straight. They are straight in their homes, in the church, in their business, with the world, with each other and with God. In their business deals they will not stoop to any underhanded trickery either on a big scale or little. They will even swear to their own hurt and change not. They will put themselves out to hunt up the conductor in order to pay their nickle fare before they leave the car. They never leave the counter with a surplus of change if they know it. They are careful about not using many words in buying and selling. They never cover up the defects and make prominent the good points in their deals. They endeavor to observe the Golden Rule, doing unto others as they would have others do to them. They will surely overcome any stingy element in their makeup, if previously possessed with such a factor. They will not lavish One of the greatest stumbling blocks to the world today is the crookedness of so many so-called saints. The world knows when we walk straight. They may call one an old fogy, brand him as a fanatic, say he has gone crazy over religion, but at the same time they will say, "He pays his grocery bills." And perchance a sinner is dying and wants prayer, he will send for the very one he called fanatical and crazy. Do you think, dear reader, that you would be the one he would call upon for prayer? The story is told of a man who was felling a tree, and was buried beneath the branches as it fell. On being extricated he was found to be mortally injured. A physician was summoned, and saw at once that the poor man must soon die. Being interested in his spiritual welfare, he told the man plainly that he could not live, and advised him to make his preparation to meet God, suggesting at the same time that he send for a certain neighbor who was a deacon in the church. Upon the mention of this deacon's name, the dying man recoiled, and said, "I hate him. He has lived alongside of me for years and has never said a word to me about my soul." It is said that the palm tree has such a natural tendency to grow straight, that it will not grow crooked though heavy burdens be placed upon it. It will push up in spite of all the load, and simply remain straight. |