In this coast region of the Northwest, shrubs, trees, and vines develop rapidly and give sooner to the garden the appearance of completeness than is the case in the drier climates. An authority from Portland says: "The growing season is long, lasting from March 1 to November 1, and in the places where lawns are well kept they are green throughout the entire winter. At this period, however, the grass does not grow enough to require clipping. Several shrubs, such as the Laurestinus, remain in foliage throughout the entire winter. Usually a few belated Roses are found on the bushes as late as Christmas, not the perfect blooms of summer, by any means, but sufficiently good-looking to adorn a vase in the drawing-room. The freezing weather would ordinarily come in January and be very limited in duration." In February the spring bulbs, Daffodils and Forsythia, appear. At Tacoma and throughout the coast section of Washington the climate differs but slightly from that of Portland, Oregon, the latter having probably less rain and mist, but the whole coast is ideal for flowers. The summer is the dryest season, when gardens will require some sprinkling Near Tacoma, among majestic surroundings of forest and lake, with Mount Tacoma as a background, are the famous gardens of Thornewood, rich in flowers and shrubs and splendid garden architecture. Trees and hedges will wither and die, but the "everlasting hills" and the silver waters of American Lake will form a perpetual background to this beautiful place, built in 1880 and standing as the pioneer great garden of the State. Gardens even in the cities are becoming numerous, and attached to many fine residences the planting, though now in its youth, promises to add great adornment in the near future to these municipalities of the Northwest. Mr. Merrill's spacious place in Seattle, partly shown in two small views, illustrates the delightful possibilities of a town garden. The Rose hedge and lovely Rose garden at Rose Crest are typical of hundreds of others in Portland. The hedges are usually made up of Madame Caroline Testout Roses, the most popular sort there; in fact, Portland's official emblem. By June 1, along the curbing of the avenues, Cliff Cottage and High Hatch, both about six miles south of Portland, on the Willamette River, possess gardens in their beginning, both interestingly planned and already known to garden lovers even beyond the limits of that State. The Cliff Cottage garden is designed in four terraces, with a rich background of primeval trees. Dwarf fruit trees and vegetables fill the beds that are all bordered with flowers. The stone stairway leading to the several terraces is in keeping with the natural surroundings of a wooded hillside. Rock planting is also a feature. The landscape in the distance is a beautiful outlook. High Hatch has a combination of upper and lower garden, partly in a rock garden, spread out over considerable undulating land with winding gravel paths and stone stairs connecting the various parts. A wide white stone balustrade divides the broad lawn from the gardens below, and a fine growth of aged pines completes the adornment of the place. "Thornewood," Tacoma, Wash. Mrs. Chester Thorne "Thornewood" "Thornewood," Tacoma, Wash. Chester Thorne, Esq. Seattle, Wash. Robert Merrill, Esq. Seattle, Wash. Robert Merrill, Esq. Section of a Rose hedge bordering an avenue in Portland, Ore. "Rosecrest," Portland Heights, Portland, Ore. Mrs. F.I. Fuller A garden in three terraces "Cliff Cottage," Elk Rock, Portland, Ore. Peter Kerr, Esq. A rock garden leading to formal garden "High Hatch," Riverwood, Portland, Ore. Thomas Kerr, Esq. |