Flower gardens adorn many of the places in Maryland, most of them of the old-fashioned kind so characteristic of the Southern States, and others of a more recent date. The latter, though less elaborate than those of New England, are quite as attractive in the studied simplicity of their design. Conspicuous often are the Ivy-edged paths sometimes replacing the low Box border, and the great growths of Box and rare shrubs, once imported luxuries from old England, speak the prosperity of early days. In the low country of the interior the midsummer climate is humid and hot enough to discourage the flowers of this season, but when certain annuals are kept sufficiently moist and mulched they may pass unscathed through the trying season and join the few fall perennials for several weeks of bloom. Winter protection is not a matter of importance and Pansies need but an ordinary covering of leaves. An extreme of cold, which is rare, might bring disaster to the leaf-covered Canterbury Bell in the open, but this is one of the gambles in garden life. In Maryland, as generally elsewhere in this section, spring and June gardens prevail. The Crocus season opens in early March; Daffodils follow a little later; late Tulips and German Iris come near May 1; Sweet William and Peonies about May 20; and soon after the Delphiniums and Hollyhocks appear. Spring work begins three weeks earlier than in the latitude of Long Island, and frost may finish the persistent Marigold near November 1; but, as elsewhere, by that time green life has had its day, vitality has been spent, and nothing satisfactory can be expected of any but the hardy late Chrysanthemum. There is another region of this State to be separately accounted for that has been more or less overlooked, and where the climate is more inviting to summer gardening. From near Snow Hill, on the narrow peninsula south of Delaware, a resident writes in part: "As to this eastern shore, its flowers, climate, etc., too much cannot be said in its praise. The wonder is that this section has been overlooked by wealthy people seeking homes. With proper planting one can have flowers in the garden ten months of the year. During the winter Holly and other choice evergreens give plenty of color for the lawns." The distance across between the Chesapeake Bay and the sea is about thirty-five miles. Near the shore the place has a climate of its own, and summer gardens need not wilt as they do inland, providing they can at times be moderately sprinkled. Usually the summer climate is pleasant with an evening sea-breeze in hot weather; sometimes The illustrations representing Maryland are gathered from the vicinity of Baltimore, the particular garden region of the State. Hampton is the oldest of them all, being an entailed estate and one of two old manor-houses in Maryland still extant. A severe cold snap a few winters past did great damage to the Box, which in consequence had to be cut back, but time, it is hoped, may restore its original form and beauty. The spring view of one of Hampton's gardens was taken recently prior to the period of fullest bloom. This charming Box-edged parterre, with its fine surroundings and associations, is possibly the best-known in the South. Evergreen-on-Avenue is delightfully located on the outskirts of Baltimore, where many old country-seats abound. The lower garden only is discernible in the illustration, showing the dignity and charm of an evergreen garden, relieved by a massing of color in narrow beds which form a setting to the clipped Box and other shrubs. The upper garden is full of bloom and kept chiefly as a place for cutting-flowers. Some of the paths on this estate are edged with broad bands of Ivy. The wild garden at Roland Park is a work of art too intricately devised to be treated satisfactorily by picture or pen. The eye can only absorb and memory retain it, The old Indian name for the Cylburn plantation was Cool Waters; it covers two hundred acres, about five miles beyond Baltimore. Cylburn House is of stone with broad verandas, and stands majestically on a high plateau, surrounded by gardens, shrubbery, and an extensive lawn, which is fringed by a beautiful primeval forest that stretches away on three sides to the valley below. The garden is one of the old-fashioned rambling kind, made lovely with a combination of tall shrubs and flowers and occasional trees. The fair little glimpse of a section of the garden at Ingleside breathes of spring perfume and color, with that indescribable sense of peace pervading especially a little enclosed garden where good taste and harmony prevail. So great is the impression of seclusion produced by the attractive picture that the farmer's cottage in the near background seems almost disconnected from this inviting spot. The four white standard Wistarias are remarkable enough to demand special attention. The beds are early filled with the Tulips of both periods, blooming in company At The Blind, Havre de Grace, on the Chesapeake, is a charming and typically Southern garden with ancient Box hedges for a background, and filled with the bloom of many old-fashioned hardy plants and shrubs. The property of two hundred acres is partly under cultivation and partly covered with Holly and ancient trees. Around the gray stone mansion in springtime the place is like a fairy-land, with hundreds of blossoming shrubs and fruit trees. Originally the land belonged to the Stumpp family, who acquired it by grant from one of the early English governors. It is now in the possession of a New Yorker, who keeps it as a shooting-preserve and stock-farm. A rock garden A rock garden Roland Park, Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Edward Bouton After autochrome photographs "Hampton," Towson, Md. Mrs. John Ridgely From a photograph by Laurence H. Fowler "Evergreen-on-Avenue," Baltimore, Md. Mrs. T. Harrison Garrett From a photograph by Christhill Studio "Cylburn House," Cylburn, Baltimore Co., Md. Mrs. Bruce Cotten From a photograph by Art View Co. "Ingleside," Catonsville, Md. Mrs. A.C. Ritchie "The Blind," Havre de Grace, Md. James Lawrence Breese, Esq. |