With dreams of the English gardens ever before them, our Pilgrim fathers and mothers brought flower and vegetable seeds to the new land, and the earliest entries in old Plymouth records contain mention of "garden plotes."[1] John Josselyn, fifty years later, wrote a book called "New England Rarities Discovered," including a list of plants originally brought from old England, mentioning those suitable or not for this climate, and showing that our ancestors had lost no time in planting not only vegetables for the benefit of their bodies but flowers as well for the cheer of their souls.
The New England States naturally have the largest representation in this book, owing to the fact that the climate of numerous Western and Southern States causes many of the inhabitants to find summer homes near the North Atlantic seaboard. It is not that the New Englander is a more ardent gardener, but rather that ardent gardeners from elsewhere are tempted by the soil and climate to join the Easterners in creating these flower "plotes," which beautify hundreds of hamlets in this section. On the coast particularly flowers grow most luxuriantly, even within a few hundred yards of the surf, where snug gardens protected by windbreak hedges blossom as serenely as in an inland meadow. Not long ago most people believed that gardening or gardens near the sea were an impossibility; but when they realized the hardiness of certain dense shrubs that make perfect hedges and windbreaks, gardens on the shore sprang rapidly into existence, and we of the inland are apt to envy nature's partiality to seaside flowers.
At Bar Harbor on the island of Mount Desert, Maine, as in other places of this latitude, the season, of course, begins later and ends sooner than near New York City. The flowering period is from five to six weeks shorter at Bar Harbor. However, the wonderful summer climate somewhat atones for this briefer season, and the gardens of Maine can boast of unusual luxuriance, in richness of color and size of plants, with but little heat or prolonged drought to affect their best development. The hardier seeds sown in the open will germinate in mid-May; tender annuals in June; the plants of tender annuals go out soon after June 10. Daffodils appear about May 15, followed by late Tulips; German Iris appears in the week of June 10; Sweet William and Roses in early July; Delphinium in mid-July, and Hollyhocks about July 28. Late Phlox is at its best by mid-August.
Thus the plants beginning to bloom near New York City in May and early June do not, on account of the colder spring, appear at Bar Harbor for several weeks to come, when they unite their bloom with the flowers of a later period. The slow-coming spring retards earlier bloom, but has less effect on that of midsummer. The summer residents owning gardens in Maine rarely arrive much before the last of June, and consequently such early bloomers as Tulips, etc., are not seen as often as in the milder climates. In this northern State frost usually destroys the garden by September 15.
Not only is it possible to grow all the favorite flowers along the shore, but even on the islands lying off the coast of Maine there are innumerable little gardens, such as those at Isleborough, which revel in the moist sea climate of midsummer and blossom most satisfactorily until frost. At this point it is interesting to contrast the climate of the North Atlantic section with the region directly across the continent along the Pacific coast, where at Vancouver's Island, for instance, plant life enjoys a climate similar to that of England, with a growing season quite as prolonged.
There are beautiful gardens at Bar Harbor, on the estates along the shore as well as farther inland. Most of them, screened by fine growths of trees and shrubbery from view of the highway, are equally well protected from sea-winds, blooming luxuriantly in spite of the fact that not very long ago the best authorities believed that gardens on this shore could never prosper. Two of the most noted at Mount Desert are shown in the following pages.
At Kenarden Lodge the garden in the clear atmosphere of this northern climate is most beautiful in form and coloring, and its background of distant hills combines to intensify the charm of this famous place, which is in bloom all summer. The centre beds are filled with annuals in prevailing colors of pink, blue, and white, noticeably Snapdragon, Ageratum, Sweet Alyssum, pink Geranium, and Begonia. Planted in masses, these and other dependable annuals blossom as long as needed. The broad green sod paths act as a setting to the delicate hues covering the beds. The perennials are banked against the vine-covered walls.
The Blair Eyrie garden on the High Brook Road is equally inviting and contains many other attractive features beyond the limits of this restricted view. Peacefully retired behind its boundaries of trimmed hedge and dense woodland, it must always delight the flower lover. Perennials abound with a good supply of enlivening annuals. Its surroundings of evergreen trees are in strong contrast to the brilliant tones of Phlox, Lilies, Hydrangeas, and Hollyhocks, and this garden as seen from an upper terrace is a blaze of lovely color framed in green.
In southern Maine the garden at Hamilton House has no rival in that section of New England. The hand of an artist has wrought a perfect scheme delightfully in accord with an ideal environment; but pictures cannot do it justice. Within the grassy court of the main garden the several small open beds are filled with groups of annuals. The rear beds contain tall-growing perennials mixed with some annuals. There are weeks when the garden is all pink, and again all blue and white. It is surrounded on three sides with most artistic pergolas, from one side of which the view down the Piscataqua River is a picturesque feature. Stone steps on another side lead to an upper garden filled with bloom surrounding a quaint and ancient little building kept as a studio. In isolation, simplicity, and ripeness the atmosphere of the whole place breathes of olden days, and might well be taken as a model for a perfect American garden. Its gates may be seen in a later section.>
PLATE 1 "Kenarden Lodge," Mrs. John S. Kennedy, Bar Harbor, Maine PLATE 1
"Kenarden Lodge," Mrs. John S. Kennedy, Bar Harbor, Maine
PLATE 2 "Blair Eyrie," Bar Harbor, Maine PLATE 2
"Blair Eyrie," Bar Harbor, Maine
Garden of the late D.C. Blair, Esq.
PLATE 3 "Hamilton House," South Berwick, Maine. Mrs. George S. Tyson PLATE 3
"Hamilton House," South Berwick, Maine. Mrs. George S. Tyson
PLATE 4 End of pergola PLATE 4
End of pergola
PLATE 5 Garden looking east PLATE 5
Garden looking east
"Hamilton House," South Berwick, Maine. Mrs. George S. Tyson
Side by side, these twin States have much in common—climate, mountains, and old historical associations included. Owing to the short, cool summers of this latitude and altitude, there may be less attention given to flowers than in other parts of New England. But the few illustrations in the following pages are fine evidences of garden art, at least in the region of Cornish, the abode of artists, and where gardens are plentiful. The season opens about four weeks later than near New York City, and in early September frost lays waste the splendid bloom while still in its prime. Although flowers are slow in appearing, a perfection of growth later makes up for lost time. In fact, climatic conditions are so favorable to summer plants that, once started, the garden tasks are lighter than in warmer climates, where drought and pests are more prevalent.
Possibly the most famous of Cornish gardens is that of Charles A. Platt, Esq., whose beautiful gardens in several States are numerous and noted. His own hillside place is a labyrinth of flowers, admirably suiting the environment, spacious and dignified in its rich simplicity.
Perfectly in accord also with the atmosphere of this mountain country is the lovely garden of Stephen Parrish, Esq., delightfully unique and suggesting a little English garden. This enclosure of flowers is but a section of a broader plan where pool, grass, and trees are pleasant factors.
Mrs. Hyde's garden is a mass of bloom composed chiefly of the longest-lived annuals and giving a charming color effect to this picturesque spot.
The best gardens of Vermont, with its still greater area of uplands, are probably those in and around Manchester and Bennington. They are usually of the simplest character, and lovely under the personal care of devoted owners. One worthy of special attention is seen in the view of Longmeadow garden, which is an example of the great value of trees as a background, and a strong argument in their behalf. As a gem needs a setting, so the flowers, in even the most modest planting, are doubly fair when framed in luxuriant green.
PLATE 6 Cornish, N.H. Charles A. Platt, Esq. PLATE 6
Cornish, N.H. Charles A. Platt, Esq.
From a photograph by Jessie Tarbox Beals
PLATE 7 Cornish, N.H. Charles A. Platt, Esq. PLATE 7
Cornish, N.H. Charles A. Platt, Esq.
PLATE 8 Cornish, N.H. Mrs. George Rublee PLATE 8
Cornish, N.H. Mrs. George Rublee
From photographs by Jessie Tarbox Beals
PLATE 9 Cornish, N.H. Stephen Parrish, Esq. PLATE 9
Cornish, N.H. Stephen Parrish, Esq.
From a photograph by Jessie Tarbox Beals
PLATE 10 Cornish, N.H. Mrs. William H. Hyde PLATE 10
Cornish, N.H. Mrs. William H. Hyde
From a photograph by Jessie Tarbox Beals
PLATE 11 Old Bennington, Vt. Mrs. James A. Eddy PLATE 11
Old Bennington, Vt. Mrs. James A. Eddy
Probably no other section of the Union contains as many gardens, old and new, as does this fertile State, combining the advantages natural to the altitude of the beautiful Berkshires with the favorable climate of the coast. People representing nearly every State help to form the summer colonies of New England, more especially in Massachusetts. Everywhere the luxuriance of bloom is very marked and most noticeable on the coast, where all plants, especially certain less long-lived annuals like Poppies, Salpiglossis, and Mallows, reach their limit of perfection and continue at their best for an unusual period. In the latitude of Boston the season starts two weeks later than near New York City, and the gardens, beginning in the German Iris period, open about the fifth of June. The Sweet William and its contemporaries follow by late June; the Delphinium period is early July; Hollyhocks come about July 20. Tender annuals can be safely planted out soon after June 1.
The garden season in the hill country opens a few days later than at Boston, and in the Berkshires the frost is apt to destroy the garden before September 20. Where the thermometer may drop occasionally to twenty degrees below zero, ample winter covering is necessary, and snow adds its still better protection to the plants during most of the winter months. The average summer heat is not excessive and, although droughts must sometimes be reckoned with, the water supply is generally sufficient.
It would be a serious matter to attempt to name the best gardens in this State, for who could judge where such an infinite variety exists? At least some of the best examples in photography can be given, although each view but hints at the fuller beauty to be found in the garden itself.
Of the many wonderful gardens in Massachusetts possibly the most remarkable of all is Weld, in Brookline, which is known to gardeners far and wide. There is nothing in America more extensive and more richly planted. The numerous beds are filled with bloom for many weeks, and each bed contains a massing of one variety, whether perennials or annuals, which, when it has finished flowering, is replaced by something of another period. The French features in the garden are prominent and the planting may be considered American in some respects—altogether a most pleasant combination.
Of a distinctly opposite type but equally delightful is Holm Lea, near Brookline, and a score of photographs would be necessary to depict this place of flowering shrubs and perennial bloom bordering the winding grass paths leading from one lovely spot to another.
An extremely interesting and unusual type in America is the stately green garden at Wellesley, at this time without a rival in its particular style of planting. Because of its frequent appearance in various magazines of the country it is too well known to need further description.
Of still another class and very beautiful is one of the most noted gardens in the Berkshires planned entirely by the owner of Fairlawn, Lenox. It is a series of formal gardens, in coloring and setting most perfectly devised. But how useless a photographic description when applied to a combination of gardens spread over one or two acres! Several pools and many old shade-trees play an important part, and its charm is still more enhanced by the wide view of the distant hills fitting so perfectly into the garden scheme.
Three fine illustrations of Bellefontaine but feebly suggest the beauty of a place made of splendid gardens, pools, and temple, long shaded grass walks lined with statuary and other features of Roman art, blending with the natural attractions of this estate. Gardens, lawns, and ponds have the rich woodlands as background, the hedges and shrubs are developed maturely, and everywhere there are charming effects in "green life." Most of this work, it is interesting to add, has been accomplished under the direction of the owner.
Picturesque indeed are other Lenox gardens, including White Lodge. The latter place is noted for its little white garden enclosed in a tall green hedge, and the main garden, especially in June and August, contains a delicious color scheme. Broad grass steps are another feature of the place. Views were not obtainable in time for this volume.
At Fernbrooke is found the garden of an artist and sculptor, a study in color and in garden design most artistically planned, but rambling enough to prevent a connected view in photography. Golden Italian gourds pendent from the pergolas; standard currant bushes bordering a path and covered with red berries as late as September; dwarf fruit trees too, used decoratively, are among the happy points of interest.
The scheme of the garden of a famous sculptor at Chesterwood, in Glendale, is not as dependent on flowers as on the well-considered adjustment of garden equipment to the natural beauty of the environment. Sunshine mingling with the shadows of the spreading trees plays its part by giving life and color in changeful tones to the old stone seat and fountain. The vine-covered arch frames a view of the flower-bordered path which fades away into a woodland, and these with other sights gladsome to lovers of such art have given Chesterwood its place in the ranks of beautiful gardens.
At Riverside Farm, overhanging the beautiful Tyringham Valley, and possessing possibly the most wonderful of all Berkshire views, is the dainty garden shown in the accompanying illustrations. It is the work of an artist, and truly a place of delight. The garden nestles to the hillside, enclosed in a low stone wall. On one side the sloping hill down which winding rough stone steps descend to the garden; on another side a rustic pergola and pool; the third side a line of old apple trees overhanging the wall; the fourth side contains the simple entrance, and beyond the boundaries on all three sides—the wonderful view.
At Naumkeag, Stockbridge, the formal garden full of bloom, which is part of a larger plan, has a wide-spread reputation. It is especially noted for its battlement-cut hedge, and has as an accessory a splendid landscape background, so common to the Berkshires and so desirable to the garden beautiful. "Naumkeag" is the Indian name for Salem, meaning "Haven of Rest."
Recently completed at Great Barrington, the spacious garden at Brookside is the best piece of Italian work in this section. The accompanying illustration gives but a faint idea of its size, its flowers, and its many other fine points.
The two pictures illustrating the garden at Overloch, Wenham, and at Rock Maple Farm, Hamilton, are still other good examples of the variety and charm of the flower planting of this coast State. Both of these views are unique, and in fact how seldom do we find sameness in gardens!
Mr. Longfellow's place at Cambridge, Doctor Weld's at Brookline, and The Witch's Place at Salem are typical of New England—the paths all edged with Box, which shrub, on account of frost blights, has never attained great height. These gardens are just simple, lovable little places filled with shadows and sunshine, some flowers, and the good scent of Box, which latter always seems so especially essential to old gardens.
PLATE III "Fairlawn," Lenox, Mass. Miss Kneeland PLATE III
"Fairlawn," Lenox, Mass. Miss Kneeland
From autochrome photographs
PLATE 12 "Weld," Brookline, Mass. Mrs. Larz Anderson PLATE 12
"Weld," Brookline, Mass. Mrs. Larz Anderson
From a photograph by The J. Horace McFarland Co.
PLATE 13 "Weld," Brookline, Mass. Mrs. Larz Anderson PLATE 13
"Weld," Brookline, Mass. Mrs. Larz Anderson
From a photograph by Thomas Marr and Son
PLATE 14 "Weld," Brookline, Mass. Mrs. Larz Anderson PLATE 14
"Weld," Brookline, Mass. Mrs. Larz Anderson
From a photograph by Thomas Marr and Son
PLATE 15Wellesley, Mass. H.H. Hunnewell, Esq. PLATE 15
Wellesley, Mass. H.H. Hunnewell, Esq.
From a photograph by Wurts Bros.
PLATE 16 "Holm Lea," Brookline, Mass. Professor C.S. Sargent PLATE 16
"Holm Lea," Brookline, Mass. Professor C.S. Sargent
From a photograph by The J. Horace McFarland Co.
PLATE 17 "Fairlawn," Lenox, Mass. Miss Kneeland PLATE 17
"Fairlawn," Lenox, Mass. Miss Kneeland
From a photograph by William Radford
PLATE 19 "Fairlawn," Lenox, Mass. Miss Kneeland PLATE 19
"Fairlawn," Lenox, Mass. Miss Kneeland
From photographs by William Radford
PLATE 20 "Bellefontaine," Lenox, Mass. Giraud Foster, Esq. PLATE 20
"Bellefontaine," Lenox, Mass. Giraud Foster, Esq.
From a photograph by Jessie Tarbox Beals
PLATE 21 "Bellefontaine," Lenox, Mass. Giraud Foster, Esq. PLATE 21
"Bellefontaine," Lenox, Mass. Giraud Foster, Esq.
From a photograph, copyright, by the Detroit Publishing Co.
PLATE 22 "Bellefontaine," Lenox, Mass. Giraud Foster, Esq. PLATE 22
"Bellefontaine," Lenox, Mass. Giraud Foster, Esq.
From a photograph by Jessie Tarbox Beals
PLATE 23 "Overloch," Wenham, Mass. J.A. Burnham, Esq. PLATE 23
"Overloch," Wenham, Mass. J.A. Burnham, Esq.
From a photograph by Miss M.H. Northend
PLATE 24 "Fernbrooke," Lenox, Mass. Thomas Shields Clark, Esq. PLATE 24
"Fernbrooke," Lenox, Mass. Thomas Shields Clark, Esq.
From a photograph by Jessie Tarbox Beals
PLATE 25 "Chesterwood," Glendale, Mass. Daniel Chester French, Esq. PLATE 25
"Chesterwood," Glendale, Mass. Daniel Chester French, Esq.
From a photograph by Jessie Tarbox Beals
PLATE 27 "Riverside Farm," Tyringham, Mass. Mrs. Banyer Clarkson PLATE 27
"Riverside Farm," Tyringham, Mass. Mrs. Banyer Clarkson
From photographs by Jessie Tarbox Beals
PLATE 28 "Riverside Farm," Tyringham, Mass. Mrs. Banyer Clarkson PLATE 28
"Riverside Farm," Tyringham, Mass. Mrs. Banyer Clarkson
From a photograph by Jessie Tarbox Beals
PLATE 29 "Naum Keag," Stockbridge, Mass. Joseph H. Choate, Esq. PLATE 29
"Naum Keag," Stockbridge, Mass. Joseph H. Choate, Esq.
From a photograph by Jessie Tarbox Beals
PLATE 30 "Brookside," Great Barrington, Mass. Mrs. H. Hall Walker PLATE 30
"Brookside," Great Barrington, Mass. Mrs. H. Hall Walker
From a photograph lent by Ferruccio Vitali
PLATE 31 "Rock Maple Farm," Hamilton, Mass. George von L. Meyer, Esq. PLATE 31
"Rock Maple Farm," Hamilton, Mass. George von L. Meyer, Esq.
From a photograph by Miss M.H. Northend
PLATE 32 Brookline, Mass. Doctor Stephen Weld PLATE 32
Brookline, Mass. Doctor Stephen Weld
From a photograph by The J. Horace McFarland Co.
PLATE 33 Longfellow's Garden, Cambridge, Mass. PLATE 33
Longfellow's Garden, Cambridge, Mass.
From a photograph by The J. Horace McFarland Co.
PLATE 34 Old Witch House, Salem, Mass. PLATE 34
Old Witch House, Salem, Mass.
From a photograph by G.A. Spence
Limited space permits but a suggestion of the various types of planting along the Atlantic coast, which promises to become almost a continuous garden by the sea from New Jersey to Maine. Rhode Island contains some of the most magnificent places in the country, the majority of them situated near bay or sea, where they thrive in congenial environment. The quality of the climate as it affects plant life will be easily realized after reading of the climatic conditions of Massachusetts as well as of those to the south, on Long Island, for instance.
The older gardens are found in the vicinity of Providence, while at Narragansett and Newport those of a later period abound. Newport by the sea, more famous than any other American summer resort, naturally possesses the greatest number of gardens on an elaborate scale. The coast at this point is somewhat sheltered, the air is mild, and there is sea moisture so beneficial to flowers. Windbreaks of hedges or walls are used where the winds blow strong off the water.
Lovely and lovingly planned is the garden at Mariemont, a poetical spot, overflowing with color and sunshine, yet with shadowy retreats, and the stillness that belongs to an enclosure of grass paths. It might be taken for a bit of foreign garden from any part of the world, and possesses a quality of beauty of which one could never tire. The long, broad path with its brilliant border and distant vista is the central division of a charming plan.[2]
Few estates in America are as imposing and as suggestive of the grandeur of an Italian or English country-seat as The Elms, and it is probably among the oldest of Newport's famous places. The illustration is limited to a narrow view of this great, green formal garden in some sections of which flowers are included in rich profusion.
Probably no place at Newport is more noted for its beauty than Vernon Court, and, while necessity forces the omission of pictures showing many of its most elaborate features, a view of the stately formal garden is a welcome addition to this collection which aims to present a variety in types of planting in a few large formal gardens, as well as in those which are smaller and more personal. Vernon Court is not a new garden; it is unspoiled by garish accessories, and to the lover of the garden majestic it represents a perfect type.
At Warren, near Providence, the place at Villaserra is delightfully located, sloping to a bay. Here is one of the favored gardens where old trees take an important part; in fact, of such consequence are they that the garden was undoubtedly made to the scheme of the trees and the water beyond—a beautiful sanctuary of blossoms and green life, shut in from the discord of the outside world.
PLATE 35 "Mariemont," Newport, R.I. Mrs. Thomas J. Emory PLATE 35
"Mariemont," Newport, R.I. Mrs. Thomas J. Emory
From a photograph, copyright, by Miss Johnston—Mrs. Hewitt
PLATE 36 "The Elms," Newport, R.I. Edward J. Berwind, Esq. PLATE 36
"The Elms," Newport, R.I. Edward J. Berwind, Esq.
From a photograph, copyright by Miss Johnston—Mrs. Hewitt
PLATE 37 "Vernon Court," Newport, R.I. Mrs. Richard Gambrill PLATE 37
"Vernon Court," Newport, R.I. Mrs. Richard Gambrill
From a photograph by Alman & Co.
PLATE 38 "Villaserra," Warren, R.I. Reverend Joseph Hutcheson PLATE 38
"Villaserra," Warren, R.I. Reverend Joseph Hutcheson
From a photograph lent by C.A. Platt, Esq.
Connecticut gardens are many, both inland and along the shores of the Sound. Those of the hilly western section have the advantage of a somewhat cooler altitude. Otherwise it is unnecessary to give further details as to climatic conditions,[3] as the northern boundary is about a hundred miles distant from northern New Jersey and the temperatures differ but little, although of course every hundred miles northward makes gardening a somewhat simpler proposition, because of slightly cooler conditions as well as a shortened flower season.
In a reputed true story of the long-ago settlement of Old Saybrook there is mention of a woman's flower-garden, doubtless the earliest on Long Island Sound. Here the sheltered inlets and bays must have seemed a welcome haven to our Pilgrim fathers from the wind-swept coast of Plymouth, whence they had wandered, probably seeking fertile farmland. The gardens of this State, with some notable exceptions, are mainly those of a simpler type, made and tended by their owners, who living in them, will continue to beautify them more and more as time goes on. These unpretentious creations of flower lovers often show originality not always found in gardens of a more formal design, and might be considered typically American.
Following the idea of simplicity, the first two illustrations of this chapter portray the "lovesome spot," where flowers predominate, with nothing to recall the splendor of other lands. A place for the harboring of flowers for the sake of the flowers, and this was surely the thought that brooded over the first New England gardens planted in the early half of the seventeenth century, when American gardens had their beginning.
The glimpse through the arched gateway of the garden at Knock-Mae-Cree—in old Irish, Hill of My Heart—(Plate 168), and the curtailed view of the flowery planting in the Woodside garden stimulate a longing further to penetrate into these lovely sanctums.
The garden at Elmwood is partly illustrated in the accompanying picture—it is further gracefully adorned with pergola and pool. Liberally designed without being elaborate, it has a charm that is all its own.
Of quite another character is the perfect formal garden at Pomfret Center, appealing to the garden lover for its surpassing beauty in flower bloom, enhanced by the graceful architectural lines of the buildings surrounding the enclosure, and giving it the sense of complete privacy.
Still another type of garden seen occasionally in America is that at Branford House, a magnificent estate at Groton near New London, and one of the famous places of that popular summer resort. This stately garden suggests some of the foreign gardens familiar to us through travel and books.
PLATE 39 "Woodside," Hartford, Conn. Walter L. Goodwin, Esq. PLATE 39
"Woodside," Hartford, Conn. Walter L. Goodwin, Esq.
From a photograph by The J. Horace McFarland Co.
PLATE 40 "Elmwood," Pomfret, Conn. Vinton Freedley, Esq. PLATE 40
"Elmwood," Pomfret, Conn. Vinton Freedley, Esq.
From a photograph by Miss E.M. Boult
PLATE 41 Pomfret Centre, Conn. Mrs. Randolph M. Clark PLATE 41
Pomfret Centre, Conn. Mrs. Randolph M. Clark
From a photograph by Miss E.M. Boult
PLATE 42 "Branford House," Groton, Conn. Morton F. Plant, Esq. PLATE 42
"Branford House," Groton, Conn. Morton F. Plant, Esq.
PLATE 43 Pomfret Centre, Conn. Mrs. Randolph M. Clark PLATE 43
Pomfret Centre, Conn. Mrs. Randolph M. Clark
From a photograph by Miss E.M. Boult