THE ETHICS OF DIET. A CATENA OF AUTHORITIES DEPRECATORY OF THE PRACTICE OF FLESH-EATING. 348 pp., 8vo. BY HOWARD WILLIAMS, M.A. "I consider it a very valuable work."—Colonel J. M. Earle. "The Catena is good and useful."—Frances E. Hoggan, M.D. "'The Ethics of Diet' much pleases me."—T. K. Cheyne, M.A. Price Five Shillings; Post free from the Office of the Vegetarian Society, 75, Princess Street, Manchester. ESSAYS ON DIET, BEING Collected Lectures and Papers on Vegetarian Diet. By FRANCIS WILLIAM NEWMAN. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co.; and the Vegetarian Society, 75, Princess Street, Manchester. PRICE ONE FLORIN. THE PERFECT WAY IN DIET: A TREATISE ADVOCATING A RETURN TO THE NATURAL AND By ANNA KINGSFORD, Doctor of Medicine of the Faculty of Paris. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co., 1, Paternoster Square; or from the Vegetarian Society, 75, Princess Street, Manchester. PRICE ONE FLORIN. Price 6d. 64pp., 8vo. Post free, 7d. "ALMONDS AND RAISINS" FOR 1884. Edited by R. BAILEY WALKER, F.S.S. CONTAINS:— Mushrooms and Toadstools. By H. S. S. 75, Princess Street, Manchester. PRICE SIXPENCE. POST FREE, SEVENPENCE. THE HYGEIAN HOME COOK-BOOK: HEALTHFUL AND PALATABLE FOOD WITHOUT CONDIMENTS. By R. T. TRALL, M.D. First English Edition, with Chapters on Bread, Pies, Puddings, Soups, Sauces, Vegetables, Fruits, &c. Also with Appendix on Hygienic Bread-Making, Fruit Preserving, &c. By Mrs. MATTIE JONES. VEGETIST'S DIETARY AND MANUAL OF VEGETABLE COOKERY. By "Domestica." Fourth Edition. Revised. Price Sixpence. Cloth, One Shilling. PRICE SIXPENCE. OUT-DOOR FRUIT FOR THE MILLION: HOW TO GROW IT IN LARGE AND CONTINUOUS QUANTITY, BY SIMPLE AND INEXPENSIVE MEANS. FIFTH, AND AUTHORISED EDITION, REVISED AND ILLUSTRATED. By "Head Gardener." Manchester: Offices of the Vegetarian Society, 75, Princess Street. THE SHELLEY SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS FOR 1886. The Society's Publications for 1886 will be at least twelve of the following fourteen:—