
Anna—Indian coin, value about two cents.
Ayah—a nurse.
Bearer—body servant or personal attendant.
Chapati—the common bread of India.
Charpoy—a cot-bed.
Chokidar—night watchman.
Chota hazri—light, early breakfast.
Dhersy—the Indian man who does the family sewing.
Durbar—official levee of an Indian prince or ruler.
Ekka—a two-wheeled, springless conveyance.
Gari or gharry—a four-wheeled, closed carriage.
Gariwala—driver of a gari.
Ghat—sacred stairway on river bank adjoining a temple.
Hookah—a water pipe.
Kusti—sacred girdle of the Parsis.
Memsahib—Indian name for European lady.
Pan or pawn—Indian substitute for chewing-gum or tobacco, made by wrapping bits of nuts and lime in the leaves of the betel.
Pice—small Indian coin, value about one-half cent.
Punkah—a large screen-like fan swung from the ceiling.
Purdah—curtain hung for the seclusion of women. "In purdah"—in seclusion.
Rupee—silver coin, value about thirty-three and one-third cents.
Sahib—Indian name for European gentleman.
Sari—a long piece of cloth constituting the principal garment of the Indian woman.
Topi—a sola—a pith hat.


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