WOMEN STUDENTS FROM OTHER COUNTRIES. THE BRITISH FEDERATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN. INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN. INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN. President: The Council is composed of representatives of each national federation or association holding membership in the International Federation, in addition to the four officers elected for the period 1920-22, whose names are printed above. The purpose of the Federation is to promote understanding and friendship between the University women of the nations of the world, and thereby to further their interests and develop between their countries sympathy and mutual helpfulness. The means by which the Federation seeks to realise its aims are: (1) encouragement and organisation of exchange of lecturers and students between the Universities; (2) endowment of international scholarships and fellowships; (3) establishment of club-houses and other centres of international hospitality in the cities of the world; (4) co-operation with the national bureaux of international education established in the various countries. Contributions towards the endowment of scholarships, the establishment of club-houses and other branches of the work of the Federation will be very welcome and should be sent to the Treasurer or to the Secretary. Further information will be found on the back cover. HIGHER EDUCATION FOR WOMEN IN GREAT BRITAIN.BY |