
American State Papers, I., Foreign Relations, I; V., Indian Affairs, I.; XVI., Public Lands, I., Washington, 1832, 1833.

Beck, Lewis M., A Gazetteer of the States of Illinois and Missouri. Albany 1823.

Birkbeck, Morris. Letters from Illinois. Philadelphia 1818.

Birkbeck, Morris. Notes on a journey in America. London, 1818.

Brackenridge, H. M. Views of Louisiana together with a journal of a voyage up the Missouri River in 1811. Pittsburg 1814

Brown, Samuel R. Western Gazetteer or Emigrant's Directory. Auburn 1817.

Bullock, William. Sketch of a journey through the western states of North America from New Orleans by the Mississippi, Ohio, City of Cincinnati, and Falls of Niagara to New York in 1827. London 1827. Reprinted in Thwaites' Early Western Travels, XIX.

Burnet, Jacob. Notes on the early settlement of the Northwestern territory. Cincinnati 1847.

Chapman, Thomas. Journal of a Journey through the United States 1795-1796. Historical magazine, V.

Collot, Victor. A Journey in North America. 2 vols., Paris 1826.

Cuming, Fortescue. Sketches of a tour to the western country through the States of Ohio and Kentucky, a voyage down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and a trip through the Mississippi Territory and a part of West Florida, 1807-1809. Pittsburg 1810. Reprinted in Thwaites' Early Western Travels, IV.

Ellicott, Andrew. Journal of A. Ellicott, late commissioner on behalf of the United States, 1796-1800, for determining the boundary between the possessions of the United States and Spain. Philadelphia 1814.

Faux, W. Memorable days in America, being a journal of a tour to the United States to ascertain the condition and probable prospects of British emigrants, including accounts of Birkbeck's settlement in the Illinois. London 1823. Reprinted in Thwaites' Early Western Travels, XI., XII.

Fearon, Henry B. Narrative of a journey through the eastern and western States of America 1817-1818. London 1819.

Flint, James. Letters from America, containing observations on the climate and agriculture of the Western States, the manners of the people, and the prospects of emigrants. Edinburgh 1822. Reprinted in Thwaites' Early Western Travels, IX.

Flint, Timothy. History and Geography of the Mississippi Valley. 2 vols. in one. Cincinnati 1832.

Flint, Timothy. Recollections of the last ten years, in the Valley of the Mississippi from Pittsburg and the Missouri to the Spanish frontier. Boston 1826.

Fordham, Elias Pym. Personal Narrative of Travels in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and of a Residence in the Illinois Te rritory 1817-1818. F. A. Ogg's edition 1906.

Forman, Samuel S. Narrative of a journey down the Ohio and Mississippi in 1789-1790. Cincinnati 1818.

Hall, Basil. Travels in North America in the year 1827-1828. 3 vols. Edinburgh 1829.

Hall, James. Letters from the West, containing sketches of scenery, manners, and customs. London 1828.

Hall, James. Notes on the western States containing descriptive sketches of their soil, climate, resources, and scenery. Philadelphia 1838.

Hall, James. Sketches of history, life, and manners in the West. 2 vols. Philadelphia 1835.

Hall, James. The West, its commerce and navigation. Cincinnati 1848. (Not always accurate.)

Harris, Thaddeus M. Journal of a tour into the territory northwest of the Alleghany Mountains, made in the spring of the year 1803, with a geographical and historical account of the State of Ohio. Boston 1805. Reprinted in Thwaites' Early Western Travels, III.

Howells, W. Cooper. Recollections of life in Ohio 1813-1840. Cincinnati 1895.

Hulme, Thomas. Journal of a tour in the western countries of America, September 30, 1818.—August 8, 1819. Reprinted in Thwaites' Early Western Travels, X.

Hurd, Harvey B. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois. Chicago 1901.

Imlay, Gilbert, Topographical Description of the Western Territory of America. London 1797.

James, Edwin. Account of an expedition from Pittsburg to the Rocky Mountains performed in the years 1819-1820, under command of Major Stephen H. Long. Philadelphia 1823. Reprinted in Thwaites' Early Western Travels, XIV-XVII.

Latrobe, Charles J. Rambler in North America 1832-1833. 2 vols. London 1835.

Michaux, Andre. Journal 1793-1796. (Englished from the original French, appearing in American Philosophical Society proceedings 1889. pp. 91-101, 114-140.) Reprinted in Thwaites' Early Western Travels, III.

Michaux, Francois A. Travels to the westward of the Alleghany Mountains in the States of the Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, and return to Charleston, through the upper Carolinas in 1802. London 1805. Reprinted in Thwaites' Early Western Travels, III.

Mills, Samuel J., and Smith, Daniel. Report of a Missionary Tour through that part of the United States, which lies west of the Alleghany Mountains, performed under the direction of the Massachusetts Missionary Society. Andover 1815.

Niles, Weekly Register, I.-XL. Baltimore and Washington.

Notes from the Louisiana Courier, Louisiana Gasette, and the Louisiana Moniteur. I am indebted to Miss May Allinson for the use of these notes.

Nuttall, Thomas. Journal of travels into the Arkansas territory during the year 1819, with occasional observations on the manners of the aborigines. Philadelphia 1821. Reprinted in Thwaites' Early Western Travels, XIII.

Ogden, George W. Letters from the West; comprising a tour through the western country, and a residence of two summers in the States of Ohio and Kentucky. New-Bedford 1823. Reprinted in Thwaites' Early Western Travels, XIX.

Peck, J. M. A guide for Emigrants, containing sketches of Illinois, Missouri, and the adjacent parts. Boston 1831.

Poore, Benjamin Perley. The Federal and State Constitutions, Colonial charters, and other Organic Laws of the United States. vol. I. Washington 1877.

Pope, John. A tour through the southern and western territories of the United States of North America, the Spanish Dominions, the Floridas, Creek Nations, and many other uninhabited parts, 1792. Richmond 1792.

Reynolds, John. My own times embracing also the history of my life. Illinois 1855.

Schultz, Christian. Travels on an inland voyage through the States of New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, and through the Territory of Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Orleans, in 1807-1808. 2 vols. New York 1810.

St. Clair, A. Papers, II., Smith's Edition. Cincinnati 1882

Thomas, David. Travels through the western country in the summer of 1816. Auburn 1819.

Thwaites, Reuben Gold. Early Western Travels, 1748-1846. III, IV, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XIX.

Tranchepain. Travels through the United States and America. London 1828.

United States. Journals of Congress, XII., XIII. Philadelphia 1801. Treaties and Conventions concluded between the United States of America and other powers since July 4, 1776. Washington 1873.

Volney, C. F. View of the Climate and Soil of the United States of America. London 1814.

Welby, Adlard. Visit to North America and the English settlements in Illinois, with a winter residence in Philadelphia, solely to ascertain the actual prospects of the emigrating agriculturalist, mechanic, and commercial speculator. London 1821. Reprinted in Thwaites' Early Western Travels. XII.


Hildreth, S. Prescott. Biographical and historical memoirs of the early pioneer settlers of Ohio. Cincinnati 1852.

Hinsdale, Burke A. The Old Northwest, the beginning of our colonial system. Boston 1899.

Howe, Henry. Historical collections of Ohio relating to its general and local history. Cincinnati 1847.

Hulbert, Archer Butler. Historic Highways of America, IX. 1902-1905.

Peck, J. M. and Perkins, J. H. Annals of the West. 1850.

Sparks, Edwin Erle. The expansion of the American people, social and territorial. Chicago 1900.

Winsor, Justin. Narrative and Critical History of America, VII., Boston 1889.

Winsor, Justin. The westward movement: the colonies and the Republic west of the Alleghanies 1763-1798: with full cartographical illustrations from contemporary sources. Boston 1897.


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