
The purpose of this book is twofold—first and foremost, to illustrate a question of principle by the aid of historic test and application; secondly, to furnish for the use of historical students an elementary handbook of the currencies of the more important European states from the thirteenth century downwards.

Little need be said as to this latter purpose. The total omission of the historic, reasoned, and consecutive study of currency history—the most important domain of practical economics—from the curriculum of every university in the land is matter for surprise and regret, and can only be attributed to the lack of an initiative and of a handbook.

As to the former purpose, there is no field of history so strewn with scientific (i.e. comparative and prophetic) possibilities as economic history; and in economic history there is no department in which the study of the experience of other times and nations is more necessary and resultful, lesson-full, wisdom-full, than the domain of currency. The verdict of history on the great problem of the nineteenth century—bimetallism—is clear and crushing and final, and against the evidence of history no gainsaying of theory ought for a moment to stand.

Throughout mediÆval Europe and up to the close of the eighteenth century the currency of Europe was practically bimetallic—practically, because actually so without the prescription of a law of tender, and without the allowance of any theoretic grasp or conception of the practice as distinctively what nowadays we understand as bimetallic.

The conception of a law of tender is quite modern. And the evolution of the idea of such a law has gone hand in hand with the evolution of a conception of monetary theory on the part of the legislator—that is, with the bitter experience which for want of such a conception Europe endured for centuries. In all systems of jurisprudence money and minting appertains to the kingly office, and the development of the law of tender is to be traced in royal proclamations of the King in Council for long before it became the subject of parliamentary legislation. For centuries, such proclamations were issued, referring to a prohibition of export of the precious metals, banishing foreign coins from the land, or, again, permitting their circulation, and, in that case, prescribing the rough tariff or rate according to which (foreign) coin for (native) coin they should be current. In such proclamations there is no idea of separating the two metals, gold and silver; there is no idea of a law of tender; there is no intention to declare a ratio; there is no conception of bullion apart from coin. The two metals had grown to be the circulating and exchange medium; they were actually there, and all that had to be done was to keep them there. The advantage which was to be derived from a trade in bullion, and from an understanding of the effects of differently-prevailing ratios in different countries, was known only to the Jew and the Italian. They plied their trade in secret, and the legislator was only apprised of the result by suddenly finding a slipping away and dearth of coinage. Then the legislator altered the tariff, and gradually rose to the conception of the ratio as underlying this process of seduction. Then, as a further defence of a particular class of coins, he imposed a limitation on the tender of such, so as to prevent bullion operations on it. This limitation was the first development of a law of tender. Throughout, from the thirteenth to the eighteenth century, both gold and silver had been actually employed in European commerce without any idea either of declaring or of restricting the tender, whether of the one or the other.

The final outcome of the application of the law of tender was the development of the modern monometallic system—a system in which alone lay the safeguard against the operation of the bullionist. It was only at the close of the eighteenth century that England evolved this system and flung away the last remains of that mediÆval ignorance which had brought with it such a dower of mishap. France has taken almost a century of further experience before arriving at the same point of development.

Another point. At the time that England was shaking off the mediÆval system France, too, was accomplishing a reform of her money system. It stopped half-way. The old kingly prerogative of altering the coinage was taken away, the unit of the currency was declared definite and unchangeable, and the seigniorage on minting was abolished. So much was accomplished by her law of 1803. But no further application was made of the law of tender than to throw the sanction of legal enactment over that mediÆval system which had been the bane of France since first two metals found circulation in her bounds. As far as tender is concerned, there is no difference between the practice of the French monetary system in 1726 and that of 1803. The system was bimetallic in both cases—in the first case, legally by recognition and as resting on the royal jurisdiction; in the second case, legally by direct legislative or parliamentary enactment. The idea that the law of 1803 created a new system and a new heaven for France is doubly absurd. It was a continuation of a very old and a very danger-fraught system, with its roots deep in mediÆval ignorance and practice.

In addition to this—and quite as demonstrably—there was no conception of a theory of bimetallism in 1803, nor any conception of a bimetallic function to be performed for the good of the human race by bimetallic France. This is a conception of the schools, and bred of later needs and hopes and fears. The modern theory of bimetallism is almost the only instance in history of a theory growing not out of practice, but of the failure of practice; resting not on data verified, but on data falsified and censure-marked. No words can be too strong of condemnation for the theorising of the bimetallist who, by sheer imaginings, tries to justify theoretically what has failed in five centuries of history, and to expound theoretically what has proved itself incapable of solution save by cutting and casting away.

Such a verdict as this of history, negative as it is, must strike many a serious mind with dismay. The following of bimetallism would not be what it is were it not for the despair of any other remedy for the situation at the moment. We are thereby left apparently hopeless and remediless. But the first step to the discovery of a true and possible remedy, if any exists, can only be the casting away of the false and impossible.

The difference between the monetary problem of the seventeenth century and that of to-day lies in this, that while there has been continuity of history and development there has been a change of needs and circumstance. The danger of arbitrage transactions to the mediÆval legislator lay in the fact that they stripped the country, which suffered from them, not, or not merely, of a bullion reserve, but of her actual currency, and rendered even internal trade impossible. He accordingly tried to arrest the drain by threatening imprisonment and death.

To-day the safety and supply of the internal currency of the various states is provided for by a monometallic system or by note issue, while, conversely, trade in the precious metals has become free, and bullion flows automatically from land to land in accordance with the dictates of a now rightly-conceived theory of international trade. Just so far the monetary problem has changed—becoming a question of the evolution of a stable international exchange system. The theoretic pretensions of bimetallism have correspondingly widened, but on any ground, wide or narrow, the only material for the study, comprehension, and judgment of such pretensions lies in the actual experience of Europe during the past five centuries.

A few words of more particular explanation are necessary.

1. To the student of money and monetary standards the perpetually recurring phenomena of reductions of the unit and standard weights and contents of coins will present no difficulty. Three causes underlay the process—(1) the practice of alloying, (2) the competitive and dishonest action of governments, (3) the ideal nature of the unit itself, which permitted, literally, anything in the way of arbitrary manipulation (compare, e.g., the very different depreciations of the English shilling and the French sou, being both descendants of the solidus; or again, of the French livre and the Italian lire, being both descendants of the libra).

2. A second and much greater difficulty is presented by the confusion of nomenclature. It is often difficult to determine what particular piece is meant by a given name, or, if the identity of the piece can be fixed, its period may still be uncertain. In French numismatic history, for instance, the term florin d'or or denier d'or is used in documents quite generically for the more specific florins d'or À l'agnel, À l'Écu, aux fleurs de lis, À la masse, moutons d'or, etc. This quite indeterminate use of the word "florin" (= denier = "piece," or generally, "coin") may possibly explain the crux to be found on pages 3, 9, 301, and 399 of the text (infra), where florins d'or are mentioned in French history more than seventy years before the first authentic minting of the gold florin at Florence.

3. With regard to the figures of the ratios there is great difference and divergence among the various authorities. The declared ratio may be of a double nature—(1) mercantile, as calculated on the purchase price of gold and silver in the open market; (2) legal, as settled by law in the terms prescribed for Mint purchase and issue. The former is comparatively simple, but it is not until a quite recent date, the opening of the eighteenth century, that it is statistically determinable. The table of the commercial ratio (pp. 157-9 infra) is taken from Soetbeer, and was by him calculated on the Hamburg exchange and London market rates. The competing figures of the commercial ratio drawn up by Ingham in his Report to the Senate of the United States (4th May 1830), and by John White, of the same date (see United States Report of the International Monetary Conference of 1878, pp. 583, 647), I regard as comparatively untrustworthy.

With regard to the legal or Mint ratio (see infra, tables, pp. 40, 69-70, 157) there is the greatest discrepancy, and I print the figures with much trepidation and every mental reserve. The differences in the results arrived at by the various authorities are due to the difference in method of calculation, according as the issue price or the purchase price at the Mint is taken (i.e. with or without allowance of seigniorage and remedy), or according as the pure or gross content of the piece is calculated from (i.e. with or without allowance for alloy). As a matter of fact, hardly any two authorities or sets of calculations agree. See, for instance, duplicate sets of figures for Holland in Appendix 1. to Schimmel's Geschiedkundig overzicht; or again, compare Soetbeer's figures with those deduced by KÖhler in his Grundliche Nachricht; or by Dr. Arnold Luschin, in the Proceedings of the CongrÉs International de Numismatique, 1880, p. 443; or with those deducible from Le Blanc's tables (infra, Appendix VI.). It is to this difference that must be attributed the discrepancy in the statement of the ratio by the French Mint authorities in 1640 (see text, infra, p. 92 and note, ibid.). The difficulty of calculating the European Mint ratio at any moment can be judged from the experience and statements of persons so widely apart as Sir Isaac Newton in England, Mirabeau and Calonne in France, and Morris and Hamilton in the United States (see infra, pp. 172-3, 229-30, and 251).

With regard to the scope of the present work, it is confined entirely to the history of metallic currency and standard. There is no reference to the paper-money experience of any country, not even America or Austria. Such a subject must form matter for a separate treatment. The account of Austrian money is, therefore, to be found in Appendix v., under Germany, and on the effects of the latest Austrian reform (as also of the latest development in India and the United States) no opinion whatever is expressed. I content myself with the simple statement of fact and event.

In appending a list of the authorities used, it is difficult to overcome the feeling of humiliation which has come to me from the contrast of the ephemeral, slight, and unworthy treatment of monetary history to-day, with the grand, solid, scholarly works which the eighteenth century produced. With the exception of Soetbeer's magnificent labours, without which the present work would have been simply impossible as far as the statements of production and relativity of the precious metals are concerned, and of the similar historic work of M. Ottomar Haupt, the literature of this subject to-day is light and polemic and transitory to a nauseating degree.



J.D. KÖhler Grundliche Nachricht von dem MÜnzwesen insgemein. Helmstadt, 1739 and 1741. Third edition (Leipzig, 1781), enlarged and attributed to Von Praun.

Budelius De monetis et re numaria (with twenty-four other treatises). ColoniÆ AgrippinÆ, 1591.

Melchior Goldast Catholicon rei monetariÆ sive leges monarchichÆ generales de rebus numariis, etc. Frankfort, 1620.

Almanach des Monnaies. Paris, 1784.

MÜnze und MÜnzwissenschaft (Oec. Techn. Encyc. xcvii.).

Nicole Oresme TraitÉ de la premiÈre invention des monnaies, and—

Copernicus TraitÉ de la monnaie, both re-edited by Wolowski. Paris, 1864.

Jean Bodin Descours sur le rehaussement et diminution tant d'or que d'argent et le moyen d'y remedier [en reponse] aux paradoxes du sieur de Malestroict (appended to Bodin's Six Livres de la Republique. Lyons, 1593).

H.C. Dittmer Geschichte der ersten Gold-AusmÜnzungen zu LÜbeck im 14 Jahrhundert (Zeitschrift der Vereins fÜr LÜbeckische Geschichte), Heft. i. 885.

J.G. Hall On European MediÆval Gold Coins (Numismatic Chronicle). Third Series, vol. ii. pp. 212-226.

P. Joseph Historisch-kritische Beschreibung des Bretzheimer Goldguldenfundes vergraben um 1390, nebst einem verzeichniss der bisher bekannten Goldgulden vom Florentiner GeprÄge. Mainz, 1883.

K.T. Eheberg Über das Ältere deutsche MÜnzwesen und die Hausgenossenschaften. Leipzig, 1879.

Neueste MÜnzkunde Leipzig, 1853.

A.H. Smith EncyclopÆdia of Gold and Silver Coins of the World. Philadelphia, 1886.

A. Soetbeer Edelmetall—Produktion und WerthverhÄltniss zwischen Gold und Silber, seit der Entdeckung Amerika's bis zur Gegenwart. Gotha, 1879.

A. Soetbeer Materialien zur ErklÄrung und Beurtheilung der wirthschaftlichen Edelmetallverhaltnisse und der wÄhrungsfrage. Berlin.

A. Soetbeer Litteraturnachweis Über Geld—und MÜnzwesen. Berlin, 1892.

F. AltÉs TraitÉ comparatif des monnaies, poids et mÉsures. 1832.

G.K. Chelins Mass and Gewichtsbuch. 1830.

Gerhardt Tafeln, etc. Berlin, 1818.

Doederlein Commentatio Historica de Nummis. 1729.

C.C. Schmiede Handworterbuch der MÜnzkunde. 1811.

J. Leitzmann Abriss einer Geschichte der gesammten MÜnzkunde ... aller vÖlker Fursten und StÄdte der Ältern, Mittlern, und neuern Zeit. Erfurt, 1828.



J.P. Ludewig Einleitung zu dem teutschen mÜntwesen mittler Zeiten, etc. 1709.

J.F. Klotzsch Versuch einer Chur SÄchischen MÜnzgeschichte. 1779.

D.E. Beyschlag Versuch einer MÜnzgeschichte Augsburgs in dem Mittelalter. 1835.

C. Binder WÜrttembergische MÜnz und Medaillenkunde. 1848.

C.P.C. SchÖnemann Zur vaterlÄndischen MÜnzkunde vom 12-15 Jahrhundert. 1852.

J.D. KÖhler Historische MÜnz Belustigungen, 22 vols. 1729-65.

H. Pauli Tableaux des monnaies de l'Allemagne, etc. Frankfort, 1846.

J.G. Hirsch Das teutschen Reichs MÜnz Archiv, etc., 9 vols. folio. 1750-68 (absolutely unequalled and indispensable).

J. Leitzmann Wegweiser auf dem Gebiete den deutschen MÜnzkunde. Weissensen, 1869.

Euler Verzeichniss und Beschreibung der frankfurter GoldmÜnzen mit einer geschichtlichen Einleitung etc. (Archiv fur Frankfurts Geschichte und Kunst), Heft iv. 1847.

E.L. JÄger Das Geld nebst einer kurzem Geschichte des deutschen Geldes. Stuttgart, 1877.

Geschichtliche Darstellung des alten und neuen teutschen MÜnzwesens. Weimar, 1817.

J.F. Hauschild Zur Geschichte des deutschen mass und MÜnzwesens. Frankfort, 1861.

A. Soetbeer Denkschrift Über Hamburgs MÜnzverhÄltnisse. Hamburg, 1846.

H.P. Cappe Die MÜnzen der deutschen Kaiser und KÖnige das Mettelalters. 1850.

C.P.C. Schoenemann Zur vaterlÄndischen MÜnzkunde. 1852.

J.P. Graumann Gesammelte Briefe vom dem Gelde, von dem Wechsel, etc. 1762.

J.G. Hoffmann Die Lehre von Gelde. 1838.

J.G. Hoffmann Die Zeichen der Zeit. 1841.

J. Albrecht Munzgeschichte der Hauses Hohenlohe, vom 13-19 Jahrhundert.

Grote and HÖlzermann Lippische Geld und MÜnzgeschichte, 1867. (Nachtrage by Weingaertner. 1890).

E.J. Bergius Das Geld und Bank wesen in Preussen. 1846.

A. Von Berstett Munzgeschichte des zÄhringen badischen FÜrstenhauses. 1846.

D. Braun Bericht von Pohlnisch und Preussischen MÜnzwesen. 1722.

E. Bahrfeldt Das MÜnzwesen der Mark Brandenburg bis zum Anfange der Hohenzollern. 1889.

KÖhne Das MÜnzwesen der Stadt Berlin, 1837.

F.H. Grautoff Historische Schriften, 3 vols. 1836 (for LÜbeck Mint).

C.F. Eheberg Über das Ältere deutsche MÜnzwesen. 1879.

J. Newald Beitrag zur Geschichte des Österreichischen MÜnzwesen im ersten Viertel des 18 Jahrhunderts. Vienna, 1881.

Max Wirth Geschichte der Handelskrisen. Frankfort, 1890.

Max Wirth Das Geld, Geschichte der Umlaufmittel von der altesten Zeit bis an die Gegenwart. Leipzig, 1884.



F. De Saulcy Recueil de Documents relatifs À l'histoire des monnaies frappÉes par les rois de France depuis Philippe II., jusqu' À FranÇois I., 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1879. (The unique value of this work is sadly impaired by the cutting out of the preambles of the various proclamations, etc.).

Le Blanc TraitÉ historique des monnaies de France. Paris, 1690.

Du Cange Glossarium mediÆ et infimÆ Latinitatis (Art. Moneta).

J. Adrien Blanchet Documents pour servir À l'histoire monÉtaire de la Navarre et du BÉarn, de 1562-1629. Macon, 1887.

Hubert de Martigny De la Disparition de la monnaie d'argent et de son remplacement par la monnaie d'or (ou Situation Monetaire de la France en 1859). Paris, 1859.

H. Costes Les institutions monÉtaires de la France avant et depuis, 1789. Paris, 1885.

H. Costes Notes et Tableaux pour servir À l'Étude de la question monÉtaire. Paris, 1884.

Hippolyte Berry Études et recherches historiques sur les Monnaies de France. 1853.

Natalis de Wailly MÉmoire sur les variations de la livre tournois depuis S. Louis À la monnaie decimale.

C. BouterouË Recherches curieuses des monnayes de France depuis le commencement de la Monarchie. Paris, 1666.

L. Faucher Recherches sur l'or and l'argent. 1843.

DuprÉ de St. Maur Essai sur les monnaies ou rÉflexions sur le rapport entre l'argent et les denrÉes. Paris, 1746.

Abot de Bazinghen TraitÉ des monnaies et de la jurisdiction de la cour des monnaies. Paris, 1764.

Le Vicomte G. D'Avenel Histoire Économique de la propriÉtÉ, des salaires, des denrÉes, etc., 1200-1800. Paris, 1894·

For a bibliography of the works treating of the provincial monies of France, see Vicomte D'Avenel, ubi supra, i. pp. 483-91.



Ignazio Orsini Storia delle monete della repubblica fiorentina. Firenze, 1760.

Ignazio Orsini Storia delle monete de' Granduchi di Toscana. Firenze, 1766.

Zanetti Nuova raccotta delle monete e zecche d'Italia, 5 vols. folio. 1785-89.

Custodi Scrittori Italiani d'economia politica, vol. xiv.

F. Schweizer Serie delle monete Aquileia. 1818.

Ph. Argelatus Di monetis ItaliÆ varior. illustr. virorum dissertationes, 6 vols. 1750-9.

A. Cinagli Le monete de' Pape, folio. 1848.

[Fr. Vettori] Il fiorino d'oro antico illustrato. 1738.

Menizzi Delle monete de' Veneziani dal principio al fine della loro repubblica. Venezia, 1818.

Vincenzo Padovan La numografia Veneziana sommario documentato. Venezia, 1882.

Fr. Ed. Ercole Gnecchi Le Monete di Milano.

Catalog einer Sammlung italienischer Munzen aller Zeiten. Munich, 1882.

Nicolo Papadopoli Sulle origini della Veneta zecca, etc. Venezia, 1882.

Nicolo Papadopoli Sul valore della moneta Veneziana. Venezia, 1885.

Nicolo Papadopoli Monete inedite della zecca Veneziana. Venezia, 1881.

G. Carli-Rubbi Delle monete e dell' instituzione delle zecche d'Italia. L'Aja, 4 vols. 1754.



W.F. Schimmel Geschiedkundig overzicht van het muntwezen in Nederland. Amsterdam, 1882.

[Groebe] Handleiding tot de kennis der nederlandsche munten. Amsterdam, 1850.

[Warin] Bijdragen tot de kennis van het muntwezen ('S. Gravenhage). 1843.

P.O. van der Chijs Beknopte verhandeling over het nut der beoefening van de algemeene, dat is oude, meddeleeuwsche en heden daagsche munt en penningkunde. Leiden, 1829.

V. Gaillard Recherches sur les Monnaies de Flandres. 1857.

Groot Plakkaat Boek (Can & Schelten).

Mieris Beschrijving der Munten van Utrecht. 1726.

A. Vrolik Verslag van al het verrigte tot herstel van het Nederlandsche Muntwezen van 1842-51.

L. Deschamps de Pas Essai sur l'histoire monÉtaire des Comtes de Flandres de la maison de Bourgogne. 1863.

F. HÉnaux Essai sur l'histoire monÉtaire du pays de Liege. 1845.

W.C. Mees Proeve eener geschiedenis van het Bankwezen en Nederland. Rotterdam, 1838.

Kornelis van Alkemade De goude en zilvere gangbaare penningen der Graaven en Gravinnen van Holland. Delft, 1700.

W.J. de Voogt Bijdragen tot de numismatiek van Gelderland. Arnhem, 1869.

R. Serrure Elements de l'histoire monÉtaire de Flandres. Gand, 1879.

F. Verachter Documents pour servir a l'histoire monÉtaire des Pays-Bas. Anvers, 1845.

F. Verachter Histoire monÉtaire de la ville de Bois le Duc. Anvers, 1845.

Revue numismatique Belge.

D. Groebe Beantwoording der Prijswerk over de Munten en hetgeen daartoe betrekking—1500-1621 (Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. 1835).

Inleiding tot de heedendaagsche penningkunde ofte verhandeling van der Oorsprong van't geld, etc. Amsterdam, 1717.

Fr. van Mieris Beschrijving van der Bisschoplijke munten en zegelen van Utrecht, etc. Leyden, 1726.

Fr. van Houwelingen Penninck-boeck enhondende alle figuren van Silbere und Goude penningen gheslaghen bij de Graven van Hollandt. Leyden, 1591.

J. Ackersdijck Nederlands Muntwezen, etc. Utrecht, 1845.

GhesquiÈre Memoire sur trois points interessant de l'histoire monÉtaire des Pays Bas, etc. Bruxelles, 1786.

F. Den Duyts Notice sur les anciennes monnaies des Comtes de Flandres, etc. 1847.

R.H. Chalon Recherches sur les monnaies des Comtes de Hainault. 1843.

P.O. van der Chijs De munten der Voormalige Hertogdommen Braband en Limburg (in vol. xxvi. of Tayler's tweede Genootschap. Haarlem. 1851).

Van den Berg Introductory chapter to "The Silver Question." 1879.



Breve ReseÑa historico-critica de la moneda EspaÑola y reduccion de sus valores a los del sistema metrico vigente (a Government Report of 1862).

Juan de Dios de la Rada y DelgadoBibliografia numismatica EspaÑola Madrid, 1886. (A work of unequalled merit.)

Vicente ArgÜello Memoria Sobre el valor de las monedas de D'Alfonso el Sabio (memorias de la Real Academia de la Historia).

Edward Clarke Letters concerning the Spanish Nation. London, 1773.

J. Salat Tratado de las monedas de CataluÑia. Barcelona, 1818.

Andrea Merim Escuela Paleographica, folio. 1780.

Cascales Discursos historicos de Murcia, folio. 1621.

A. Heiss Descripcion general de las monedas HispaÑo-Cristianas, 1865-9. 3 vols. (A model work of immense labour.)

Liciniano Saez Demostracion historica del verdadero valor de las monedas, etc. 1805 (Real Acad. de la historia).

Dr. Clemencin On the Ratio in Spain (in Memorias de la Real Academia de la Historia, vol. vi. p. 525).


R. Ruding Annals of the Coinage of Britain.

Hawkins Silver Coins of England.

Kenyon Gold Coins of England.

Numismatic Chronicle.

Lord Liverpool Treatise on the Coins of the Realm.

Sir James Stewart Works.

S.M. Leake A Historical Account of English Money.

H.N. Sealey Coins, Currency, and Banking.

Macpherson Anderson's History of Commerce.

Bishop Fleetwood Chronicon Preciosum, or an Account of English Money, etc. etc. London, 1707

Bishop Nicolson English, Scotch, and Irish Historical Libraries.

Thorold Rogers History of Prices.

Tooke and Newmarch History of Prices.

Sir Dudley North Discourses upon Trade. 1691.

Sir Walter Raleigh Works (Oxford Edition).

Sir Robert Cotton Posthuma.

Harris An Essay upon Money and Coins. London, 1752.

State Papers Foreign (Record Office). (Absolutely invaluable.)

Close Rolls and Patent Rolls (Record Office).

State Papers Domestic (Record Office).

Treasury Papers (Record Office).

Reports of the Deputy-Master of the Mint, 1870-94.

United States Reports of the International Monetary Conference. 1878. (Embodying an invaluable series of reprints.)

J. Laurence Laughlin The History of Bimetallism in the United States. New York, 1894.[Pg xxviii]

Dunbar Laws of the United States on Currency and Banking, etc.

Of the almost endless series of Government Reports, a full bibliography will be found in Soetbeer's Litteraturnachweis.

The American Mint Reports, and the Austrian Statistische Tabellen zur Wahrungs-Frage der Osterreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie (Vienna, 1892), deserve separate and special mention for their unequalled usefulness.

I am deeply indebted to H.C. Maxwell Lyte, C.B., Deputy Keeper of the Records, for references to the Patent and Close Rolls, the Exchequer Records, and other sources, which I have attempted to work into the tables of the French coins (Appendix VI.).

The Index of Coins at the end of the present volume is intended mainly for the purposes of historical research. It has been compiled, along with the General Index, entirely by my sister, Miss Edna Shaw, to whom my warmest thanks are due.


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