
Agnelet, 408.

Agnels d'or, 399.

Agnus dei, 324, 325, 326.

Aguilas, 334.

Aignel d'or, or Denier d'or a l'aignel, 399.

Albus, 100. (See Rhenish.)

Andries florin, 347.

Ange or Angelot, 400, 409.

Angel, 58, 113, 120, 131, 139, 408.

Angellets, 117.

Angelot or Ange, 400.

Aragon. (See Florin.)

Augustale, 4.

August d'or, 388.


Barile (or Carolino), 307.

Batzen, 369, 372.

Bavarian carolus or 3-gulden piece, (gold) 375.

"max d'or, 375.

Blanc, 420, 421. (See Grand, Gros, Obole, Petit.)

Blanc À la couronne, 417, 418, 419, 422.

"À la Fleur de lis, 418, 419, 420.

"À la Galema, 422.

"À l'Écu, 420.

"au soleil, 421, 422.

"aux trois Fleurs de lis, 419.

Blanca, 324, 326, 328, 344.

"vieja, 325.

Blanco segundo, 322.

Blancos, 324, 344.

Bourgeois, 415.

Brabant thaler or Kronen thaler, 202, 376.

Burgaleses, or Maravedis Blancos, 322.

Burgundian gulden, 82.

Burgundy nobles, 56.

Byzants, 2.


CadiÈres, 400.

Cardacues (see Quart d'Écu), 148.

Carls d'or or Louis d'or, 388.

Carolino (or Barile), 307.

Carolus, 115, 348, 356, 375.

Castellanos, 323, 325, 334, 335, 336. (See Doblas, Oro.)

Centenes, 339.

Chaise d'or, 35.

Chaises or masses, 400, 408, 409, 410, 411. (See Double.)

Convention thaler, 201, 378.

Cornado, 325.

"viejo, 325, 326.

"nuevo, 325, 326.

Coronados, 323.

Coronas, 109, 325, 334.

Couronne, 400, 401, 408. (See Blanc, Écu, Crown, Gros.)

Crazie, 309.

Croiseth. (See Douzains, Écu.)

Crown (see French crowns), 113, 231, 243, 376, 383.

"of the Rose, 216.

"of the Sun, 109, 116, 117, 119, 401.

"or Brabant thaler, 202.

"thaler, 202.

Cruzados, 326.

"de la Banda, 326.


Denarii (pfennige), 360.

Denarius, 2.

Denaro, 319.

Denier d'or À l'aignel or Aignel d'or, 399.

"d'or À l'Écu, 400.

"d'or aux Fleurs de lis, 35.

"Parisis, 415, 416, 417.

"Tournois, 415.

Deniers (silver), 346. (See Gros.)

Dinero nuevo, 325, 326.

"viejo, 325, 326.

Doblas, 323, 325, 326, 334.

"(Castellanos) de la Banda, 24, 325, 326.

Doblon, 329, 338.

Dollar (see Piece of Eight, Rixdollar, Daalder, Spanish, Staten), 149, 221, 222, 238, 247, 248, 250, 251, 253, 260, 262.

Double (see Grand) carolus, 115.

"florin, 347.

"gold gulden, 375.

"Parisis, 417.

"Pattart, 347.

"Tournois, 417.

Doubles or chaises, 410.

Douzains, 86, 170, 422.

"À la croisette, 422.

Drittelthaler, 213.

Ducados, 325, 326, 334.

Ducat (see Hungary, Holland, Nederland, Imperial, Silver, Spanish), 101, 116, 117, 120, 271, 311, 349, 350, 351, 369, 370, 371, 374, 390, 391, 392.

"(Kremnitz), 387.

"(see Zecchino, or Sequin), 314, 316, 317.

"(silver) 318.

Ducato d'argento, 312.

"d'oro, 308.

Dukaat, 353, 354, 358.

Dukaton of Brabant, 357.

Duro, 333.


Eagle, 253.

Écu (see Blanc, Escudos, Scudo, Florin), 86, 88, 90, 92, 406, 408, 409, 414, 423.

"À la couronne, 401, 402, 410, 411, 412.

"À la croisette, 412.

"au porc-Épi, 402, 412.

"au soleil, 84, 412, 413.

"blancs, 167.

"heaumes, 402, 410.

"(silver), 169.

Écu d'or, 37, 85, 413. (See Denier.)

"au soleil, 401, 402.

Eight-florin (gold), 376.

English crown, 247.

"rose nobles, 81.

"sovereigns, 81.

Enrique, 325, 327.

Escudos, 109, 331, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338.

"de plata, 330. (See Scudo, Écu.)

Esterlings, 41.

Excellentes, 327. (See Medios.)

"de la Granada, 328, 334.

"majores, 334.


Fifty-stuiver piece, 352, 357.

Fiorino d'argento, 306. (See Florin, Lira, Silver.)

"da sei, 309.

"d'oro, 308.

"d'oro largo, 303, 304.

"d'oro largo in oro, 303, 304, 308.

"di suggello, 302, 304.

"neri, 309.

"nuovastro, 308.

"nuovissimo or Largo di Galea, 308.

"nuovo, 308.

"of the first suggello, 308.

"of the second suggello, 308.

"of the fifth suggello, 308.

"of the sixth suggello, 308.

"of the eighth suggello, 308.

"of the ninth suggello, 308.

"of the Pisan weight, 308.

"stretto, 308.

"stretto di Camera of the seventh suggello, 308.

Five-franc (silver), 174, 192, 194, 195.

"thaler pieces, 204.

Fleur de lys, or Florins d'or aux Fleurs de lis, 401, 409, 410. (See Blanc, Denier, Gros.)

"de lys of Charles V., 402.

"de lys of King John, 402.

Florences, 9. (See Florin.)

Florentine florin, 389. (See Florin.)

"gigliati, 375.

Florin (see Double, Petit, Fiorino, Oro, S. Andries, Florences), 3, 269, 302, 326, 334, 347, 377.

"d'Aragon, 325, 326.

"de Écu, 411.

"d'or, 9, 26, 299.

""aux Fleur de lis, or Fleurs de lis d'or, 401.

"George, 400.

"of eight. (See Eight-florin.)

Forty-franc (gold), 175, 176.

Four-florin gold pieces, 376.

"penny piece (silver), 146.

Franc (see Five-franc), 174, 176, 192, 194, 195, 353, 404, 410, 414, 422, 423.

"À cheval, 401, 411.

"À pied, 401.

"d'argent, 404.

"d'oro, 36, 399, 400, 401.

French crowns, 66, 80.

Friedrichs d'or, 204, 380, 381, 382, 388, 392.


Galema (see Blanc), 422.

Genoviva, 4.

George. (See Florin.)

German gold guldens, 79.

Gigliati, 375. (See Florentine.)

Gold crowns, 376.

"ducat, 390, 391.

"dukaat, 353.

"florin, 302.

"gulden (Rheinische gulden), 31, 98, 363, 365, 367, 368, 369, 371, 389, 390, 391. (See Gulden.)

"penning, 359.

Grand blanc, 421.

"double, 347.

Groat, 113, 117, 118, 119.

Groots, 345, 347.

Gros (see Royal, Blanc, Deniers, Couronne, Groschen, Groat, Grossi), 347, 418, 420, 421.

"À la couronne, 416, 418.

"À la Fleur de lis, 416.

"À la l'estoile, 419.

"blancs, 418, 419.

"d'argent, 37, 420, 421.

"deniers blancs, 403.

"deniers d'argent, 403.

"royaux, 400, 408.

"royaux d'or, 10.

"Tournois, 28, 403, 415, 416, 417, 420.

Groschen (see Gros, Gulden, Marien, Reichs, Silver), 28, 30, 97, 363, 364, 365, 366, 372, 375, 379, 380, 394, 395.

"of the mark, 366.

"of Misnia and Franconia, 366.

Grosseti, 307.

Grossi, 20, 304, 306, 307, 311, 312, 318. (See Lira, Gros.)

"À oro, 315.

"popolini, 306.

Grossoni, 306, 307.

Gueldres. (See Riders.)

Guelfi, 304.

"del fiore, 19, 306.

"grossi, 22, 306.

"nuovi, 20, 306.

Guillaumes d'or, 271.

Guinea, 135, 231, 247.

Gulden (see Burgundian, Double, Gold gulden, Karolus, Misnia, Reichs, Rhenish, Silver, Three-gulden), 7, 15, 27, 96, 99, 101, 345, 348, 350, 352, 353, 354, 357, 361, 362, 367, 369, 375, 392.

"groschen, 363, 365, 368.

Guldener, 372.


Half-crown, 232, 243, 383.

"dollar, 259.

Hard dollar, 333.

Heaumes. (See Écu.)

Heller, 361, 362.

Henris, 412.

"d'or, 402.

Holland dukaat, 358, 374.

Hungary ducat, 358.


Imperial ducat, 392.


Joachims thaler or Schlicken or LÖwen thaler, 363.


Kammer Gerichts gulden, 369.

Karolus gulden, 356.

Kremnitz ducat, 375, 387, 392.

Kreutzers, 99, 361, 364, 365, 367, 369, 372, 375.

Kronen thaler or Brabant thaler, 378.

Kruisdaalder or Patacon, 356, 357.


Laubthalers, 202.

Leeuwendaalder, 356, 357.

Leones, 321.

L'estoile. (See Gros.)

Lion, 408.

Lira, 305, 310, 312, 313, 314, 318, 400.

"À fiorino, 305.

"di grossi, 314, 315.

"di piccioli, 315.

"(Florentine), 301.

"Tron, 312.

Lis d'argent, 92, 404.

"d'or, 93, 402.

Livres d'argent, 406, 423.

Louis d'argent, 167, 168, 169, 404, 406, 407, 422, 423.

"d'or, 91, 92, 93, 167, 168, 169, 172, 227, 402, 405, 406, 407, 413, 414.

"d'or or Carls d'or, 388.

LÖwen thaler or Joachims thaler or Schlicken thaler, 363.

Luxembourgs, 44.


Maravedis, 15, 320, 321.

"blancos or Burgaleses, 322.

"blancos segundos, 323.

"de los buenos, 323.

"de moneda blanca, 324.

"negros or prietos, 322.

"nuevo, 326.

"viejos or moneda blanca, 322, 323, 325.

Marien groschen, 102, 366.

Max d'or, 375.

Masses or chaises, 400, 408.

Meaja. (See Moneda.)

Medios excellentes, 334.

Metales or mitgales, 321.

Milreis, 273.

Minuto, 310.

Misnian gulden, 369.

Mitgales or metales, 321.

Molino, 344.

Moneda blanca or Maravedis blancas viejos, 322. (See Blanca.)

"meaja nueva, 325, 326.

"vieja, 322, 325, 326.

Moneta bianca nera, 305.

"nera, 305.

Mouton, 36, 409, 410, 411. (See Petit.)

"d'or, 10.

"d'or À la grand laine, 399.

"d'or À la petite laine, 399.


Nederland dukaat, 357, 358, 359.

"reaal, 356.

"rijder, 357, 358, 359.

"rijksdaalder, 356, 357.

Netherland stuyvers, 366.

Nobles, 48, 53, 55, 57. (See Rose Nobels, Burgundian.)

Novenes, 322, 323.

Nuovi Guelfi, 20, 306.


Obole blanche, 416.

Oro dobla castellana, 23.

"florines, 10.

"gran modulo, 23.

Orth, 365.


Parisis, 400, 408. (See Denier, double.)

"d'argent, 403.

Parvulus, 310.

Parvus, 310.

Pastas de oro, 337.

Patacon or Kruisdaalder, 357.

Pattart, 347. (See Double.)

Pavilion, 400, 408.

Penny, 2, 4, 113.

Penning (gold), 352, 359.

Pesetas, 333.

Petit blanc, 421.

"deniers tournois, 37.

"florins, 42.

"moutons, 410.

"royaux, 10, 400, 408.

"royaux d'or, 9.

"royaux d'or fin, 399.

"tournois, 415.

Pfennige, 362, 365, 366, 369, 372, 375.

Philipps thaler, 101, 368, 370.

Philippus rijder, 82.

Piastre, 333.

Piccioli, 309, 310, 311, 315. (See Lira.)

"À oro, 315.

"neri, 309.

Piece of eight (see real and dollar), 148, 221, 222, 246.

Pistole, 87, 131, 203, 227, 381, 382, 388. (See Spanish, Louis d'or, Friedrichs d'or.)

Pistolets, 148.

Popolini, 306. (See Grossi.)

Porc-Épi. (See Écu.)

Pound, 113, 345.

Prietos or Maravedises negros, 322.

Prussian thaler, 203, 380.


Quart d'Écu, 404, 422. (See Cardacues.)

Quattrini, 309.

"bianchi. 309.

"lanajuoli, 309.

"neri, 94.

Quinto di ducato, 307.

Quinzains, 406.

"d'or, 413.


Real (see Nederland, Royal, Ryal), 87, 95, 115, 324, 325, 327, 333.

"au lion, 10.

"of eight, 131, 143, 329, 341, 342, 344. (See Piece of Eight.)

"sencillo, 340, 341.

"(silver), 326, 328.

Reichs gulden, 367. (See Gulden.)

"gulden thaler, 370.

"groschen (see Groschen), 365, 366, 367.

"thaler (see Thaler), 101, 103, 199, 200, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 374.

Reines, 400.

Rhenish gulden (see Gold Gulden), 31.

Rhenish albi, 366.

Riders Gelderns, 119. (See Rijder.)

Rijder, 349, 352. (See Nederland, Philippus, Rider, Silver.)

Rijksdaalder, 83, 354. (See Nederland.)

Rixdollars, 148. (See Rijksdaalder.)

Rose nobel, 113. (See Nobel.)

Royal, 399, 410, 411, 412. (See Gros, Petit, Reines, Real, Ryal.)

"double, 408.

Royaux durs, 400.

"or Denier d'or au Roiel, 346, 400.

Rupee, 295.

Ryals, 142, 143. (See Real.)


Saint Andries florin, 347.

Saluts, 401, 411.

Schellings, 345.

Schlicken thaler or Joachim thaler or LÖwen thaler, 363.

Schillingen (solidi), 360, 361, 362. (See Silver.)

Scudo, 318. (See Écu.)

"d'argento, 313.

Sequin (see Ducat, Zecchino), 311, 312, 316, 317.

Seven-kreutzer piece, 375.

Seventeen-kreutzer piece, 375.

Shilling, 113, 138, 142, 144, 145, 231, 243.

"of esterlings, 55.

Sigillo. (See Fiorino.)

Silver dukaat, 353.

"fiorino, 301, 304.

"groschen, 102, 380.

"gulden or thaler, 364.

"rijder, 353.


Six-livre thalers, 202.

Sixpence, 144, 145, 231, 243.

Soldi, 301, 304. (See Solidi.)

"grossi, 306.

"(schillingen), 360.

Soleil. (See Écu, Couronne.)

Solidus, 398. (See Soldi, Schelling Sol, Sueldo.)

Sols, 170. (See Solidi, Sueldo.)

"d'argent, 403.

"d'or, 399.

Souverain, 392.

Sovereign, 113, 117, 131.

Spanish dollar, 333.

"ducats, 79.

"pistole, 80.

Specie or Convention thaler, 102, 201.

Staten daalder, 356.

Sterlings, 48.

Stiver, 345. (See Nederland.)

Stretti. (See Fiorino.)

Sueldo, 319. (See Solidus.)

"de oro, 321.

"pepiones, 321, 322.

Suggello. (See Fiorino.)


Ten-gulden piece, 353, 355, 359.

Ten-stiver piece, 356.

Ten-thaler piece, 204.

Testoons, 84, 121, 130, 307, 403, 422.

Thaler (see Silver gulden, Joachims thaler, Kronen thaler, Laubthalers, Prussian, Philipps, Reichs thaler, Silver, Six-livre, Vereins thaler), 83, 106, 363, 364, 367, 369, 370, 371, 373, 375, 377, 379, 381, 382, 392.

Three-gulden piece or Bavarian carolus, 357, 375.

Three-heller piece, 369.

Threepenny piece (silver), 146.

Thirty-deniers, 170.

Thirty-kreutzer piece, 375.

Tollero, 313, 318.

Tournois, 397. (See Denier, Double, Gros, Petit.)

Tremissis or triens, 398.

Tron. (See Lira.)

Twenty-franc (gold), 175, 176.

Twenty-kreutzer piece, 375.

Twenty-shilling piece, 149.

Two-franc, 190.

Twopenny piece (silver), 146.


Unite, 113, 134.


Veintenes, 331.

"de oro, 337.

Vellon rico, 344.

Vereinsmunze, 206.

Vereins thaler, 216, 372.

Viejos, 323. (See Maravedi.)


Wilhelms d'or, 388.

William, 354.


ZÄhender, 365.

Zecchino (see Ducat, Sequin), 4, 311, 314, 375.

There are many possible inaccuracies in the non-English references in this book. The non-English portions are left as printed, unless noted below.

Some fractions, such as 67 47/41 on page 314 have a numerator larger than the denominator. Even though these are most likely incorrect, they are left as in the original as there is no way to confirm what they should be.

The following errors in the original text were corrected. In the text they are noted with a dotted underline and a hover text explaining the change as noted below.

Page XIX, Preface: "Dei MÜnzen der deutschen" corrected to "Die MÜnzen der deutschen"

Page XXX, Table of Contents, Chapter III: "recoinage of, 1696, 222;" corrected to "recoinage of 1696, 222;"

Page 5, Chapter 1: "in order to the supply of the Italian mints" corrected to "in order to supply the Italian mints"

Page 7, Chapter 1: "the Archbishop of Cologne the Duke of Brabant" corrected to "the Archbishop of Cologne, the Duke of Brabant"

Page 8, Chapter 1: "50 marks 2 oz. 3 1/2 aug." corrected to "50 marks 2 oz. 3 1/2 ang."

Page 79, Chapter 2, in the table "German Gold Guldens:" "1591" corrected to "1581" to match right hand column and date sequence.

Page 87, Chapter 2: "Spanish and Portugese gold ducats" corrected to "Spanish and Portuguese gold ducats"

Page 89, Chapter 2: "the celebrated declaration of 1577, i.e 60 sols." corrected to "the celebrated declaration of 1577, i.e. 60 sols."

Page 141, Chapter 2: "The merchant-adventurers were appealed to to buy up these stocks, but they were unable." corrected to "The merchant-adventurers were appealed to, to buy up these stocks, but they were unable."

Page 155, Chapter 3, in untitled table: second occurrence of "1841-1850" corrected to "1851-1855" to match sequence in table.

Page 169, Chapter 3: "a value of 20 livres; and of silver ecus at 8 3/10 to the" corrected to "a value of 20 livres; and of silver Écus at 8 3/10 to the" as Écus has the accent on every other occurrence.

Page 176, Chapter 3: "It is on the same conideration" corrected to "It is on the same consideration"

Page 184, Chapter 3: Table header "Silver. (Francs)." corrected to "Silver (Francs)." to match format in other headers and other tables.

Page 198, Chapter 3: "—Franconia, Bavaria, and Suabia—" corrected to "—Franconia, Bavaria, and Swabia—"

Page 206, Chapter 3: "Schwanzburg-Rudolstadt (Unterherrschaft)" corrected to "Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt (Unterherrschaft)"

Page 207, Chapter 3: "each state to give an account of its mintings," corrected to "each state to give an account of its mintings."

Page 219, Chapter 3: heading "England" corrected to "England." to match other headers.

Page 233, Chapter 3: "On this occassion I addressed a letter to a noble Lord," corrected to "On this occasion I addressed a letter to a noble Lord,"

Page 246, Chapter 3: "the ounce of silver was declared worth 6s. 8d" corrected to "the ounce of silver was declared worth 6s. 8d."

Page 251, Chapter 3: "that gold was extremely over-valued in the United" corrected to "that gold was extremely overvalued in the United" as all other occurrences of overvalued are not hyphenated.

Page 287, Chapter 3: "by substituting silver coin or notes based on silver" corrected to "by substituting silver coins or notes based on silver"

Page 294, Chapter 3: "history of the world has been characterstic and uniform" corrected to "history of the world has been characteristic and uniform"

Page 325 appears to be a continuation of the table on page 326. These pages reversed by transcriber.

Page 326, Appendix III: "Cornados viejos" corrected to "Coronados viejos"

Page 353, Appendix IV: "1 gulden 2 francs 11 61/100 centimes." corrected to "1 gulden = 2 francs 11 61/100 centimes."

Page 364, Appendix V: "The third Imperial Mint Ordinance established an important difference from this system," corrected to "The third Imperial Mint Ordinance established an important difference from this system."

Page 369, Appendix V:

Pfennige 3 " 720 "
corrected to
Pfennige, 3 " 720 "

Page 393, Appendix V: The following 2 dates were a best guess based on the text. The dates were obviously incorrect.

"1855, Frankfort Fair—Philipps thaler = 82 kr." corrected to "1585, Frankfort Fair—Philipps thaler = 82 kr."

"1623 (Higher Circles)—Reichs thaler recognised at 90 kr." corrected to "1603 (Higher Circles)—Reichs thaler recognised at 90 kr."

Page 404, Appendix VI: "15 sols (i.e. a quarter the value of the Écu d'or, then set at 60 sols)" corrected to "15 sols. (i.e. a quarter the value of the Écu d'or, then set at 60 sols.)"

Page 407, Appendix VI: "1626 they had fallen to 12 livres and 3 livres respectively." corrected to "1726 they had fallen to 12 livres and 3 livres respectively."

Page 408, Appendix VI: "1329 (Philipp de Valois), Dec. 26" corrected to "1329 (Philippe de Valois), Dec. 26"

Page 411, Appendix VI: "Écu Á la" corrected to "Écu À la" under 1425 and 1427

Page 412, Appendix VI: "1487 (Charles VII.)" corrected to "1487 (Charles VII.),"

Page 425, General Index: "Calonne XV., 172." corrected to "Calonne, XV., 172."

"Chambers, Mr., 259." corrected to "Chambres, Mr., 259."

Page 427, General Index: "Freemantle, Sir C.W., 283, 290." corrected to "Fremantle, Sir C.W., 283, 290."

Page 431, Index of Coins: "Angelets, 117." corrected to "Angellets, 117."

"À l'ecu, 420." corrected to "À l'Écu, 420." as l'Écu is accented on page 420.

Page 432, Index of Coins: "Dukaton of Brabant, 357" spelled "Dakaton of Brabant" on page 357. Don't know which is correct. Both left as printed.

Header starting F was added.

"di sugello, 302, 304." corrected to "di suggello, 302, 304."

Page 433, Index of Coins: "Florens d'or aux Fleurs de lis" corrected to "Florins d'or aux Fleurs de lis"

"Gigliali, 375. (See Florentine.)" corrected to "Gigliati, 375. (See Florentine.)"

"Grosseti, 307." spelled as "Grossetti" on page 307. Don't know which is correct, both left as printed.

Page 434, Index of Coins: "Joachims thaler or Schlicken o LÖwen thaler, 363." correct to "Joachims thaler or Schlicken or LÖwen thaler, 363."

Page 435, Index of Coins: "Nobles, 48, 53, 55, 57. (See Rose Nobels, Burgundian.)" corrected to "Nobles, 48, 53, 55, 57. (See Rose Nobles, Burgundian.)"

Page 436, Index of Coins: "Riders Gelderns, 119. (See Rijder.)" Gelderns spelled as "Gelderus" on page 119. Don't know which is correct, both left as printed.

"of esterlings, 55." ditto mark added to represent Shilling


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