

Act of George III., 235.

"1834, United States, 257.

Adams, John Quincy, 253, 258.

Aislabie, Mr., 228.

Alfonso X., The Wise, 321.

Allard, Mr., 290.

Anne, Queen, 277.

Antwerp, position of, in the 17th century, 62.

Arbitrage, 17th century, 73.

Augsburg girogeld, 387.

Austria, monetary system of, 376.

Austrian standard, or Convention standard, 374, 386.


Bacon, Sir Francis, 134.

Balfour, Right Hon. A.J., 284.

Bank of France, table of reserves, 186.

Batavian Republic, 352.

Barbour, Sir D., 284, 293.

Barrett, Mr., 147.

Bavaria, 374.

Bavarian, Louis the, 7.

Bayreuth, 374.

Beernaert, M., 287.

Bel, Charles le, 400.

"Philippe le, 10, 12, 399.

Binney, Mr., 259.

Birch, J.W., 283.

Bland, Mr., 261, 279.

Bland, Bill, 279, 283.

Bogy, Mr., 279.

Boissevain, M., 290.

Bold, Charles the, 402.

Brandenburg-Anspach, 374.

"Frederick William of, 199.

Bremen, 373.

Brunswick, 381.

Brussels conference, 286.

Byzantium, monetary system of, 2.


Calhoun, Mr., 259.

Calonne, XV., 172.

Calvert, 142.

Cambreleng, Mr., 258.

Carleton, Mr., 140.

Caswall, Mr., 228.

Chambers, Mr., 259.

Chaplin, H., 284.

Charlemagne, monetary system of, 2, 397.

Charles I. of Spain, 109.

"I. of England, 133, 146.

"II. of England, 219, 223.

"II. of Spain, 329.

"III. of Spain, 332.

"IV. of Spain, 332.

"V. of Germany, 96, 364.

"VI. of France, 399, 400, 401, 402.

"VII. of France, 399, 400, 401.

"VIII. of France, 39, 401.

"IX. of France, 84, 402.

Clay, Mr., 259.

Clowney, Mr., 258.

Cologne, Bimetallic conference of, 282.

Commission on the depreciation of silver, 1876, 279.

Compagnie des Indes, 406.

Conference (see International) of 1878 279; of 1881, 281.

Convention of Dresden, 380.

""Vienna, 374.

"standard, or Austrian standard, 386.

Courtney, Leon. H., 283, 294.

Course of monetary depreciation, 1300-1500, 15.

Crawford, Secretary, 254.

Crusades, effect of, on currency, 3, 5.

Currie, Bertram Wodehouse, 294.


Dandolo, Giovanni, 4.

Denmark, 277.

Depreciation of standard, general causes of, preface xii.

Discounts in modern system, function of, 165.

Ducat, or Imperial standard, 387.

Dunham, Mr., 260.


Edward III.'s changes of ratio, 45.

"VI., 121, 124.

Elizabeth, 129, 130, 132.

Emperor Sigismund, 27.

England, Act of 1798, 239.

""1816, 243.

"agitation of 1611, 137.

"bank restriction, 241.

"coinage of 1527, 118.

""Act of 1870, 243.

"crisis of 1622, 141.

"currency measures of 1544, 121.

"effects of the ratio of 1698, 227.

"Elizabeth's final revision, 131.

""recoinage, 129.

"export in 1690, 223.

"first coining of gold in, 11.

"indenture of 1344, 42.

""1346, 44.

""1353, 45.

""1414, 55.

""1460-1470, 58.

""1670, 221.

"in 1378, 49.

"measures of 1619, 139.

"mintings and movements of metals, 1855-1894, 244.

"monetary history of, 1300-1500, 41;

1500-1600, 113;

1660-1894, 219.

"monetary inquiry of 1381, 51.

""troubles of Henry VI., 57.

"proclamation of 1661, 220.

"recoinage of, 1414, 55;

1696, 225;

1774, 235.

"Sir Isaac Newton's report, 1717, 229.

"Sir Robert Stone on the Mint, 151.

"situation in 1638, 149.

"state of the coinage in 1774, 253.

"Tudor debasement, 123.

Ewing, Mr., 258.


Farrer, Lord, 283, 294.

Ferdinand, 99, 101.

"and Isabella, 322, 324, 327.

"II., 321.

"VI., 331.

"VII., 332.

Flanders, commencement of gold coinage, 10.

Florence, monetary history of, in the 14th century, 18; 1500-1660, 93.

"monetary system of, 301.

France, action of the states general in 1420, 27.

"commencement of gold coinage in, 9.

"course of ratio, 1660-1894, 179.

"currency debasement in, 32.

"mint inquiry of 1575, 85.

"monetary history of, 1286-1500, 31;

1500-1660, 83;

1600-1894, 167.

"monetary system of, 396.

"recoinage of, 1689, 167.

""1693, 168.

""1709, 168.

"reform of, 1577, 87.

""1640, 91.

""1726, 169.

""1785, 171.

""1803, 177.

Francis I., 201, 402.

Franconian currency, 369.

Frankfort, 373, 378.

Frederick Augustus, 374.

"I., 203.

"IV., 27.

"the Great, 378.

Free trade in the precious metals, 163.

Fremantle, Sir C.W., 283, 290.


Gallatin, 258.

Gaudin, M., 176.

George III., 231.

Germany, attempts at reform, 1860-70, 213.

"commencement of gold coinage in, 6.

"conference of Munich, 1837, 205.

"gold standards, 387.

"Leipzig standard, 200.

"monetary history, 14th and 15th centuries, 25; 1500-1600, 95; 1660-1894, 197, 360.

"new Imperial system, 1871, 215.

"standards, silver, 385.

"the convention standard, 201.

""Dresden convention, 1838, 207.

""Vienna conference, 1857, 209.

""Zinnaische standard, 199.

"24-gulden standard, 202.

"24 1/2-gulden standard, 202.

Gillet, Mr., 258.

Godley, Arthur, C.B., 294.

Gold gulden standard, 388.

"reintroduction of coinage of, 1.

Gorham, Mr., 259.

Goschen, Rt. Hon. J.G., 279, 280.

Graumann, Philip, 378.

"standard, 379.

Gresham, Sir Thomas, 73.

Grell, Jacob, 8.

Groesbeck, 279.


Hacket, Mr., 117.

Hamburg banco, 387.

"bank, establishment of, 105.

"monetary history of, 383.

Hamilton, Alexander, XV. 251.

Hanover, 381.

Harrison, President, 263.

Heath, Sir Robert, 142.

Henry II. of Castile, 84, 324.

"III. of England, 4, 21.

"III. of France, 85, 88, 89, 236, 404.

"III. of Spain, 324.

"IV. of France, 89, 90.

"VII. of England, 59.

"VIII. of England, 121, 129.

Herschell, Lord, 283, 294.

Hesse-Darmstadt, 378.

Higher Circles (Germany), 373.

Holland in 1872, 271.

Houldsworth. Sir W.H., 284.


Imperial, or ducat standard, 387.

India, 294.

"closing of the mints, 293.

"statistics of metals and minting, 299.

Ingham, Secretary, 256.

International conferences (see Conferences), 275.

"monetary congress, 285.

Isabella and Ferdinand, 322, 324, 327.

Italian republics (see Florence and Venice), gold coinage of, 4-5.

""trade of, 3.


James I. of England, 133, 145.

"II. of England, 223.

Jefferson, 248.

John, king of France, 45, 400.

John II. of Spain, 327.

"III. of Spain, 323.

Jones, Mr., 279.


Kammer-Gerichts currencies, 369.

"Kipper und Wipper Zeit," 102, 369.

Knight, Mr., 259.

Kronen-thaler standard, 386.


Lamond, Miss, 129.

Latin union, the, 191.

Law, John, 169.

"system of, 404.

Le Blanc, 89, 92.

Legal tender, law of, 350.

Legislation of 1873-74, United States, 261.

Leipzig standard, 373, 386.

Levi, M. Montefiore, 287.

Levy, Moritz, 287.

Lippe, 381.

Liverpool, Lord, 233, 239, 242.

Locke, John, 140, 225, 226.

Louis VII. of France, 9.

"IX. of France, 9.

"XI. of France, 59.

"XII. of France, 403.

"XIII. of France, 404.

"XV. of France, 405.

Louis Huttin, 399.

Lowndes, Mr., 256.

LÜbeck, 383.

"courant, 387.

"mint, 7.

Lubbock, Sir John, 283.

LÜneburg, 384.


Maddison, Sir Ralph, 148.

Magnin, M., 286.

Mainz, 373, 378.

Malet, Lord, 284.

Marcello, Nicolo, 312.

Maria Theresa, 374.

Maurice, Elector, 363.

Maximilian, Emperor, 347.

McKim, Mr., 258.

M'Creary, Mr., 290.

Mecklenburg, 381.

Mint laws, wide effect of, 157.

Mirabeau, preface xv.

Misnian currency, 369.

Mocenigo, Pietro, 312.

Modern monetary system, evolution of the, 161.

Montague, Sir Samuel, 284.

Moors, 1.

Morris, Robert, preface xv. 247.


Netherlands in 1816, 269.

"the monetary system of the, 268, 272, 278, 345. See "Plakkaats."

Newton, Sir Isaac, preface xv. 229, 231.

Norway, 277.

NÜrnberg, 368, 374.


Oldenburg, 381.

Old Imperial standard of 1559, 386.

Ordinances, first Imperial mint, 96, 363.

"second Imperial mint, 99, 363.

"third Imperial mint, 99, 364, 366.


Palatinate, 373, 375, 378.

Palmer, Andrew, 151.

Parieu, De., 276.

Paris, conference of, 1867, 276.

""1878, 280.

""1881, 281.

"congress of, 1889, 286.

Philip Augustus of France, 9.

"I. of France, 399.

"II. of Spain, 110, 329.

"III. of Spain, 111, 329.

"IV. of Spain, 111, 329.

"V. of Spain, 330.

Philippe le Long, 399.

Pistole standard, 388.

"Plakkaats" of the Netherlands, 66, 71, 74.

Pomerania, 373.

Ponte, Nicolo da, 312.

Porter, Alexander, 259.

Portugal, monetary history of, 1688-1854, 273.

Precious metals, production of, 1550-1660, 65;

1660-1893, 155.

Prussian monetary system, 203, 378.

"standard, 386.


Ratio between gold and silver in Europe, 1300-1500, 40;

1500-1669, 69;

1669-1894, 157.

Ratio, different rate of, coexisting, 16.

"Hamilton's statement of 1791, 251.

"in 1360, 49.

"methods of calculation of, preface xiv.

Reichstag of Augsburg, 365, 367.

""Regensburg, 367.

Rogers, Mr., 151.

Rothschild, Lord Alfred de, 288, 291.

Royal commission of 1868, 277.

"commission on the precious metals, 283.

Rupert of Germany, 11, 26.


Salisbury, Earl of, 134, 136.

Salzburg, 375, 377.

Scandinavian States, 278.

Schleswig-Holstein courant, 387.

Seigniorage in France and England abolished, 162, 163, 220.

Selden, Mr., 259.

Silsbee, Mr., 259.

Silver, course of modern depreciation, 277.

"sources of supply of 1300-1500, 14.

Soetbeer Dr. A., xiv. xv. 287, 289.

Southard, Mr., 259.

South German system, 377, 378, 386.

Spain, first coinage of gold in, 11.

"monetary history of, 23, 106.

"monetary system of, 319.

Spanish Netherlands, 348.

Sprague, Mr., 259.

Strachey, Lieut.-Gen. Richard, C.S.I., 294.

Sweden, 277, 373.


Terrell, E.H., 287.

Tirard, M., 291.

Treves, 373.

Tron, Nicolo, 312.

Twenty-four-gulden standard, 377, 386.

"and half-gulden standard, 378, 386.


United Provinces, 348.

"States Bland and Sherman Acts, 263.

""currency, history of, 246.

""gold export of 1820, 255.

""Hamilton's report, 1791, 251.

""mint coinages, 265.

""Morris's scheme, 1782, 247.

""movement of the precious metals, 266.

""ordinances of 1786, 250.

""report of 1785, 249.

"""1817, 253.

""scheme of 1792, 253.

Upper circles (Germany), 377.


Valois, Philippe de, 35, 403.

Venice, gold coinage of, 5.

"the monetary system of, 310.

Vienna, convention of 1857, 376.

"first international conference of 1867, 275.


Waldeck, 381.

Webster, M., 259.

Wechselgeld, or Wechselzahlung, 386.

Welby, Sir R. Earle, G.C.B., 294.

Wendish states, 384.

White, C.H., 257, 258.

Wilde, Mr., 259.

Willard, Mr., 279.

William I. of Holland and Belgium, 269.

"III. of England, 222, 225.

Wilson, Sir Rivers, 290.

Windam, Secretary, 263.

Wismar, 384.

Wolsey's mint policy, 115.

WÜrzburg, 374.


Zinnaische standard, 371, 386.


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