- Adnate wing, 16
- Apinus, Neck.—Pinus, 24
- Apophysis of cone, 10
- Armature of conelet, 7
- Articulate wing, 16
- Australes-Group, 62
- Balfourianae-Group, 42
- Bark, 18
- Bases of bracts decurrent and non-decurrent, 1
- Bast-tissue of cone, 14
- Biform hypoderm, 6
- Bloom on branchlet, 2
- Bracts, bases of, 1
- Branchlet, multinodal, 2
- Bud, latent, 2
- Caryopitys, Small = Pinus, 24
- Caryopitys edulis Small = Pinus cembroides, 38
- Cembra, Opiz = Pinus, 24
- Cembra-Subsection, 26
- Cembrae-Group, 26
- Cembroides-Group, 38
- Characters of the genus, 1
- Classification of species, 22
- Color of cone, 8
- Cone, apophysis of, 10
- bast tissues of, 14
- color of, 8
- dimensions of, 8
- oblique, 10
- peduncle of, 8
- persistent, 8
- phyllotaxis of, 12
- serotinous, 14
- symmetrical, 10
- Conelet, lateral, 7
- pseudolateral, 7
- subterminal, 7
- Conspectus of Sections &c., 25
- Connective of pollen-sacs, 7
- Cotyledons, 1
- Decurrent bases, 1
- Definite phyllotaxis, 12
- Dermal tissue of leaf, 4
- Dimensions of cone, 8
- Diploxylon-Section, 44
- Dorsal umbo, 8
- Endoderm, 8
- Evolutional characters, 20
- External resin-ducts, 6
- Fibro-vascular bundle, 6
- Flexiles-Group, 28
- Flowers, lateral, 7
- pistillate, 7
- staminate, 7
- subterminal, 7
- Generic characters, 18
- Genus, characters of, 1
- Geographical distribution, 24
- Ge
l#Page_56" class="pginternal">56
- Lumholtzii Rob. & Fern., 46
- lutea Walt. = taeda, 72
- macrocarpa Lindl. = Coulteri, 93
- macrophylla Engelm. = ponderosa, 66
- macrophylla Lindl. = Montezumae, 64
- maderiensis Ten. = pinea, 48
- mandschurica Laws. = cembra, 27
- mandschurica Rupr. = koraiensis, 26
- maritima Ait. = nigra, 58
- maritima Lamb. = halepensis, 78
- maritima Poir. = pinaster, 80
- Massoniana Lamb., 52
- Massoniana Sieb. & Zucc. = Thunbergii, 56
- Mastersiana Hay. = Armandi, 30
- Mayriana Sudw. = ponderosa, 66
- Merkusii De Vriese, 58
- mitis Michx. = echinata, 74
- monophylla Torr. = cembroides, 38
- montana Lam. = cembra, 27
- montana Mill., 54
- montana Noll = pungens, 84
- Montezumae Lamb., 64
- monticola Dougl., 34
- morrisonicola Hay. = parviflora, 32
- mugho Poir. = montana, 54
- mughus Jacq. = sylvestris, 54
- mughus Scop. = montana, 54
- muricata D. Don, 86
- Murrayana Balf. = contorta, 84
- Nelsonii Shaw, 40
- nepalensis De Chamb. = excelsa, 34
- nigra Arnold, 58
- nigricans Host = nigra, 58
- nivea Booth = strobus, 36
- obliqua Saut. = montana, 54
- occidentalis H. B. K. = Montezumae, 64
- occidentalis Swartz, 70
- oocarpa Schiede, 78
- oocarpoides Lindl. = oocarpa, 78
- orizabae Gord. = pseudostrobus, 62
- osteosperma Engelm. = cembroides, 38
- Pallasiana Lamb. = nigra, 58
- palustris Miller, 70
- Parolinii Vis. = halepensis, 78
- Parryana Engelm. = cembroides, 38
- Parryana Gord. = ponderosa, 66
- parviflora Sieb. Zucc., 32
- patula Schl. & Cham., 86
- peninsularis Lemm. = ponderosa, 66
- pentaphylla Mayr = parviflora, 32
- persica Strangw. = halepensis, 78
- peuce Grise., 34
- pinaster Ait., 80
- pinaster Bess. = nigra, 58
- Pinceana Gord., 38
- pindica Form. = nigra, 58
- pinea Linn., 48
- pityusa Stev. = halepensis, 78
- ponderosa Dougl., 66
- pontica Koch = sylvestris, 54
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