A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Z.
Aguilera, SeÑor, 240
Alcalde, the, 265 note
Alfonso XII., 112
Alfonso XIII., 122-4, 182, 318
All Souls’ Day, observation of, 46;
scandal connected with Masses on, 84-6
Ayuntamiento, the, 265 note; 274
Baptism, 47
Barcelona, effect of riots, 17;
refugees from, 90, 92;
Carlist activities in, 134 ff.;
stories of riots, 165-6;
bombs in, theory of, 181 ff
Beatas, 21
“Bull of the Crusade,” 64
Bullfight, the, 307 ff
Burial, 48, 50-1
Cacique,the 230-3
Canalejas, SeÑor, 243-6, 317-9
Carlists, alleged plots of, 167, 176;
army, 155-6;
party, 321
“Catholic Associations,” 163
Church, attitude towards people, 31-2;
illegal disposal of property, 80 ff;
unique position of,in Spain, 304
Civil Guard, the, 175, 218 ff
Clergy, children of, 79-80, 106-7;
arming and drilling of, 161, 164
Clerical Press, the, 28, 169, 235, 320-1
Confessional, the, 43, 73 ff
Conscription, consolidates Monarchy, 111;
conditions of exemption, 209;
proposals for alteration, 210
Conservatives, the, 251, 256, 322
Consumo, the, 15, 288
Contribucion industrial, 286
Convent schools, 275
Correo Catalan, the, 151, 172, 243, 321
Correo EspaÑol, the, 163, 321
Correspondencia de EspaÑa, the, 254, 322
Crossing, modes of, 65-7
Cuban War, stories of, 200-3
Customs’ duties, 285
Demonstrations, clerical, 191-4
“ popular, 174
Education, desire for, 15, 33
Ejercito EspaÑol, the, 152, 238
Electoral system, 229-33
Employers and employed, relations of, 23 ff
England, misunderstanding of Spanish politics in, 227, 257;
hopes of people from, 277, 318;
admiration of, in Spain, 309
Ferrer, 147-9, 170, 325
Gasset, SeÑor, 236, 317
Governments, distrusted by working classes, 30
Heraldo de Madrid, the, 187, 229 note, 257, 270, 318
Honesty, 62
Hume, Major Martin, quoted, 133, 228
Illiteracy, 263, 271
Images, belief in, 52-3, 55-8
Imparcial, the, 114, 318
Irrigation scheme, 237
Jaime, Don, of Bourbon, 117, 153-4, 166, 170
Lay schools, the, 169;
clerical campaign against, 190-1, 193
Liberal, the, 35, 172, 294, 317
Llorens, SeÑor, 152-3, 163, 321
Lottery, national, 298
Luque, General, 238
Madrid, attitude of, towards the South, 26-8
Marriage among working classes, 48-9
Matches, monopoly of, 292
Maura, SeÑor, 35, 115, 137-8, 144, 150, 203, 234, 245, 251-3, 256, 280, 320
Melquiades Alvarez, SeÑor, 259, 317, 319
Monopolies, Government, 291-2
Montero Rios, SeÑor, 242, 317
Moret, SeÑor, 137, 173, 228, 234, 237, 239, 241-3, 253, 258, 317
Morocco, war in, 200 ff
Morral, 144, 148
Moslems, mixed with Spaniards, 28-9;
traditional feeling against, 207
Municipal elections, 1909, 237
Nuevo Mundo, the, 7
Pais, the, 171, 223, 319
Paz, Infanta DoÑa, 207
Penitential dress, 64
Penitents, 53
Police, various bodies of, 215 ff
Politics, difficulties of understanding, 228
Popular songs, 142-3
Postal service, 298
Prayers quoted, 67-8
Primo de Rivera, General, 203
Public instruction, system of, 264 ff
Purgatory, popular view of, 44
Queen, the, animus of clergy against, 120;
feeling of working people towards, 121-2, 128;
courage shown by, 182
Queen-Mother, the, 113, 115
Religious Orders, the, change of people’s attitude towards, 17;
positions in Spain illegal, 90;
relations to working classes, 93;
underselling of workpeople by, 94-5, 105;
people ruined by, 97-102;
refusal to help at time of distress, 102;
evasion of taxation by, 295;
measures adopted by Government, 317-8
Republicans, the, 239, 258-60, 317, 319
Reservists, supposed protest against calling out of, 204
Romanones, Count, 240, 322
Royal Family, suppression of news about, during the Maura rÉgime, 116, 123-6
Sanchez Toca, SeÑor, 254
School supply, facts about, 270
Serenos, the, 217
Socialists, the, 237
Sociedad editorial, the, 139, 171-2, 317
Squilache, Marquesa de, 116-7
Sugar monopoly, 291
Taxation, evasions of, 294
Tobacco monopoly, 291
Tradition, influence of, 16, 145
Truth-telling, 61
Universities, the, 268
Upper classes, general character of, 32; religion of, 40
Vigilancia, the, 217
War Fund, initiated by the Queen, 117 ff, 127;
contributions of workpeople to, 119
Working classes, general character of, 14, 30;
what they read, 34;
religion of, 39 ff
Zaragoza, explosion of bombs at, 188
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