Nine Thousand Miles on a Pullman Train / An Account of a Tour of Railroad Conductors from Philadelphia to the Pacific Coast and Return |
INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS. INTRODUCTION. LIST OF PASSENGERS. Pennsylvania Railroad Conductors' Excursion to California. SATURDAY, MAY 8th, 1897.
Some typographical errors have been corrected; a list follows the text. List of Illustrations (In certain versions of this etext [in certain browsers] clicking on this symbol Image not available: , or directly on the image, will bring up a larger version of the illustration.) (etext transcriber's note) | Nine Thousand Miles On A Pullman Train AN ACCOUNT OF A Tour of Railroad Conductors From Philadelphia TO THE Pacific Coast and Return By M. M. SHAW Philadelphia Allen, Lane & Scott, Printers and Publishers Nos. 1211-13 Clover Street 1898 Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1898, BY M. M. SHAW, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. TO THE TRUE AND LOYAL WOMEN OF OUR PARTY, THE BELOVED AND CHERISHED COMPANIONS OF OUR HEARTHS AND HOMES, THIS BOOK IS AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED.