- Accidents involved by hunting, 66
- Adams, Maurice, on cost of sport, 45 et seq.
- Afforestation conflicts with game preservation, 53
- Agriculture ruined by sport, 38
- Athletic exercises compared with blood-sports, 129
- Badgers as “vermin,” 88
- “Bag,” a six weeks’, 104
- Balance of Nature upset, 40
- “Battue,” horrors of the, 83
- “Battue-shooting,” 13
- Beagles:
- Eton, 18;
- Tom Brown on Rugby, 125;
- forbidden by original statutes, 117;
- not legalised until 1871, 117;
- Dr. Warre’s attitude re, 116;
- strength of the opposition to, 124
- Big-game hunting:
- Mr. Ernest Bell on, 101;
- monotony of, 101, 102
- “Blooding,” 155
- Blood-sports:
- not manly, 56, 112, 136;
- at schools, 116
- Buchanan, Robert, quoted, 69, 150
- Buckhounds, abolition of Royal, 100, 130
- Buddha, humane teachings of, 29
- Burmese, the, and compassion, 29
- Burns, Robert, on shooting, 93
- Byron, Lord, on angling, 178
- Callousness of fox-hunting, the, 95
- Carlisle otter hounds, 30
- Carpenter, Edward, on sport and agriculture, 34 et seq.
- Carted deer, 22
- Civilised versus savage life, 132
- Clay-pigeons and live pigeons, 166
- Colquhoun, John, on the poacher, 81
- Compassion taught by Buddha, 29
- Compensation, farmers and, 37
- Cornfields damaged by mice and sparrows, 40
- Coursing, 170
- Cricket compared with hunting, 67
- Cruel sports not public benefits, 60
- Cruelties of stag-hunting, 10
- Cruelty, definition of, 2
- “Cub-hunting,” barbarities of, 9
- Cultivated area of Great Britain, 53
- Deer, carted, “accidents” to, 22
- Deer-forests:
- acreage of, 84;
- effects of, 84
- De Quincey’s satire, 142
- Dixie, Lady Florence, quoted, 163
- Dogs, gamekeepers’, Unmanliness of pheasant-shooting, 57
- Unregistered gamekeepers, 80
- Unsportsmanlike devices, 104
- “Vermin” exterminated by game-preservers, 88
- Vivisection and field sports compared, 1
- Wallace, A. R., on gamekeepers, 76
- War, sport as training for, 149
- Warre, Dr., his defence of the Eton hare-hunt, 116, 123
- Watson, H. B. Marriott, on fox-hunting, 95 et seq.
- Weasels as “vermin,” 88
- Wild life, destruction of, 85 et seq.
- Women and hunting, 11, 19
- Woodpecker destroyed by gamekeeper, 89
- Wounded victims of sport, 14
- Young, need of humane teaching for the, 18