Page 48, last line, for them read him.
---- 107, line 4, for Fitz-Thomas read Fitz-Thedmar.
---- 170, line 12, for 1339 read 1330.
---- 183, line 4, for Winchester read Winchelsea.
---- 223, lines 9 and 22, for Aldermancy read Aldermanry.
---- 228, line 10, for Roby read Raby.
---- 249, line 12, for 1401 read 1414.
---- 264, line 13, for 25,000 read 2,500.
---- —— line 20, for Pointoise read Pontoise.
---- —— note 3, for fo. 1,222 read fo. 122.
---- 293, note 3, for fo. 288b read fo. 292.
---- 310, note 3, for fo. 128 read fo. 182.
---- 323, marginal note, for 1433 read 1483.
---- 339, line 13, for 25 Dec. read 28 Dec.
---- 365, lines 15, 16, for of Euphues fame, read the Grammarian.
---- 391, note 2, for 1825 read 1525.
---- 443, line 18, for 1850 read 1550.
---- 487, line 15, for followed read preceded.
---- —— note 3, for Repertory 4 read Repertory 14.
Vol. II.
Page 220, marginal note, for arms read army.
---- 312, line 9, for resolved read was moved.
---- 398, line 21, for begining read beginning.
---- 401, line 25, for latter read later.
---- 485, note 1, for 27 read 87.
---- 528 and 532, marginal notes, for Charles read James.
Transcriber's Notes:
Simple spelling, grammar, and typographical errors in the prose were corrected.
Egregious errors were corrected in the poetry.
P. 432 The total of men was actually 2190.