The Fox Sparrows’ Bath Frontispiece
Skunk Tracks 3
Cat Tracks 4
Tracks of Hare joined by Dogs 6
In a burst of speed across the open field 7
Dog Tracks in Four Inches of Snow 7
Tracks of the White-Footed Mouse 9
A gray squirrel with a red squirrel at his heels 11
Fox Tracks 12
Muskrat Trail 14
Into the air they went 26
White-Foot—“In the winter gales 33
Five wee mice 35
White-Foot and the Hickory-Nuts 38
A Vireo’s Nest in Winter 40
Wind-sweepings 41
’Possum in the Persimmon Tree 50
Weasel—“Watching me from between the sticks 58
A chickadee! 62
Doing the excavating themselves 69
Food for the Nuthatches 76
The Mourning-Cloak Butterfly, an Early Flitter 77
A Ruffed Grouse Trail 78
The snow had melted from the river meadows 80
Carrying a big bob-tailed vole out of my ‘mowing’ 85
Scurrying through the tops of some pitch pines 90
All the afternoon the crows have been going over 93
The Duck-billed Platypus, or Duck-Bill 97
The Echidna, or Porcupine Ant-Eater 98
Standing before a large ’possum 99
Out she spilled and nine little ’possums with her” 100
A great blue heron would beat ponderously across 106
Meadow Mouse—“In a drifting catbird’s nest 109
A little figure in yellow oil-skins 114
Drew a limp little form out of the water 121
Quail—“One of the covey calling the flock together 127
A flock of robins dashing into the cedars 131
Pussy-Willows and Watercress 132
The hazelnut bushes are in bloom 133
Bluebird—“Like a bit of summer sky 135


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