Alden, H. W., 217. Allen, Grant, 311. See Letters. Visit to, 317. Algiers, 208 et seq. America, Visits to, 93, 149, 273, 393. Art-Critic, W. S. as, 79. Articles: By William Sharp, In the Days of My Youth, 10; Through Bush and Fern, 22; Etrurian Cities, 93; Victor Hugo, 58; “Marius the Epicurean”, 104; “Underwoods”, 138; “In Hospital”, 139; Balzac, 16; “American Literature”, 165; Philip Marston, 198; MÆterlinck, 198; Thomas Hardy, 199; March of Rome in North Africa, 208; La Jeune Belgique, 216; Hotel of the Beautiful Star, 240; Christina Rossetti, 240; The Impressionist, 326; Contemporary Italian Poetry, 343; Through Nelson’s Dutchy, 357, 358. By Fiona Macleod, A Group of Celtic Writers, 304; Celtic, 320; Contemporary Breton Literature, 315; The Gael and His Heritage, 325; On W. B. Yeats, 345. Australia, 22. Bank, City of Melbourne, 27, 53. Barbaric Tales, 268. Bax, Belford, 32. Blind, Mathilde, 51. See Letters. Bordighera, 339. Bronte, Duke of. See Hon. Alex. N. Hood, C. V. O. Brooke, Stopford A., 75. “Brooks, William H.” 204. Brown, Ford Madox, 51. Browning, Monograph on, 161, 162, 163. Browning, Robert, 51, 65, 158. Buchanan, Robert, 26. Canada, 150-153. Carman, Bliss, 151. Celtic Movement, The, 256 et seq. 277, 304, 305. Chapbook, “Sharp Number”, 239. Children of Tomorrow, The, 135 et seq. Chorleywood, 311. Civil Pension List and “Fiona Macleod”, 345-348. Corbett, Julian, 181. Cotton, James, 104. Courtney, W. L., 318. Craik, Mrs., Author of John Halifax, 41. Credo, 241. Diaries, 160; Rome, 1890, 82-87; The Severn Journals, 185; Rome and Italy, 173; A Fellowe and His Wife, 186 et seq.; The Pagan Review, 102 et seq.; Pharais, 221; “F. M.”, 266; Riviera, 324; Taormina, 1903, 356; Maniace, 416-418. Divine Adventure, The, 19, 314 et seq. Dominion of Dreams, The, 304 et seq. Douglas, Sir George, 253. The House of Usna, 317; The Immortal Hour, 317. Dramatic Interludes, 190. Ecce Puella, 242, 248, 251, 252. Edinburgh, Summer Meeting, 249-250. Elder, Alexander, 27. Elder, John, 29. Emerson, Poem on the Death of, 76. Evergreen, The, 268. Fair Women in Poetry and Painting, 252. FÉlibres, Les, 327. Fellowe and His Wife, A,, 170 et seq. “Fiona Macleod.” See Flower o’ the Vine, 205. Four Winds of the Spirit, The, 9. From the Hills of Dream, 259, 272, 279 et seq.; American Edition, 333-334. Francillon, 51. Garnett, L.L.D., C.B., Richard, 140, 143, 376. Geddes, Prof. Patrick, 248-250. Goodchild, Doctor John, 339, 381. See Letters. Gilchrist, R. Murray, 240. See Letters. Gilchrist, Mrs. See Letters. Great Oaks, 166. Green Fire, 14, 259, 266, et seq. Hampstead, Residence in, 139, 141, 231. Hardy, Arthur Sherburne, 261-262. Harland, Henry, 160. Hardy, Thomas. See Letters; Visit to, 324. Heine, Monograph on, 142-145. Henley, W. E. See Letters. Hichens, Robert, 353. See Letters. Hinkson, Mrs. K. Tynan, 238, 257. Holroyd, Sir Charles, 176; etched portrait by, 179. Hood, C. V. O., Hon. Alex. Nelson, 331, 339, 345-346, 358. See Letters. Hopekirk, Mrs. Helen, 407. House of Usna, The, performance of, 310, 317-318. Howard, Blanche Willis, 170. Howells, W. D., 92. Human Inheritance, The, 72. Immortal Hour, The, 310. James, Henry, quoted. 53, 338-339. Janvier, Mrs. C. A. See Letters. Janvier, Thomas A. See Letters. Laughter of Peterkin, The, 279 et seq. Le Braz, Anatole, 315. Lectures at Edinburgh, 251. From William Sharp to Alden H. M., 369. Caird, Mrs. Mona, 38. Clodd, Edward, 246. Elder, Miss A. L., 35. Elder, John, 29. “F. M.”, 410. Friend, to a: Algiers, 208 et seq.; On Style, 361; The Winged Destiny, 382; Glastonbury, 385; Maniace, 413-414. Friends, To One or Two, 422. Gilchrist, Mrs., 372. Gilchrist, R. Murray; The Pagan Review, 205; Stage Society, 324. Goodchild, Dr. John, 340, 403. Julian, 348; Shan Shan Bor, 355; Neuenahr, 399. Janvier, Mrs. C. A., 170; Arles, 182; On Criticism, 185; Greek War, 283-284; New Birth, 292; Pettycur, 300; Ireland, 311; Illness, 369; at Sea, 372; LePuy, 379. Maesfield, John, 403. Philpott, Mrs., Henry James, 338; Taormina, 341; Maniace, 374-375. Rinder, Frank, Dominion of Dreams, 306; Divine Adventures, 315. Robertson, Rev. Eric S., 124. Robertson, W. J., 395-396. Rossetti, D. G., 38, 40, 43, 55. Rossetti, W. M., 63. Sharp, Elizabeth A., 25, 28, 46, 54; on Poetry, 72; Nature, 84; London, 1891, 192; W. Whitman, 193; Pharais, 231; Arran, 243; Green Fire, 275; St. Remy, 282; W. S. & F. M., 285; The Way Farer, 286; Ireland, 287; Hastings, 290; Personal Views, 294 et seq.; Maniace, 352; Albania, 362; Lismore, 396; Neuenahr, 400; Doorn, 402; Stedman, E. C, 154, 166, 370, 386. Symonds, J. Addington, 113. Walter, Karl, Criticism, 359. Yeats, W. B., 307. To W. S. from Allen, Grant, 232. Blind, Mathilde, Sport of Chance, 123; Shelley, 134; Children of Tomorrow, 147; Sospiri di Roma, 184. Brooke, Stopford A., 75. “Brooks, W. H.”, 206. Browning, Robert, 64. Clodd, Edward, 246-247. Douglas, Sir George, 253. Dowden, Prof. Edward, 74, 136. Hardy, Thomas, 199. Henley, W. E., 139. Hichens, Robert, 352, 365, 412, 413. Hood, C. V. O., Hon. Alex. Nelson, 346. Janvier, Thomas A., 198; On F. M., 264. Mabie, Hamilton W., 252. Maesfield, John, 403. Meredith, George, Sonnets, 114; Shelley, 134; Poems, 144; Heine, 143; Sospiri di Roma, 184; Pharais, 228. Motherhood, 73; The Human Inheritance, 72, 99; Marius the Epicurean, 104; Shelley, 133. Rinder, Frank, 126. Stedman, E. C, “Victorian Poets”, 129, 131, 150, 155; Chapbook, 230; Stevenson, R. L., 116, 118, 138. Stoddard, Richard H., 273. Story, W. W., 169. Swinburne, A. C., 336-337. Symonds, J. Addington, 101, 111, 119. Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 66. Vere, Aubrey de, 113. Watts-Dunton, Theodore, 106. 114; Aylwin, 105; Whiteing, Richard, 214. Wilde, Oscar, 115. From “Fiona Macleod” to: Bartlett, Bridgman Mrs., 383. Black, [Kenneth], 360. Editor Pall Mall Magazine, 356. Gilman, Lawrence, 390. Goodchild, Dr. John, 316, 318, 337. Henley, W. E., 268. Hinkson, Mrs. K. Tynan, 238. Hopekirk, Mrs. Helen, 407. Le Braz, Anatole, 315. Meredith, George, 245. Mosher, Thomas, 330. Noguchi, Yoni, 409. Sutherland, Duchess of, 406. Unknown Correspondent, 331, 405. W. S., 411. To “Fiona Macleod” from: Gilman, Lawrence, 391. Goodchild, Dr. John, 319, 385. MacDowell, Edward, 389. Meredith, George, 245. Russell, George (“A. E.”), 277. Yeats, W. B., Irish Theatre, 280; F. M.; Style, 334; F. M. & W. S., 421. “Lilith”, 176. Lismore, 344. Literature, Chair of University of London, 149. Literary Geography, 381. Loeffler, Music and “F. M.”, 390. “Lover’s Tragedy, The”, 164. Mabie, Hamilton W., 252. Macleay, John. See Letters. Adoption of Pseudonym, 222 et seq.; Attempts at Identification, 230, 258, 305. List of books: Pharais, 221; Washer of the Ford, 258; Green Fire, 259; From the Hills of Dream, 252, 272, 279; Dominion of Dreams, 305; Laughter of Peterkin, 279; The House of Usna, 310; The Immortal Hour, 310; The Divine Adventure, 314; Where the Forest Murmurs, 393; The Winged Destiny, 287, 322, 381. Pharais, 222 et seq. Macleod, Seumas, 12, 14, 52, 316. Madge o’ the Pool, 261. Maesfield, John, 403. Magic Kingdoms, The, 349, 350, 357. See Marston, Philip Bourke, 39, 41, 42, 43, 70; death, 75-77; Martineau, Doctor, 39. Meredith, George, visits to, 145 et seq.; Motherhood, 73, 367, 368. See Letters. Morley, Henry, 149. Morris, William, 151. Mountain Lovers, The, 226, 242. Munro, Niel, 326. Murray, D. Christie, 42. Negro, Abbate Cesareo di, 91. Noguchi, Yoni, 409. Odes, English and American, Great, 166. Omar Khayyam Club, 246; Poem for O. K. C., 312. Orchardson, Monograph on, 286. Ordeal of Basil Hope, The, 161, 162, 165. Foreword, 201. Paget, Lady [Arthur], 82. Pater, Walter, 67, 70, 119-120. See Letters. Pharais, 221, et seq. Philpott, Mrs. See Letters. Earth’s Voices, 76; Romantic Ballads, 135; Sospiri di Roma, 173 et seq.; From the Hills of Dream, 259. Poems, quoted: Amid the Uplands, 19; The Gate of Death, 27; Two Sonnets, 32; Sleepy Hollow, 76; Moonrise, 97; To E. S. Robertson, 124; Elegaic Poemito R. Browning, 163; In Memoriam Walt Whitman, 194; The White Peace, 236; Buon Riposo, 340; Invocation, 374; “O Wind”, 407. The Ordeal of Basil Hope, 161; Nostalgia, 216; The Woman of Thirty, 216; Eve and I, 216; The Comedy of Woman, 216; Demogorgan, 216; The Times of Youth, 217; The Literary Ideal, 217; The Brotherhood of Rest, 217; The Late Mrs. Pygmalion, 217; Epic of Youth, 289; The Gipsy Trail, 14, 276, 326; Greek Backgrounds, 415; PersephonÆia, 415; Enchanted Valleys, 415; Province, 326. Pseudonyms of W. S.; H. P. Siwaarmill, 201; W. H. Brooks, 200, 204, 205. See Pagan Review; see Macleod. Rhys, Ernest, lecture on W. S., 106, 126. See Letters. Rinder, Frank. See Letters. Roberts, Charles [G. D.], 151. Romantic Ballads, 135. Rome, 173 et seq. Ross, Charles, 181. Rossetti, Christina, 51, 60, 67, 100. Rossetti, D. G., first meeting, 35, 36, 37, 43, et seq.; death, 58 et seq. See Letters. Rossetti, Wm., 39. Rossetti, a Record and a Study, 63 et seq. Ruskin, John, 169. Schopenhauer, quoted, 2. Scott, Robert Bell, 51. Severn, Life and Letters of Joseph, 158, 186, 198. Sharp, David Galbraith, 4, 15. Sharp, Elizabeth A. See William Sharp and Letters. Sharp, Mary, “F. M.’s” Secretary, 94, 356, 396, 416, 417. College, 13-15; With the Gipsies, 13; Lawyer’s Office, 14; Betrothed, 17; London, 18; City of Melbourne Bank, 27, 53; Rossetti, 35 et passim; Rossetti a Record and a Study, 63, 69-70; The Human Inheritance, 72; First Visit to Italy, 78; Art Critic, 79 et seq.; Earth’s Voices, 97; Marriage, 97; Sonnets of this Century, 104; Sport of Chance, 121 et seq.; Illness, 125; Shelley, 131; Romantic Ballads, 135 et seq.; Heine, 143; Children of Tomorrow, 146; Canada and New York, 149 et seq.; Browning, 158 et seq.; Winter in Rome, 168; Sospiri di Roma, 173: A Fellowe and His Wife, 189; Walt Whitman, 192; Phenice Croft, 200; The Pagan Review, 200 et seq.; Vistas, 208; Algiers, 208-212; Beginning of “Fiona Macleod” Writings, 221 et seq. (see Macleod); Return to Hampstead, 235; The Celtic Movement, 256, et seq.; America, 273; Wives in Exile, 262; Silence Farm, 292; Madge o’ the Pool, 261; The Gipsy Christ, 261; Art in the XIX Century, 312; Ireland, 287; Sicily, 328; Athens, 375; Literary Geography, 381, 387-389; America, 393; Sicily, 422; Death, 418-419. See also “F. M.” and W. S., compared; also Poems; also Dramas; also Projected Books. Shelley, Monograph on, 131. Sicily, 328 et seq. See also Taormina and Maniace. Silence Farm, 292. Sin-Eater, The, 252, 256 et seq. Sport of Chance, The, 121. Spiritual Tales, 268. Sonnets of this Century, 104 et seq. Sospiri di Roma, 195. Stage Society, The, 324. Stedman, E. C. See Letters. Stevenson, R. L. See Letters. Stoddard, R. H. See Letters. Storys, The [W. W.], 82. Swinburne, A. C., 336-337. Symonds, T. Addington, 92, 93. Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 66. To the Pine Belt, 18. Tragic Romances, 283. Upland, Woodland, Cloudland, 19-20. Visions, 289, 296, 397, 423-425. Washer of the Ford, The, 258, et passim. Watts-Dunton, Theodore. See Letters. Where the Forest Murmurs, 27, 293. White, Maud Valerie, 339. Whiteing, Richard, 204. See Letters. Wives in Exile, 292. Yeats, W. B., criticisms, 269, 280, 307, 334, 424. See Letters. Young Folks Paper (W. S. Editor of Literary Olympic), 128; Serial Stories by W. S.: “Under the Banner of St. James”, 129; “Secret of the Seven Fountains”, 129, 146; “Jack Noels’ Legacy”, 129; “The Last of the Vikings”, 208. Zola, Emile, 96. BOOKS BY WILLIAM SHARP Romantic Ballads. (Walter Scott & Co.) Vistas. (Alfred Nutt.) Songs and Poems. (Elliot Stock.) Ecce Puella. (Elkin Matthews.) Madge o’ the Pool. (Constables.) Monograph on Heine. (Walter Scott & Co.) Monograph on Shelley. (Walter Scott & Co.) Monograph on Browning. (Walter Scott & Co.) Literary Geography. (Newnes.) Art in the Century. (Messrs. W. & R. Chambers.) Fair Women in Painting and Poetry. (Seeley.) Uniform Edition of the Writings of “Fiona Macleod.” (William Heinemann, London; Messrs. Duffield & Co., New York.) Little Book of Nature Thoughts. Selected from the Writings of “Fiona Macleod.” (T. N. Foulis, London; Thomas B. Mosher, Portland, U. S. A.) The Garden of Letters. Papers on Men and Movements. Arranged by Mrs. Sharp. [Shortly.] IN COLLABORATION WITH MRS. WILLIAM SHARP Lyra Celtica. (Patrick Geddes & Colt, Edinburgh.) |