PAGE | In Persimmon-time | 1 | Birds' Winter Beds | 31 | Some Snug Winter Beds | 47 | A Bird of the Dark | 65 | The Pine-tree Swift | 79 | In the October Moon | 95 | Feathered Neighbors | 111 | "Mus'rattin'" | 169 | A Study in Bird Morals | 185 | Rabbit Roads | 207 | Brick-top | 233 | Second Crops | 247 | Wood-pussies | 277 | From River-ooze to Tree-top | 295 | A Buzzards' Banquet | 321 | Up Herring Run | 341 | I wish to thank the editors of "Lippincott's Magazine," "Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly," "Zion's Herald," and the "Youth's Companion" for allowing me to reprint here the chapters of "Wild Life Near Home" that first appeared in their pages. Dallas Lore Sharp.