“One of the eagles struck me a stinging blow on the head” | Frontispiece | The Fall of the Year | 1 | Initial, Chapter I | 1 | Initial, Chapter II | 9 | “Over the hill in a whirlwind of dust and howls” | 18 | Initial, Chapter III | 21 | “Here I found him keeping house” | 24 | Initial, Chapter IV | 29 | A Silky Skein of Cobweb | 30 | “A wild creature, that won’t get out of your way” | 32 | The Pyxie | 32 | The Field of Corn in the Shock | 33 | The winged, and plumed, and ballooned seeds | 34, 35 | Initial, Chapter V | 36 | Initial, Chapter VI | 46 | “The lantern flickers, the milk foams, the stories flow” | 48 | Initial, Chapter VII | 52 | A Coon | 54 | Quails | 55 | Shagbarks | 56 | Wild Sea Fowl | 57 | Black Hawthorn Berries | 58 | Initial, Chapter VIII | 61 | “To-night there is no loafing about the lodge” | 62 | Tailpiece | 66 | Initial, Chapter IX | 67 | A Whitefoot | 68 | A Chipmunk | 70 | A Woodchuck | 72 | Five Days of Life and Plenty for the Birds | 74 | Initial, Chapter X | 76 | Initial, Chapter XI | 80 | “But come, boys, get after those bags!” | 84 | Initial, Chapter XII | 88 | A Loon | 89 | When Night comes | 90 | A Blue Jay | 91 | A Red Squirrel | 92 | A Kinglet | 93 | Initial, Chapter XIII | 96 | Wild Geese | 102 | Tailpiece | 103 |