RE-ISSUE OF Miss Fiona Macleod's Stories Rearranged, and with Additional Tales VOL. I. SPIRITUAL TALES Contents St Bride of the Isles. The Three Marvels of Iona. The Melancholy of Ulad. Ula and Urla. The Dark Nameless One. The Smoothing of the Hand. The Anointed Man. The Hills of Ruel. The Fisher of Men. The Last Supper. The Awakening of Angus Ogue. VOL. II. BARBARIC TALES Contents The Song of the Sword. The Flight of the Culdees. Mircath. The Laughter of the Queen. The Harping of Cravetheen. Ahez the Pale. Silk o' the Kine. Cathal of the Woods. The Washer of the Fords. VOL. III. TRAGIC ROMANCES Contents Morag of the Glen. The Dan-nan-Ron. The Sin-Eater. The Ninth Wave. The Judgment o' God. Green Branches. The Archer.