FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS | | PAGE | African Elephant, | Frontispiece | Sheep-dogs Guarding a Flock at Night, | 10 | Hounds Running a Wild Boar, | 53 | On Rotten Row, Hyde Park, London, | 63 | Cavalry Horse, | 71 | A Hurdle Jumper, | 79 | English Polo Ponies, | 89 | Winnowing Grain in Egypt, | 111 | The Halt in the Desert at Night—The Story Teller, | 121 | Carrying the Sugar Cane in Harvest—Egypt, | 125 | Feeding Silkworms with Mulberry Leaves in Japan, | 193 | The Farmer's Apiary, | 199 | ILLUSTRATIONS IN THE TEXT | Greyhound after "the Kill," | 13 | St. Bernard, | 15 | Spaniel Retrieving Wild Duck, | 17 | Bull-Dog, | 22 | Fox-Hound and Pups, | 25 | Pointer Retrieving a Fallen Bird, | 26 | Pointer and Setter, Flushing Game, | 27 | Dutch Dogs Used in Harness, | 30 | King Charles Spaniel, | 33 | The Pounce of a Terrier, | 35 | Pomeranian or "Spitz," | 38 | Poodles, | 39 | Collie, | 41 | A Hunter, | 60 | Horse of a Bulgarian Marauder, | 67 | Mare and Foal, | 68 | Plough Horses, France, | 73 | Belgian Fisherman's Horse, | 76 | Horses for Towing on the Beach in Holland, | 78 | Exercising the Thoroughbreds, | 84 | An Arabian Horse, | 85 | Arabian Sports, | 86 | Syrian Horse, | 92 | In the Circus, | 96 | Domesticated Buffaloes in Egypt, | 104 | Cattle of India, | 105 | Indian Bullock and Water-Carrier, | DOMESTICATED ANIMALS
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