
Animals, rights of, 204.
separation of city folk from, 223.
educability of, 227.

Antelopes, 247.

Aryan race, relation to domestication, 152, 220.
relation to rights of animals, 208.

Ass, 93.

Bears, possible domestication of, 243.

Beasts of burden, 103.

Beaver, 246.
habits of, 246.
domestication of, 247.

Bee (honey), 191.
in North America, 195.

Big Bone Lick, Ky., 129.

Birds, 152.
free-flying species of, 182.
tree species of, 182.
vocal powers of, 183.
Æsthetic nature of, 187.
conditions of domestication of, 233.
future domestication of, 235.

Bison, 106.
domestication of, 241.

Buffaloes, 105.
African, 106.

Bulls, 105.

Camels, origin of, 119.
limited nature of, 120.
lessening value of, 124.

Cattle (horned), value of, 110.
variations of, 113.

Cats, origin of domesticated forms of, 51.
their love of well-known places, 51.
compared with dogs, 52.
their return to wild state, 55.
no large species domesticated, 56.

Cochineal, 201.

Dogs, origin of, 11.
fossil species of, 15.
savage selection of, 17.
civilized conditions of, 18.
shepherd breed of, etc., 19.
hunting varieties of, 25.
intellectual qualities of, 29.
evils of fancy breeding, 31.
lack of constructive faculty, 40.
modes of expression, 44.
effect on human sympathy, 48.
possible new varieties of, 50.

Domestication, relation to culture, 2.
relation to sympathies, 4.
slow institution of, 7.
mainly by Aryan people, 152.
problem of, 218.
hap-hazard nature of, 225.
conditions of, 229.

Domesticability, on what depending, 107.

Donkey, 93.
limited use of, 94.

Elephants, native freedom of, 107.
origin of, 127.
ancient species of, 128.
present limitation of, 130.
use in war, 130.
domesticability of, 131.
intelligence of, 132.
possible improvement of, 137.
future care of species required for preservation, 249.

Falconry, 184.

Fishes, limits of domestication, 232.

Fowls (barnyard), 153.
mental qualities of, 154.
voices of, 155.
domesticability of, 156.
game variety of, 159.

Giraffe, 249.

Goats, 115.
limited relation to man, 116.
little variation of, 117.
limited intelligence of, 118.

Guinea hen, 164.

Hawking, 184.

Horse, economic value to man, 57.
origin of, 58.
hoof of, 61.
field in which developed, 65.
domestication of, 66.
use in war, 67.
effect of mounted men on early peoples, 69.
future use in military campaigns, 70.
value in agriculture, 74.
mental qualities of, 75.
ready variations of, 78.
Norman variety of, 82.
geographic varieties of, 83.
Arabian variety of, 85.
Indian ponies, 86.
care of, 87.
shoeing of, 91.
influence on man, 100.

Hybrids, utility of, 96.

Insects, 190.
limited value to man, 190.

Kangaroo, 240.

Mammalia, value of class as source of domesticable animals, 149.
future domestication of, 238.

Mammals (tertiary), 150.

Mammoth, 129.

Man, his place in nature, 1.
sudden appearance of, 6.
as a destroyer, 229.

Martha's Vineyard prairie chicken, 257.

Milk, value of, as food, 110.

Monkeys, little use to man, 250.
value for inquiry, 250.

Mule, 95.
limitations in use of, 95.
only hybrid serviceable to man, 96.
mental qualities of, 98.

Musk ox, 241.

Organic hosts, 253.

Ostrich, 168.
possible improvement of, 168.

Pack animals, 104.

Parks, national, etc., 256.

Pea-fowl, 162.
habits of, 163.
intelligence of, 164.

Pets, influence of, 223.

Pig, origin of, 140.
value of flesh, 140.
progressive domestication of, 142.
intelligence of, 143, 148.
variations in habits of, 147.

Pigeons, 175.
origin of, 176.
breeds of, 177.
mental qualities of, 180.

Plants, danger of extinction of species of, 250.

Refuge stations. (See Reservations.)

Reservations (of wilderness), 256.
American, 256.
foreign, 259.
cost of, 261.

Rhinoceros, 249.

Rights of animals, 204.
origin of, 205.

Savages, relation of, to animals, 219.

Seals, possible domestication of, 243.

Sheep, 115.
value of wool, 115.
variations of, 116.
mental qualities of, 118.

Silkworm, 197.

Turkey, origin of, 165.
variations of, 166.
mental qualities of, 167.

Vivisection, 211.

Water-birds, 169.
flight of, 169.
sympathetic quality, 171.

Wildernesses, destruction of, 224.
reservations of, 256.

Wool-bearing animals, 114.

Transcriber's Notes:

Inconsistencies in hyphenation of words retained. (barn-yard, barnyard, hap-hazard, haphazard, help-meet, helpmeet, on-going, ongoing, pre-human, prehuman)

Inconsistencies in spelling of zoological names retained. (Æpyornis, Epiornis)

List of illustrations and page 158 caption, among the of four breeds of domestic fowl named, the original spelling of the breed "Houdin" is retained. Probably refers to the breed now more commonly known as "Houdan".

Page 56, unusual spelling of "chetah" retained. Probably refers to "cheetah". (A large Asiatic cat known as the chetah is somewhat)

Page 87, "similiar" changed to "similar". (reason that nothing similar)

Page 158, 160, 173 captions. The original appearance and wording is reproduced in the html version. For the text version, more meaningful and grammatical captions have been provided as the original captions comprised a series of separate breed or species names used to label the animals in the illustration.

Page 179, original text "In early time" retained, although "In early times" is probably more grammatical. (In early time, before the invention of)

Page 256, "cordilleran" changed to "Cordilleran". ( the Cordilleran district of the United States)

Page 266, index entry "Ostrich, possible improvement of". Page reference changed from 108 to 168. Page 108 has no content fitting the topic while page 168 clearly has.

Postioning of illustrations:

Text version: illustration tags in the middle of a paragraph are moved to a paragraph break above or below.

Html version:

1. Illustrations in the middle of a paragraph are moved to a paragraph break above or below the paragraph. Where there is no paragraph break on the page, the illustration is moved to the nearest paragraph break in the pages before or after. For smaller half-width illustrations with text wrapping down one side, the image is floated left or right at a suitable paragraph break to resemble the appearance in the original text. The positioning of illustrations may cause the amount of text between page number anchors to be smaller than usual.

2. Full page illustrations. With the exception of the illustration on Page 10, full page illustrations in the original text had blank reverse sides which were included in the page number count. In the html, such illustrations carry a two-number page anchor e.g. [53-4]. Where full page illustrations occur in the middle of a paragraph, they and their page anchors are moved upwards to the nearest paragraph break. The page anchors remain in sequence but some text in the page before the illustration will have been displaced from its page anchor and will appear below the illustration.

3. Original page numbers in the list of illustrations have been retained, however the underlying links have been edited to navigate directly to the illustrations since they may have been repositioned.

Original page numbers in the index have been retained (except for the typo correction on page 266 ("Ostrich", see above). Html links navigate to a page anchor for the given page number unless the indexed content has been displaced by the repositioning of illustrations. In such cases, the links have been edited to navigate directly to the indexed content.


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