ACTI Scene I. A Room of State in King Lear’s Palace. Scene II. A Hall in the Earl of Gloucester’s Castle. Scene III. A Room in the Duke of Albany’s Palace. Scene IV. A Hall in Albany’s Palace. Scene V. Court before the Duke of Albany’s Palace. ACTII Scene I. A court within the Castle of the Earl of Gloucester. Scene II. Before Gloucester’s Castle. Scene III. The open Country. Scene IV. Before Gloucester’s Castle. ACTIII Scene I. A Heath. Scene II. Another part of the heath. Scene III. A Room in Gloucester’s Castle. Scene IV. A part of the Heath with a Hovel. Scene V. A Room in Gloucester’s Castle. Scene VI. A Chamber in a Farmhouse adjoining the Castle. Scene VII. A Room in Gloucester’s Castle. ACTIV Scene I. The heath. Scene II. Before the Duke of Albany’s Palace. Scene III. The French camp near Dover. Scene IV. The French camp. A Tent. Scene V. A Room in Gloucester’s Castle. Scene VI. The country near Dover. Scene VII. A Tent in the French Camp. ACTV Scene I. The Camp of the British Forces near Dover. Scene II. A field between the two Camps. Scene III. The British Camp near Dover.