The Tempest / The Works of William Shakespeare [Cambridge Edition] [9 vols.]


THE TEMPEST. ACT I. I. 1 Scene I. On a ship at sea: a

General Notes are in their original location at the end of the play, followed by the text-critical notes originally printed at the bottom of each page. All notes are hyperlinked in both directions. In dialogue, a link from a speaker’s name generally means that the note applies to the entire line or group of lines.

Line numbers—shown in the right margin and used for all notes—are from the original text. In prose passages the exact line counts will depend on your browser settings, and will probably be different from the displayed numbers. Stage directions were not included in the line numbering.

Texts cited in the Notes are listed at the end of the e-text.

Dramatis PersonÆ
Act I Scene 1 On a ship at sea.
Scene 2 The island. Before Prospero’s cell.
Act II Scene 1 Another part of the island.
Scene 2 Another part of the island.
Act III Scene 1 Before Prospero’s cell.
Scene 2 Another part of the island.
Scene 3 Another part of the island.
Act IV Scene 1 Before Prospero’s cell.
Act V Scene 1 Before the cell of Prospero.
Critical Apparatus (“Linenotes”)
Texts Used (from general preface)



Alonso, King of Naples.

Sebastian, his brother.

Prospero, the right Duke of Milan.

Antonio, his brother, the usurping Duke of Milan.

Ferdinand, son to the King of Naples.

Gonzalo, an honest old Counsellor.

Adrian, Lords.

Caliban, a savage and deformed Slave.

Trinculo, a Jester.

Stephano, a drunken Butler.

Master of a Ship.



Miranda, daughter to Prospero.

Ariel, an airy Spirit.

Iris, presented by2 Spirits.

Other Spirits attending on Prospero3.

Scene—A ship at sea4: an uninhabited island.

1. Dramatis PersonÆ] Names of the actors F1 at the end of the Play.

2. presented by] Edd.

3. Other ... Prospero] Theobald.

4. A ship at sea:] At sea: Capell.


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