Alonso, King of Naples. | Sebastian, his brother. | Prospero, the right Duke of Milan. | Antonio, his brother, the usurping Duke of Milan. | Ferdinand, son to the King of Naples. | Gonzalo, an honest old Counsellor. | Adrian, | } | Lords. | Francisco, | Caliban, a savage and deformed Slave. | Trinculo, a Jester. | Stephano, a drunken Butler. | Master of a Ship. | Boatswain. | Mariners. | | Miranda, daughter to Prospero. | Ariel, an airy Spirit. | Iris, | } | presented by Spirits. | Ceres, | Juno, | Nymphs, | Reapers, | Other Spirits attending on Prospero. | Scene—A ship at Sea: an island.