Introduction xiii Bibliography xvii Glossary xix PART I CHAPTER I PAGE General 1 1. Habitat. 2. Appearance and physical characteristics. 3. History. 4. Affinities. 5. Dress. 6. Tattooing. 7. Ornaments. 8. Weapons. CHAPTER II 1. Occupation. 2. Weights and Measures. 3. Villages. 4. Houses. 5. Furniture. 6. Implements—Agricultural, Musical, Household. 7. Manufactures—Basket work, Pottery, Brass work, Iron work, Cloth manufacture, Dyeing, Ornamentation. 8. Domestic animals. 9. Agriculture. 10. Hunting and fishing. 11. Food and drink. 12. Amusements—Dances, Athletics, Games. CHAPTER III 1. Internal structure—Formation and constitution of the Clan, Sub-division into Families and Branches. 2. Tribal organisation—The Chief, Village officials, Rights of chief, Boi, Sal, &c. 3. Marriage—Bride-price, Divorce, Widow remarriage. 4. Female chastity. 5. Inheritance—Adoption. 6. Offences regarding property. 7. Offences connected with the body. 8. Decisions of disputes. 9. War and head-hunting—Ambushing, Raiding, First use of guns, Head-hunting. CHAPTER IV Religion 61 1. General form of religious beliefs—Pathian the Creator, Other spirits, The world beyond the grave, Re-incarnation. 2. Ancestor worship—Offerings to the dead, Possession by spirit of the dead. 3. Worship of natural forces and deities—Spirits of hill, vale, and stream, The Lashi. 4. Religious rites and ceremonies—Definitions of terms used, Sacrifices, Epidemics, “Ai” sacrifice. 5. Priesthood. 6. Ceremonies connected with childbirth. 7. Marriage ceremonies. 8. Funerals—Description, Disposal of corpse of infants, Lukawng, Unnatural deaths. 9. Festivals—Connected with crops, “Thangchhuah feasts,” “Buh-ai.” CHAPTER V Folk-lore 92 1. Legends—Creation and natural phenomena, Nomenclature of hills, &c., Animal tales, Mythical heroes. 2. Superstitions—Connected with cultivation, with animals, house building, miscellaneous. 3. Snake worship—“Rulpui,” “The great snake,” Other superstitions regarding snakes. 4. Omens. 5. Witchcraft—“Khuavang zawl,” “Khawhring,” Origin of. CHAPTER VI. Language 113 Lushai or Dulien, Grammar, Word for word translation. APPENDIX Families and Branches of Lushei Clan 125 PART II INTRODUCTORY Division of Clans into Five Groups 129 CHAPTER I Clans included in the term Lushai 130 Chawte, Chongthu, Hnamte, Kawlni, Kawlhring, Kiangte, Ngente, Paotu, Rentlei, Vangchhia, Zawngte. CHAPTER II Clans which, though not absorbed, have been much influenced by the Lushais 136 Fanai, Ralte, Paihte or Vuite, Rangte. CHAPTER III The old Kuki Clans of Manipur, Aimol, Anal, Chawte, Chiru, Kolhen, Kom, Lamgang, Purum, Tikhup, Vaiphei. Other old Kuki Clans, Khawtlang and Khawchhak. CHAPTER IV The Thado Clan 189 CHAPTER V CHAPTER VI Language 225 Resemblances between languages of clans, Change of certain letters, Comparative vocabulary. |