For words not explained, but having Roman numerals set against them, see Glossary. Abortion, 2; Agriculture, 27, 28, 32, 139. See under Jhum Ai, xix, 78 et seq.; Aichhana, a Thado, 142 Aijal (Ai-zawl), 4, 5, 7, 12, 102, 108, 131, 139, 149, 151, 185 Aijal-Champhai road, 108 Aijal-Falam road, 62 Aijal-Lungleh road, 4 Aimol, Old Kuki clan, xv, xix, 8, 64, 89, 149 et seq., 160–1, 169 et seq. Ai-mual village, 151 Allan, B. C., xviii A-ma-pi, a Lakher marriage price, 219 Amber, 215 Ambush and pitfalls, 60; Anal, Old Kuki clan, 149 et seq., 161, 165, 167, 169, 171 Ancestor-worship, 65, 71, 89, 201 An-hmu, Lakher equivalent of Uihring sacrifice, 223 Animals, domestic, 32 Anthropological Institute, The, 2 Aohmun, branch of Chuaongo clan, 126 Arem, a Chiru festival, 168 Ar-kang-tha, a Thado birth sacrifice, 203 Arke-ziak, Lushei head-dress, 11 Arte-hring-ban (or khaw-hring-tir) sacrifice, 81 Arte-luilam sacrifice, 81 Arte-pum-phelna sacrifice, 81 Asiatic Dissertations, xix, 108 Awk-pa, Kom legend, 183 Aw-rua-baw-na, a Lakher marriage price, 218–19 Bailchi, branch of Hualbang clan, 126 Banerji, Babu Nithor Nath, 176, 182, 184 Barak (Tuiruang) river, 109 Barkhul, 4 Basilisk, myth of, 105 Bawl, a Lakher sacrifice, 222 Bawlte village, 136 Bear, superstition about the, 102 Beh-dieng-khlam, a Synteng (Khasi) custom, 167 Bengalis, king of the, 96 Bengkhawia, tale of, 79 Benglama, equivalent of Lushai Chhura, 207 et seq. Bete clan, 148 Betlu village, 131 Biate (Beteh) tribe, 6, 49, 108, 110, 185, 187–8 Biate tribe, 136 Birds entering houses, superstition, 102 Birth. See under Child Blackwood, Captain, 5 Boar, devil possessed, 112 Bochung, branch of Hualngo clan, 126 Bohmong tribe, 213 Boi, xix, 46–50 Boklua, illegitimate son of Ngehguka, 3 Bolawng Raia image, 187 Borh, an Aimol she-demon, 158 Bouchesiche, Mons., xix Brass-work, 29 British Government, 4, 5, 41, 49, 99, 149, 192 Browne, Sir Thomas, 106 Bualchuam hill, 71–2 Bualte (“Dipwell”) village, 140 Buh-ai feast, xix, 90–1, 110 Buh-za-ai, xix Buh-za-zu feast, 91 Bulropa, Old Kuki puithiam, 153 Bunkhua, a Chin village, 7, 59 Burkhal, 43 Burma (Kawl), 14, 15, 28–9, 125, 131, 132, 163, 173, 174, 175, 189, 214 Cachar, xiii, 1, 6, 148, 185, 187, 189, 190, 193, 197, 226 Carey, B. S., xiv, xvii, 131, 213 Cattle, 21 Chaichim, the mouse, 109 Chaita, a branch of Aimol clan, 153 Chalbuk, branch of Hualbang clan, 126 Chalthleng, branch of Hualngo clan, 126 Chamershi, a Kolhen festival, 169 Champhai, xviii, 3, 6, 77, 136, 140 Chang-do-ni, last day of feast, 88 Changom, branch of Ronte clan, 173 Changsan, brother of Thlangom, 192 Changsan, a branch of Thado clan, 192 Chap-char-kut festival, 86–7, 91, 169, 172, 223 Chapui-chol-lai, holiday, 159 Chaw Chyu, a Lakher marriage price, 218 Chawifa, a portent, 104–5, 224 Chawngthu family, 13 Chawn, a Vuite Thangchhuah sacrifice, 145 Chawntinleri, a spirit maiden, 68 Chawte, Old Kuki clan, 130, 135, 149 et seq., 165, 169, 170, 173 Chemhler, branch of Tochong clan, 127 Chemhler, branch of Vanchong clan, 127 Chengpui village, 4 Chengrel, branch of Vanchong clan, 127 Chengri river, 4 Chengtea, Zawngte chief, 135 Chenkhual, branch of Thangur clan, 125 Chenkhuala, ancestor of Chenkual clan, 125 Cherlal, branch of Pachuao clan, 125 Cherlalla, illegitimate son of Zadenga, 125 Cherra, 7 Cherput, branch of Hualbang family, 126 Chertluang, branch of Hualbang family, 126 Chhak-chhuak (“Come out of the East”) family, 127 Chhakom, branch of Tochong family, 127 Chhawng-chili, tale of, 107–8 Chhawndawl, Lushei head-dress, 11 Chhawthliak, branch of Pachuao clan, 125 Chhim sacrifice, 76 Chimnuai village, 143 Chhinchhuan, a Thado family, 185, 190 et seq., 202, 205 Chhinga Raia image, 187 Chhinglung, hole in the earth whence the world was peopled, 94, 139 Chhirbuk, Chiru zawlbuk, 168 Childbirth customs— Children— Chindwin (Upper) river, 174, 189 Chinese superstition about birds, 102 Chin Hills, xiii, xiv, xviii, 14, 126, 129, 140, 143, 150, 213, 226 Chin Hills Gazetteer, 131 Chin Languages, classification of, 225 Chinghrut, a vegetable, 187 Chins, the, xiii, xviii, 4, 5, 8, 9, 20, 24, 46, 56–60, 95, 108, 110, 126, 129, 132, 133, 135, 136, 140, 146, 193, 198, 205, 213, 214, 215, 226 Chiru, an Old Kuki clan, 8, 9, 22, 131, 149 et seq., 162, 165, 168, 169, 171 Chittagong, xiii, xviii, 5, 6, 75, 95, 96 Chittagong Hill Tracts, xiii, 1, 4, 6, 213 Chhoalak, branch of Pachuao clan, 125 Chhungte, dependants living in house, 46 Chhura, the shaper of the world, 92, 99, 188, 207 Chinja, tribe, 214 Chonchhon, branch of Chuachang clan, 126 Chonchir, branch of Chuachang clan, 126 Chong, Thangur-chhuah feast, 87–8, 131 Chongdur, a Chiru family, 154 Chonglal, branch of Pachuao clan, 125 Chonluma, a Hrangchal chief, 185 Chonglun, branch of the Changte clan, 125 Chongom, a branch of Aimol clan, 152–3 Chongpuithanga, a demon, 66 Chongte, Lushei clan, 126 Chongthleng, stone at, 100 Chongthu, a non-Lushei clan, 93, 130–1, 167 Chongthu, nickname of Lershia, 131, 150, 154 Chonlut, a Biate chief, 187 Chonuma, a Hnamte chief, 131 Christ’s Village, 62 Chuachang, a Lushei clan, 126 Chuango, Lushei family, 140 Chuaongo, Lushei clan, 126, 140 Chulkut, a Purum festival, 169 Chumkal, branch of Hualbang clan, 126 Chumthluk, branch of Chuaongo clan, 126 Cloth, 30–1, 65 Cock, sacrificed, 72, 73, 74, 77, 80 et seq., 90, 133, 159, 162–3, 169, 186 Cockatrice, Myth of, 105 Creeper, Dai-bawl, sacrifice, xix, 70, 73 et seq. Daibun, a Thado Jhum sacrifice, 202 Daikam, a Thado sacrifice, 202 Dailova, Tale of, 66–7 Dallesari river, 3 Dances, 38, 87, 169, 170 Danla, a Chiru family, 154 Dapa, Rangte legends of, 147 Darchao, branch of Pachuao clan, 125 Darchaova, illegitimate son of Zadenga, 125 Darchun, branch of Changte clan, 125 Darlung peak, 3 Davis, A. W., xviii Dawngbul, Ralte marriage price to male and female paternal first-cousins, 141 Dawngler, do, 141 Dead, Burial of, see under Funerals, Memorial Deer, Barking, 64 Demons. See under Spirits Deo-bi, Thado poison, 197 Dil lake, 67 Dingthoi, a Chiru family, 154 Dipwell Village, 140 Divorce Dogs, 32, Dongel, Thado’s elder brother, 142–3, 189, 190, 201 Drake-Brockman, C. B., 132, 134 Dress, 8 et seq. Drinking feasts, 173 Drum-making festivals, 171–2 Dulian, the Lushei language, xiv, 113 Dungtlang river, 5 Dzo, xvii Earrings, 13, 65, 143, 161 Earthquakes, Old Kuki idea about, 184 Eclipses, Legends and superstitions concerning, 92, 123 Effigies, 74, 76, 88, 89, 109, 111, 175, 188 Elephants, 35, 44, 45, 64, 196 Elmun, Ancestor of Shit-hloh clan, 191 Endogamy, 50, 153, 154, 167, 173 En-lawk, Opening of coffin, 85 Epidemics, 74–6 Exorcism, 111–12 Fachirang, Tale of, 177 et seq. Falam, tribe, 3, 126, 143, 151 Fanai, a Non-Lushei clan, 8, 89, 136 et seq. Fangtet, branch of Hualbang clan, 126 Fanodawi sacrifice, 80 Feasts, 65, 86 Fielding Hall, Mr., 163 Firminger, W. K., note by, xviii–xix Folk-lore, Lushei, 92–112 Foster, Wm., xviii Fowls, Kinds of, 32 French Customs Department, 15 Frog, tale of, xiv Funeral ceremonies Games— Gaonbura, Ghalim transformed into, 149 Garos, The, xiv, 70 Genna, xix, 69 Ghalim, Old Kuki elected headman and priest, 149 Ghumoishe, Thado demon king, 200 Gibbon, 80, 145; Gnura (Mullah), 140 Goat, 32, 151; Golha, Thado “palal,” 199 Grierson, Dr., 134, 143, 148, 185, 189, 225–8 Gurdon, Colonel P. R., 69, 76, 167 Gurkhas, the, 110 Gwite, son of Dongel, 143 Hair, method of wearing, etc., 2, 12, 82 f.; Haka village, 110, 131 Hall, Captain, 110 Hallam (Khelma), an Old Kuki clan, 185 Hanngeng, a Thado, 193 Hanngeng, a branch of Thado clan, 192–3, 225 Haobul, a branch of Haonar clan, 126 Haohuk feast, 80 Haonar Lushei clan, 126 Haothul, a branch of Haonar clan, 126 Haubi peak, 150 Haukip, a Thado clan, 190 et seq., 201, 207 Hauhul, chief who swallowed the moon, 92 Hausata, Chin chief, 4 Hawlthang, a branch of Haukip family, 191 Head-hunting, 59, 157, 200, 220 Hearth superstition, 104 Heawood, E., xix. Hehua, co-ancestor of the Ralte clan, 139 Henngar, a branch of Thado clan, 193 Henngar, son of Kulho, 193 Hilo, a Thado she-demon, 201 Hlamzuih (first-born dying shortly after birth), xix, 62, 86, 223 Hlengel, a branch of Chuaongo clan, 126 192 Hmar (“North”), Old Kuki clans, 185 Hmarchung sacrifice, 77 Hmarkhat sacrifice, 77 Hmar-phir sacrifice, 77; Siakeng, 141 Hminga, a Lushei, 66 Hmunpel, branch of Chuaongo clan, 126 Hmongphunga’s village, 35 Hmunklinga, a Lakher chief, 213 Hnuaipui (“great beneath”), Fanai Sakhua sacrifice, 139 Hnuaite (“lesser beneath”), Fanai Sakhua sacrifice, 139 Hodson, T. C, 105, 150, 226, 228 Homicide, Old Kuki, 157; Hornbill, 104 Houses, Howlong tribe, 5 Hpohtir, a Kuki, 179 Hrangchal, a Kuki man, 179 et seq. Hrangchali, a Kuki woman, 178 et seq. Hrangchul, an Old Kuki clan, 6, 185 Hrangkunga, a Lushei, 35 Hranglal hill, 150 Hrang-sai-puia, a magician, 109. Hrangzova, Lushei chaprassie, 106 Hrasel, a Lushei clan, 126 Hrilh, xix, 69, 72, 73, 75, 78, 80, 87, 111, 135, 139, 202 Hring-ai-tan sacrifice, 75, 223 Hringfa hill, 131 Hringlang hill, 63 Hri-pa, Lakher equivalent for Ram-huai, 221 Hruitung, a jungle vegetable, 187 Huai, xix, 61, 65 et seq., 95, 102, 158, 159, 188, 200 Hualbang, a Lushei clan, 126 Hualgno, a Lushei clan, 3, 126 Hnamte, a non-Lushei clan, 131 Hun, a Thado feast, 207 Hunting, 33–5, 196 Hweltu village, 59 Images worshipped by the Biate, 187. See under Effigies Imphal, capital of Manipur, xv, 190, 192 Impuichhung (slaves), 46 et seq. Imungshe, wife of demon Ghumoishe, 200–1 In-chhia-shem-ni (house-repairing day), 87–8 Infanticide, In hawn custom, 186 In-thian (Thi-thin), funeral feast, 86, 89 Iron-work, 30 Irung, a Chawte family, 154 Jete family, 167 Jewels, 14 Jhum, xix, 17, 18, 44, 71, 80, 129 Job’s tears, 87 Justice, decisions how administered, 55, 56 Kairuma, a Lushei chief, 49 Kaithum, a branch of Vanchong clan, 127 Kamzakhoi, Old Kuki village officer, 153 Kanghmun village, 35 Kangjupkhul village, 159 Kangmang hill, 150 Kangpuizam sacrifice, 74 Kang Sanaba, Manipuri game, 39 Karmindai, first day of Keidun festival, 166–7 Kassalong river, 4 Kawl Burma, q.v. Kawlchi, a branch of Changte clan, 125 Kawlhring (Burma-born), 131, 132, 135 Kawlnam, copy of Burmese dah, 15 Kawlni, a Non-Lushei clan, 131 Keichala, a sorcerer, 109 Keidun, Kolhen festival in April, 166–7 Keimi, a tiger-man, 177 Kei-ma, a Lakher marriage price, 218–9 Kela, a Lushei, 102 Kel-khal sacrifice, 73 Kelsi village, 185 Keng-puna, name-giving, 161 Khal Sacrifices, xix, 70, 72 et seq. Khal-chuang sacrifice, 73 Khalkhama, a Lushei chief, 7 Khasi people, The, 69, 76 (Synteng), 167 Kawchhak, an Old Kuki clan, 149, 185 et seq. Khawkawk hill, 71 Khawhring, xix, 81, 111–12, 164, 223 Khawhring-hring-tir, a charm, 81 Khawpui creeper, 140 Khawtlang tribe, xiii, 6, 8, 40, 74, 96, 100, 147, 149, 185 Khawzahuala, Zadeng chief, 140 Khazang (Loitha), 220–1 Khelma, Old Kuki clan, 185 Khelte clan, 140–1 Kheltea, a Ralte chief, 140 Kherpui. See under Chhinglung Khongzia clan, 190 Khonza = Thado, q.v. Khuangchoi feast, 89, 94; Khuang-that, a Vaiphai Thangchhuah ceremony, 171 Khuavang, xix, 61, 67–8, 95, 110, 111, 180 et seq. Khuavang-hring sacrifice, 75, 223 Khuavang-zawl, hypnotism, 110–11 Khuazim, hill, 140 Khul-lakpa, Old Kuki village officer, 153, 154, 164, 167, 172, 173 Khulpi, Thado equivalent of Lushai Chhinglung, 193 Khupno, a branch of Hualbang clan, 126 Khupno, a branch of Hualngo clan, 126 Khulpu, Old Kuki puithiam, 153, 160, 161, 169, 174 Khulpu-in, a Ronte family, 173 Khuptingi, tale of, 209–11 Khyoung-tha, sons of the river 105 Kiang, a Chawte family, 154 Kiangte, a non-Lushei clan, 132 Kicheo (Kutsa-zawng), Lakher festival, 223 Kipgen, a Thado clan, 190 et seq., 201 Klangklang. See under Thlangtlang Klongshai, Chin name for Lakher clan, 213 Kobru hill, 159, 168, 172, 188 Kochuk, 190 Koichung (Leivon), a branch of Aimol clan, 153 Koihrui-an-chat, a Ngente festival, 132, 134, 168 Koku hill, 146 Koladyne river, 1, 7, 135, 136, 214 Kolhen, Old Kuki clan, 149 et seq., 162–3, 165, 166, 169, 171 Kom, Old Kuki clan, 8, 149 et seq., 163, 165, 166, 169, 171 Kongpuishiam sacrifice, 35, 77 Kuchom, Thado she-demon, 201 Kuki, 1–2, 5, 6, 8; Kukis, the old, xiii, xvii, 6, 129–134, 147, 148–188 Kukis, the new, xiii, 6, 129, 189; see under Thado Kuki language, xvii Kulho, a branch of Thado clan, 192–3 Kullon, a branch of Thado clan, 192–3 Kul-lo-nu (cf. Thado Kulsamnu), Rangte belief about, 147 Kulsamnu, troubles of thangchhuah, dead, 147, 201 Kumpinu, the “Company’s mother,” 99 Kumpui, xix Kungori, Legend of, 177 et seq. Kut, xix, 86 et seq., 205; Kutsa-zawng, Lakher festival, 223 Kwe-Hring village, 131–132 Lackhia, a Lakher festival, 223 Lai-haranba, Manipuri “god-pleasing” ceremony, 69 Laishel family, 167 Laita (Mangte), a branch of Aimol clan, 153 Lakher (Mara), a non-Lushei clan, xiii, xviii, 105, 129, 213–224 Lalbawn, a branch of Pachuao clan, 125 Lalbuta’s village, 66 Lalchheva, a Thangluah chief, 4 Lalchhung, dependents in chief’s house, 46 Lalia, a Lakher festival, 223 Laller, a branch of Chuaongo clan, 126 Lallianvunga, a Sailo chief, 140 Lallula, a Lushai chief, 7 Lalmanga, a Ngente chief, 132, 134 Lalmichinga, a Kawlhring chief, 132 Lalmanga, a Lushai hero, 109 Lalsavunga, a Sailo chief, 185 Lalsukta (Lalchakla), a Pallian chief, 4, 5 Lamgang, Old Kuki clan, 149 et seq., 162, 165, 167, 169, 171 Lamkut, a Kava feast, 169 Lamleia, egg-hatched chief, 142 Language, Lushei, xiii, xviii, 113–124 Lanu, a branch of Aimol clan, 153 Lanu, a branch of Ronte clan, 173 La-pi, Thado funeral chant, 204 Lathang, a branch of Chuachang clan, 126 Lavar river, 131 Leiven (Koichung), a branch of Aimol clan, 153 Lemba’s wife, a Fanai queen, 137–8 Leng hill, 176 Leng village, 99 Lentlang river, 131 Leplupi, co-ancestor of the Ralte, 139 Lershia, a Chongthu chief, 131 Lewin, Lt.-Col. T. H. (“Thangliana”), vi, xiii, xiv. xvii, xviii, 6, 7, 45, 60, 105, 109, 177, 178 Lianchi, a Lakher chief, 213 Lianglunga, tale of, 68 Liankhama, a Lushai chief, 7 Lianphunga, a Lushei chief, 55 Liangthang, a Thado chief, 192 Liangthang, a Thado clan, 192 Liangthangi, a hypnotic medium, 111 Lianthawgna, a huai (spirit), 66–7 Lianthung, a branch of Pachuao clan, 125 Liantlura, a Lushei chief, 4 Lianughor, a branch of Pachuao clan, 125 Lingvum village, 99 Lo-an-dai, an Aimol feast, 169 Lohman sacrifice, 80 Loi, a marriage ceremony, 83 Loilang, an Old Kuki clan, 185 Loitha, Lakher equivalent for Pathian, 220 Longnam, a Thado funeral price, 199 Longteroi hill, 4 Lonte (Ronte), an Old Kuki clan, 173 Lorrain, H. J., xviii, 113, 217, 220, 226 Lukawng, a fine paid on death, 82, 86, 145, 199; Lunganai, ceremony, 172 Lungdawh, platforms to commemorate the dead, 85 Lungdup hill, 132–3 Lungkhera, a Lushei clan, 127 Lunglai family, 167 Lungleh, 4, 7, 8, 95, 110, 132, 136 Lunglo river, 63 Lungthau, an Old Kuki clan, 185 Lungte, a branch of Chongte clan, 126 Lunkim, a Thado chief, 192 Lunkim, a branch of Thado clan, 192 Lup-lakpa, an Old Kuki village officer, 153, 167, 168 Lur precipice, 68 Lushai, derivations of the name, 42, 60 Lushei affinities— Lutu, a Lushai householder, 171 Lyall, Sir Charles, xiv Mackenzie —, 4 Maibi tribe, 111 Maite family, 167 Mait-thuk-kai, Rangte Thangchhuah feast, 147 Maituki Raia image, 187 Makan, a Chawte family, 154 Makong hill, 159 Malun clan, 143 Mancala Bao, a game, 39 Manchester goods, 17 Mandu, price of bones of dead, 166 Mangami, a Lushei woman, 66 Mangkhaia, a Ralte chief, 140 Mangpura, a Sailo chief, 3 Mangte (Laita) branch of Aimol clan, 153 Mangthawnga, a Ralte chief, 140 Mangyel, a branch of Thado clan, 192–3 Manipur, xiii, xv, xvii, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 21, 39, 69, 89, 105, 106, 111, 126, 130, 132, 142, 143, 146, 148 et seq., 166, 173, 174, 175, 176, 184, 185, 188, 189, 190 et seq., 201, 225 et seq. Manipuri Chronicle, 134, 149, 191 Mankang, marriage price to bride’s paternal uncle, 146, 199 Manlal, a Biate chief, 187 Manpui, marriage price paid to nearest relation on bride’s father’s side, 51; Manufactures, 28 Mara. See under Lakher. Marem, a Chawte family, 154 Marriage, 50–53, 82–3 Mat river, 1 Maung Myat San, a Burmese chief, 132 McCabe —, 7 McCrea, Surgeon, xix McCulloch, Colonel W., xvii, 13, 106, 111, 189 et seq., 201, 203 Measures and weights, 19–20 Mei-awr-lo sacrifice, 73 Meitheis, the, 89, 105, 150, 159, 224, 225 Memorial posts, Feasts, 88, 90; Methei lumbu, Old Kuki village official, 153 Mikhirs, the, xiv Mikhir hills, xv Mim-kut festival, 87, 169, 223 Ming-puna, name-giving, 161 Minpui hill, 135 Mirem family, 167 Mission, The London Baptist, 113 Mist, spirits of the dead changed into, 222 Mithan, 30, 32; Mivengtu, “watchers of men,” spirits, 61 Mi-thi-chhiah, offering to cultivators parents, 65 Mi-thi-khua, xix, 19, 62 et seq., 78, 84–5, 210–211; Mi-thi-rawp-lam, a Thangchhuah feast, xix, 88–9, 221; Mizo, hill-folk, xiv, 110 Mongolian type, 1 Monogamy, Vuite or Paihte, 143 Moth, the Atlas, superstition, 103 Mouse, legend of the, 109 Mrung clan, 213 Mualsavata, mythological hero, 100 Muchhip-chhuak, a branch of the Chongthu clan, 126 Muchhip-chhuak, a branch of the Tochong clan, 127 Mullah, Sailo chief, 140 Mu-van-lai, a spirit who attacks the departed, 64 Naga hills, xiv, 189 Naga people, The, xiii, xix, 11, 20, 21, 55, 69, 86, 90, 143, 170, 192, 199 Nairung, ancestor of Kolhens, 150 Nao-hri sacrifice, 70, 77, 130 Nao-lam-kut, Ngente substitute for, 133 Nau-bil-vu, a Thado birth sacrifice, 203 Nau-puan-puak-man, marriage fee received by a sister from husband of her younger sister, 52, 154 Naw-clawng, Lakher equivalent for “hlamzuih,” 223 Necklaces, 65 Nepal, 110 Ngaia, a Ngente chief, 132, 134 Ngai-ti, legend of, 95 Ngakchi, a branch of the Changte clan, 125 Ngalchi, a branch of the Lungkhua clan, 127 Ngalchung, a branch of the Lungkhua clan, 127 Ngamboma, tale of, 209–11 Ngaphawl, a branch of Lungkhua clan, 127 Ngehguka, a Paihte chief, 3 Ngente, a non-Lushei clan, 132–3, 168, 173 Ngente hill, 173 Niman, marriage price paid to bride’s aunt on father’s side, 51, 154 No-hla, a Lakher marriage price, 218–9 Nuengi, legend of, 95–6 Nongjai, supposed wife of Pathen, 200 Nu-hrih sacrifice, 77 Nuaijingmang, Thado evil spirit, 201 Numeina, Aimol she-demon, 158 Nungchomba, a Manipuri god, 159 Nungshaba, a Chawte god, 159 Oaths, 55 O-kia, a Lakher marriage price, 218–9 Ornaments, 59 Owl, legend of, 94 Pachana, a Ronte family, 173 Pachuao, a Lushei clan, 125, 140 Padaratu, a branch of Changte clan, 125 Paihte (Vuite), a non-Lushei clan, 3, 8, 41, 93, 110, 142–4 Paihtea, sons of egg-hatched Lamleia, 142 Pakanglakpa, Old Kuki village officer, 153 Pakhangba, Manipuri snake-god, 106, 150, 158 Paku, a Lakher festival, 223 Palal, Guardian, xix, 82–4 Pallian, a branch of Thangur clan, 3, 4, 5, 13, 49, 125–6 Pamte, a branch of Changte clan, 125 Paotu, a non-Lushei clan, 134–5 Papek, a Ronte and Tarau festival, 175 Patel, Anal, and Kolhen name for Pathian, 157 Pathen, Thado name for Pathian, 200 Patheng, Kom name for Pathian, 157 Pathen-biak-na, a Thado sacrifice, 202 Pathian, xix, 50 et seq., 69, 94, 95, 99, 103, 109, 201, 220 Pawl-kut festival, 87 Pe-ra, Lakher equivalent for Pial-ral, 221 Phaileng village, 140 Phaizang hill, 146 Pheizaim, Thado Lashi, 201 Phun-lu-buk hill, 95 Phungchi, a branch of Lungkhua clan, 127 Phunkai, Thado adoption, 200 Pial-ral, xx, 62, 64, 186, 221 Pial river, 62–3 Pig, 18, 32; Pi-leh-pu, Lakher “All-Father” or “All-Mother,” 221 Piler hill, 7 Poiboi, a Sailo chief, 146 Poison, Thado methods, 197 Polkut, a Lushai festival, 169 Portents, 104–5 Pottery, 29 Priests, 80. See under Pui-thiam Property in land, ideas of, 156 Pu, xx Pu river, xx Puanpui, a Lushei quilt, 31 Puggris, 9 Pui-thiam, xx, 44, 60, 75, 77, 80–1, 83, 90, 102, 130, 160 Pupawla, tale of, 62–3, 147, 158 Pumtek, 215 Purbura, a Lushei chief, 7 Purum, Old Kuki clan, 149 et seq., 162, 165, 168, 169 Pushum, Marriage price to bride’s nearest relation on mother’s side, 51 Python, superstition about, 224 Quail, 97–8 Raia, corruption of Rajah, 187 Raids, 56 et seq.; Rainbow, Old Kuki idea about, 184 Rai-pi-hra, Lakher marriage price, 218–9 Ral, funeral feast, 84 Ralte, a non-Lushei clan, 87, 93, 94, 131, 139 et seq., 190 Ramcharipu, Aimol name for Pupawla, 158 Ram-chawm, clay figures used in sacrifices, 74 Ram-huai, spirits, 65 et seq., 80, 221 Ramhual, advisers as to jhumming, 44 Rampus, Chiru demons, 159 Rangthai, tale of, 177 et seq. Rangte, ancestor of Rangte clan, 146 Rangte, a non-Lushei clan, 146–7, 207 Rao-chhiak, food placed aside for spirits of the dead, 65 Rapu, Tanau substitute for Pathian, 175 Rat, 205; Ratek, a Chiru and Kolhen festival, 172 Rawi-ni, day in the Chong feast, 88 Rawlins, John, xix Religious beliefs, 61 et seq. See under Festivals, Funerals, Omens, Sacrifices, Superstitions, Worship Rem-ar, xx, 83 Rembual family, 167 Rennel (Rennell), Major James, xviii–xix, 6 Rengpui, a chief of Tipperah, 98 Renthlei, a non-Lushei clan, 13, 135 Rezar, a Chiru family, 154 Rezar, son of Chongthu, 150 Rhangkol (Hrangchul) clan, 6, 148, 185 Rhinoceros, superstition, 103 Rice, not cultivated in Zahao country, 139 Rikampu, Old Kuki legend of, 183 Ringchanghoi, tale of, 182 Rivang, a branch of Thangur clan, 3, 4, 6, 42 Roite, a non-Lushei clan, 135 Rokum, a branch of Thangur clan, 3, 42, 125 Rolura, a branch of Sailo clan, 5 Rongthlang hills, 132 Ronte (Lonte), an Old Kuki clan, 173 et seq. Roreiluova, ancestor of Fanai chiefs, 136 Rothangpuia (Ruttonpoia), 4 Ru, a Lakher marriage price, 220 Rulngan, a kind of snake, 64 Rulpui, the big snake, 105 et seq., 185, 201 Rulpui-thlen, snake deity, 106 Run river, 201 Sacrifices, Lushei, 70 et seq. Sa-huai, spirits, 94 Saiha village, 213 Sailo, a branch of Thangur clan, 3, 5, 6, 7, 13, 42–3, 56–7, 125–6, 131, 140, 142, 146, 185, 186 Sailova, ancestor of Sailo clan, 5, 43, 125 Sakei-Ai, 79 Sakhia, Lakher equivalent of Lashi, 221 Sakhua, xx, 221 Sakripung hill, 150 Sa-lu-an-chhuang ceremony, 78 Sambhur, 64 Sangao, 136 Sangaisel, Manipuri portent, 105 Sangvunga, descendant of Lalul, 5, 38 Sankhulairenma, a Manipuri deity, 175 Saphun. See under Adoption Sar, Tarau equivalent for “Sherh”, 175 Sar-thi, death by accident or wild beasts, 86 Sa-ru-che-u-ni, third day of She-doi feast, 88 Satan (Seitana), 62 Sa-thing-zar, collection of wood for feast, 88 Savidge, F. W., xviii, 13, 226 Savung, descendant of Lalul, 5 Sawnchal hill, 190 Sawnman, xx, 53 Sazah, a branch of Hrasel clan, 126 Seduction Shaithatpal, ancestor of Kolhen clan, 15 Shanghong, a Purum feast, 109 Shangpa, a Chiru family, 154 Shans, The, 174 She-cha-chun, spearing of mithan feast, 137 She-lu-pum, a Memorial post, 170 Shendu people, The, xiii, xvii Shenlai, a branch of Haenar clan, 126 She-shu-ni, 2nd day of She-doi feast, 88 Shentlang village, 21 Shepuia, a branch of Hrasel clan, 126 Shepui rocks, 126 Sherh, xx, 69, et passim Sherh-an-long, Lamgang feast, 170 She-shun, a Vuite Thangchhuah feast, 145 Shithloh clan, 190 et seq., 201 Shongte, a branch of Thado clan, 192–3 Siakeng, a branch of Ralte clan, 140–2 Siakenga, ancestor of the Siakengs, 140 Sialchung, a branch of Hualbung clan, 126 Sialchung, a branch of Lungkhua clan, 127 Sickness and Epidemics, Sacrifices, 74–6, 158–9, 203 Sibuta (Sheeboot), a Pallian chief, 4, 5 Silk, manufactured by Lakher women, 215 Singaia, brother of Chongthu, 131 Siyin clan, 190 Slaves, 55, 142, 193, 198, 216–17 Sleeping arrangements, 24–5 Sleep-walking, Beliefs about, 112 Snake, 153 Sneyd-Hutchinson, R., xviii Sodomy, 55 Soldeng river, 59 Sonai river, 66 Songchungnung, a Chongthu family, 167 Soutlunk, a branch of Hrasel clan, 126 Soppitt, C. A., xviii Spirits, 65 et seq.; Stars, Names given to, 20 Stewart, Lieut. R., xvii, 1, 2, 6, 148, 185, 186, 193 et seq., 226 Stone-hauling, Naga custom, 86 Stone Memorial, 85, 87; Stone platforms, Biate account of, 185 Suaka, sub-inspector of police, 130 Suakhnuna, a Lushei chief, 66, 69 Suicide, 2 Sukpuilala, a Lushei chief, 47 Sukte clan, 3 Sumkam, a Vuite chief, 143 Sum-kmun, verandah, 24 Sumklum, a branch of Vanchong Sutmanga, a Thado chief, 140 Superstitions, 101 et seq. Symons, General, 110 Taihhlum, a branch of Hualbang clan, 126 Talching village, 150 Tamu, 130 Tangkhul Nagas, 90 Tan, precipice, 68 Tao hill, 59 Tarau, an Old Kuki clan, 173 et seq. Tatooing, 12 Tegnopal village, 175 Teknonymy, 19 Thado, ancestor of Thado clan, 131, 189, et seq. Thado, New Kuki clan, xiii, xvii, xviii, 2, 3, 6, 8, 13, 46, 49, 59, 93, 106, 129, 131, 140, 142, 143, 146, 147, 148, 150, 185, 189, et seq. Thalun, son of Thado, 191 Thangbawgna, tale of, 79 Thangchhuah, xx, 11, 62–5, 87, 147; Thangchhuah feasts, 69, 87 et seq. Thangkua village, 3 Thanghlum, a Rangte chief, 146 Thanglian Borh, Aimol she-demon, 158 Thangluah, branch of Thangur clan, 3, 4, 42, 57 Thang-tei-nu, a prophetess, 111 Thangur, a Lushei clan, xiii, xiv, 3 Thangura (Thangul), ancestor of all Lushei chiefs, 2, 3, 5, 6 Thao, a Chawte family, 154 Thlanropa (Dapa), legends of, 147 Thaurang, Sailo chief’s village, 56 Thawnglura, a Ralte chief, 140 Thempu, Old Kuki puithiam, 153, 160, et seq., 168, 171, 172, 198 Thenzawal village, 76, 99, 106 Thiak, an Old Kuki clan, 183 Thian, xx, 51 Thi-an-chhe, portion for the dead, 204 Thiang-lo, unlucky, 70, 74, 79, 101, 102 et seq., 106, 108, 111, 142, 220 Thichhia, unnatural deaths (Thado), 205 Thi-duh ceremony, 165 Thihla, Thado demons, 200, 201, 205 Thimasha, a Ronte family, 173 Thimzing, Legendary epoch of eclipse and metamorphosis of beings, 93, 103, 123–4; Thingbulgna, Thado tree-spirits, 201 Thingel, Thado posts, 205 Thirsu, Thado Thir-deng, 198 Thi-thin, death offering, 86 Thlahzang, sleep-walking, 112 Thlako sacrifice, 76 Thlandropa, Mythical hero, 94–5 Thla-sui-pu, Lakher, equivalent for Chawifa, 224 Thangneo, a Thado chief, 192–3 Thlangom, a branch of Thado clan, 110, 192 Thangsang, Siakeng name for Hmar-phir sacrifice, 141 Thichhiat, Old Kuki equivalent for Lushai Heamzuih, 166 Thla-ko, a sacrificial cock, 223 Thlang-tlang (Klang-klang) chiefs, 7, 213, 215 Thlan-thang, village, 139 Thlen, Khasi snake-demon, 69 Thompa, Aimol chief, 152 Thonglien, a Lakher chief, 12, 13 Thotche, jungle rat, 205 Thunder and Lighting, Old Kuki idea about, 184 Thumvor, Method of interrogating hypnotised, 111 Tiangsha, a Ronte family, 173 Tiante, a Chongthu family, 167 Tiger, 14, 33, 34, 35, 56, 64, 73, 79, 86, 93, 97, 109, 110, 139, 150, 153, 177 et seq., 198, 202, 205, 208 Tikhup, Old Kuki clan, 89, 149 et seq., 163, 170, 172; Tilin, 132 Tipperah, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 58, 98–9, 149 Tlangkua village, 131 Tlangau, xx, 44 Tlangsam, Thado crier, 198 Tlip feast, 89 Tlong river, 3 Tlungbuta, a Lushei chief, 55 Tobul, a branch of Tochong clan, 127 Tochong, a Lushei clan, 127 Tonring, co-ancestor of Purum clan, 150 Tonshu, co-ancestor of Purum clan, 150 Topui, a branch of Tochong clan, 127 Toung-tha, sons of the hill (Lewin), 105 Tuai, prostitutes, 55 Tualbung village, 140 Tuali, a Lushei girl, 11 Tualsumu, a portent, 104 Tuazol, a branch of Hualngo clan, 126 Tuck, H. M., xiv, xvii, 131, 213 Tuibual (Dipwell) village, 140 Tuibur, part of tobacco-pipe, 11, 12 Tui-chong river, 95 Tui-chongi, a girl, 95–6 Tuichhung, a branch of Chongte clan, 126 Tui-huai, spirits, 65 et seq., 158 Tuikhumnga, Thado water-spirits, 201 Tuikhumlen, king of water-spirits, 201 Tuikuachoi (Tui-huai), Aimol name of demons, 158 Tui-leh-ram. Water and land sacrifice, 73–4, 223 Tuilrampui river, 1 Tui-pathen, Thado spirits, 201 Tuiruang (Barak) river, 109 Tuithang, a branch of Haonar clan, 126 Tuitlin precipice, 66 Tukutboi, persons becoming slaves by desertion to conquerors, 46, 49, 50 Tulthung, a Chongthu family, 167 Tumpha, a branch of Changte clan, 125 Tumtin family, 167 Tyao river, 1, 3, 62, 90, 126, 131, 135, 136, 148 Ui-ha-awr sacrifice, 77; Uihovi, son of Rimenhoiyi, 99 Ui-hring sacrifice, 75, 223; Ui-te-luilam sacrifice, 77 Umbrellas, 13 Va-en-la, a Rante feast, 175 Vahlit hill, 71 Vahluk, a mythical bird, 64 Vahrika, tale of, 109 Vai River, 149 Vai-tui-chhun village, 149 Vaiphei, an Old Kuki clan, xix, 22, 146, 149 et seq., 163, 166, 171, 202 Vaki village, 7 Vambio family, 167 Vanchong, a Lushei clan, 127 Van-chung-khal sacrifice, 73 Vandula, a Lushai head-chief, 7 Vangchhia, a non-Lushei clan, 93, 127, 135 Vanhnnai-Thanga village, 4 Van-lai-phai valley, 93, 97, 131, 185 Vanlung, a branch of Vanchong clan, 127 Vanpuia, ancestor of Vanpuia-hrin, 125, 140 Vanpuia, ancestor of Vanpuia-thla, 126 Vanpuia-hrin, a branch of Pachuao clan, 125 Vanpuia-thla, a branch of Chuaongo clan, 126 Varchuao, branch of Pachuao clan, 125 Vawk-te-luilam sacrifice, 77; Siakeng, 141 Victoria, H.M. Queen, 99 Villages, 20–4, 44–5; Vizan village, 132 Vokngak, a branch of Changte clan, 125 Vok-pa, Fanai sacrifice, 139; Vok-rial, Fanai sacrifice, 139; Vok-te-khal sacrifice, 72 Vonghtu, 213 Vonodel, descendant of Lalul, 7 Vuite, a non-Lushei clan, 41, 74, 90, 93, 135, 142–4, 158, 186, 190 Vuite, a son of egg-hatched Lamleia, 142 Vuta, a Lushei chief, 58 War, 56–60 War of the North and South, 7, 59 Warri, a game, 39 Weapons, 14–16 Weights and measures, 19–20 “Whenoh,” a chief, 126 Widowers and widows, 52–3, 163 Windows, token of householder’s rank, 27, 186 Women, barrenness, 70, 76; Woodthorpe, Colonel, xviii Worship, Ancestor, 65, 71, 89, 201 Walai, the lizard, 184 Yangmal, the earth-worm, 184 Yau, a Purum Festival, 172 Zadeng, a branch of Thangur clan, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 42, 125, 126, 140 Zadenga, Thangur chief, 125 Zakachhunga, Old Kuki village officer, 153 Zanghaki, courted by Labuanga, 69 Zankhuan, four days’ feast, 89 Zawl, hypnotised state, 110–11 Zawlbuk, xx, 18, 21, 22, 103, 168 Zatea, an Old Kuki man, 187 Zawlnei, a hypnotic medium, 110–11 Zawlthlia, a Thangchhuah, 98–9 Zawngte, a non-Lushei clan, 135 Zin-thiang sacrifice, 70, 130, 132 Zo, Chin name for Lakher or Mara clan, 215 Zomi, a Thado female spectre, 201 Zong-pam, a branch of Chuaongo clan, 126 Zote clan, 188 Zu, a fermented drink made from rice, 36 Zuhrei, the big rat, 94 Zupalba, Old Kuki village officer, 153 Zu-pui-ni feast day, 88 Zuting-ni, fourth-day, 87 RICHARD CLAY AND SONS, LTD., BRUNSWICK STREET, S.E., AND BUNGAY, SUFFOLK. |