The End.


R. Washbourne, Printer,
Paternoster Row, London

[Transcriber's note:
The definitions of some abbreviations used in this book catalog are from Wikipedia.

1s. — One shilling.
6d. — Six pence
£2. — Two Pounds sterling
The following specify the approximate page height.
32mo. — 10 to 12.5cm. (3.9in.)
12mo. — 17.5 to 20cm, (6.9in.)
8vo. — 20 to 25cm. (7.9in.)
4to. — 25 to 30cm. (9.6in.)]

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Student's Handbook of British and American Literature. By Rev. O. L. Jenkins. 12mo., 8s.

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First Communion Picture. Tastefully printed in gold and colours. Price 1s., or 9s. a dozen, net.

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DÜsseldorf Gallery. This volume contains 357 Engravings, handsomely bound in half morocco, full gilt. Cash £5 5s. A smaller volume containing 134 Engravings (8vo. and large 8vo.), handsomely bound in half morocco, full gilt, £2 2s.

Garden Of The Soul. (Washbourne's Edition.) Edited by the Rev. R. G. Davis. With Imprimatur of the Cardinal-Archbishop. Thirteenth Thousand. This Edition retains all the Devotions that have made the Garden of the Soul, now for many generations, the well-known Prayer-book for English Catholics. During many years various Devotions have been introduced, and, in the form of appendices, have been added to other editions. These have now been incorporated into the body of the work, and, together with the Devotions to the Sacred Heart, to Saint Joseph, to the Guardian Angels, the Itinerarium, and other important additions, render this edition pre-eminently the Manual of Prayer, for both public and private use. The version of the Psalms has been carefully revised, and strictly conformed to the Douay translation of the Bible, published with the approbation of the late Cardinal Wiseman. The Forms of administering the Sacraments have been carefully translated, as also the rubrical directions, from the Ordo Administrandi Sacramenta. To enable all present, either at baptisms or other public administrations of the Sacraments, to pay due attention to the sacred rites, the Forms are inserted without any curtailment, both in Latin and English. The Devotions at Mass have been carefully revised, and enriched by copious adaptations from the prayers of the Missal. The preparation for the Sacraments of Penance and the Holy Eucharist have been the objects of especial care, to adapt them to the wants of those whose religious instruction may be deficient. Great attention has been paid to the quality of the paper and to the size of type used in the printing, to obviate that weariness so distressing to the eyes, caused by the use of books printed in small close type and on inferior paper.

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The Sacred Heart and St. Joseph.

Elevations to the Heart of Jesus. By Rev. Father Doyotte, S. J. Fcap. 8vo. 3s.

Paradise of God; or Virtues of the Sacred Heart. 4s.

Devotions to the Sacred Heart. By the Rev. S. Franco. 4s., paper covers, 2s.

Devotions to the Sacred Heart. By the Rev. J. Joy Dean. Fcap. 8vo. 3s.

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Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart, 1d.

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Devotions to St. Joseph, 1s. 2d. per 100, post free.

Litany of S. Joseph, &c. 1s. 2d. per 100, post free.

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Religious Reading.

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Fr. Philpin weighs the comparative value of extraordinary, ordinary, and natural evidence, and gives an admirable summary of the witness of the early centuries regarding the holy places of Jerusalem, with archaeological and architectural proofs. It is a complete treatise of the subject."—The Month.
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Spalding's (Archbp.) Works.
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By Arthur And T. W. M. Marshall.

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Index To Authors.

Arnold, Miss M. J. — 19
A'Kempis, Thomas — 10
Allies, T. W., Esq. — 12
Amherst, Bishop — 7
Bagshawe, Rev. J. B. — 15, 16
Bampfield, Rev. G. — 27
Barge, Rev. T. — 24
Beste, J. R. D., Esq. — 12, 23, 25
Beste, Rev. K. D. — 25
Bethell, Rev. A. P. — 21
Blosius — 8
Bona, Cardinal — 8
Boudon, Mgr. — 8
Bowles, Emily — 28
Bradbury, Rev. Fr. — 29
Browne, E. G. K. — 15
Brownlow, Rev. W. R. B. — 7, 14
Burder, Rt. Rev. Abbot — 7, 8
Burke, S. H., M.A. — 13
Butler, Alban — 9, 18
Challoner, Bishop — 17, 20
Collins, Rev. Fr. — 9, 10
Compton, Herbert — 3
Dechamps, Mgr. — 12
Deham, Rev. A. — 6
Dixon, Rev. Fr. — 1, 18
Doyle, Canon — 2
Doyotte, Rev. PÈre — 6
Dupanloup, Mgr. — 9, 17
Francis of Sales, St. — 12, 13
Frassinetti — 16
Gibson, Rev. H. — 15
Grace Ramsay — 20
Gracian, Fr. Baltasar — 3
Grant, Bishop — 6
Gueranger — 25
Hedley, Bishop — 14
Henry, Lucien — 8
Herbert, Lady — 8, 9, 19
Hervey, Mrs. T. K. — 1
Hill, Rev. Fr. — 30
Hope, Mrs — 10
Humphrey, Rev. Fr., S.J. — 1
Husenbeth, Dr. — 2, 18, 20, 21, 22
Kenny, Dr. — 17
King, Miss — 28
Laing, Rev. Dr. — 14, 17, 21
Lane, H. Murray, Esq. — 30
M'Corry, Rev. Dr. — 17, 26
Macdaniel, Miss — 6, 21
Macleod, Rev. X. D. — 21
Manning, Most Rev. Dr. — 15, 20
Marshall, T. W. M., Esq. — 11
Meehan, Madeleine Howley — 27
Mermillod, Mgr. — 9
Milner, Bishop — 6
M. F. S. (Mary F. Seymour) — 2, 19, 26
Nary, Rev. J. — 15
Newman, Dr. — 2
O'Clery, Chevalier — 25
O'Mahony, D. P. M. — 26
Oratorian Lives of the Saints — 18
Oxenham, H. N. — 13, 29
Ozanam, Professor — 12
Philpin, Rev. Fr. — 7
Platus, Fr. Jerome — 17
Poirier, Bishop — 16
Poor Clares — 14, 20, 23
Powell, J., Esq. — 25
Prins, Leopold de — 31
Pye, H.J., Esq. — 17
Ravignan, PÈre — 9
Redmond, Rev. Dr. — 14
Richardson, Rev. Fr, — 17
Rowley, Fr. A. J. — 2
Schulthes, Herr — 31
Shakespeare, — 29
Sligo, A. V. Smith, Esq. — 19
Sligo, Mrs. Smith — 28
Stewart, A. M. — 23, 29, 30
Tame, C. E., Esq. — 22, 26
Tandy, Very Rev. Dr. — 27
Taunton, Mrs. — 28
Tondini, Rev. C. — 9, 25
Wegg-Prosser, F. R. .— 25
Williams, Canon — 17


New Books — 1
The Sacred Heart & St. Joseph — 6
Religious Reading — 7
Religious Instruction — 15
Dramas, Comedies, Farces — 18
Lives of Saints, &c. — 18
Our Lady, Works relating to — 21
Prayer-Books — 22
Rome, &c. — 25
Tales, or Books for Library — 26
Educational Works — 30
Music — 31

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