Preface vii
I. Introductory: the Longevity of Trees, etc. 1
II. The Geographical Distribution of Plants 15
III. The Geological Record 39
IV. Preservation of Plants as Fossils 56
V. Ferns; their Distribution and Antiquity 71
VI. The Redwood and Mammoth Trees of California 95
VII. The Araucaria family 106
VIII. The Maiden Hair Tree 121
Bibliography 134
Index 139

Links with the Past


Page 78. Omit lines 5, 6, and 7, from "One" to "but" inclusive.

Transcriber Note: This correction has been applied. Here is the original text with the changes indicated:—

One filmy species of Todea is represented in the British flora by Todea radicans in the Killarney district of Ireland; but tThe maximum development of the genus is in New Zealand.


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