WILD ANIMALS I HAVE KNOWN, 1898 The stories of Lobo, Silverspot, Molly Cottontail, Bingo, Vixen, The Pacing Mustang, Wully and Redruff. (Scribners.) THE TRAIL OF THE SANDHILL STAG, 1899 The story of a long hunt that ended without a tragedy. (Scribners.) BIOGRAPHY OF A GRIZZLY, 1900 The story of old Wahb from cubhood to the scene in Death Gulch. (The Century Company.) LOBO, RAG AND VIXEN, 1900 This is a school edition of "Wild Animals I Have Known," with some of the stories and many of the pictures left out. (Scribners.) THE WILD ANIMAL PLAY, 1900 A musical play in which the parts of Lobo, Wahb, Vixen, etc., are taken by boys and girls. Out of print. (Doubleday, Page & Co.) THE LIVES OF THE HUNTED, 1901 The stories of Krag, Randy, Johnny Bear, The Mother Teal, Chink, The Kangaroo Rat, and Tito, the Coyote. (Scribners.) PICTURES OF WILD ANIMALS, 1901 Twelve large pictures for framing (no text), viz., Krag, Lobo, Tito Cub, Kangaroo Rat, Grizzly, Buffalo, Bear Family, Johnny Bear, Sandhill Stag, Coon Family, Courtaut the Wolf, Tito and her family. Out of print. (Scribners.) KRAG AND JOHNNY BEAR, 1902 This is a school edition of "The Lives of the Hunted" with some of the stories and many of the pictures left out. (Scribners.) TWO LITTLE SAVAGES, 1903 A book of adventure and woodcraft and camping out for boys, telling how to make bows, arrows, moccasins, costumes, teepee, war-bonnet, etc., and how to make a fire with rubbing sticks, read Indian signs, etc. (Doubleday, Page & Co.) MONARCH, THE BIG BEAR OF TALLAC, 1904 The story of a big California grizzly that is living yet. (Scribners.) ANIMAL HEROES, 1905 The stories of a Slum Cat, a Homing Pigeon, The Wolf That Won, A Lynx, A Jackrabbit, A Bull-terrier, The Winnipeg Wolf, and a White Reindeer. (Scribners.) WOODMYTH AND FABLE, 1905 A collection of fables, woodland verses, and camp stories. (The Century Company.) BIRCH-BARK ROLL, 1906 The Manual of the Woodcraft Indians, first edition, 1902. (Doubleday, Page & Co.) THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, 1907 Showing the Ten Commandments to be fundamental laws of all creation. 78 pages. (Scribners.) THE BIOGRAPHY OF A SILVER FOX, 1909 or Domino Reynard of Goldur Town, with 100 illustrations by the author. 209 pages. A companion volume to "Biography of a Grizzly." (The Century Company.) LIFE HISTORIES OF NORTHERN ANIMALS, 1909 In two sumptuous quarto volumes with 68 maps and 560 drawings by the author. Pages, 1267. Said by Roosevelt, Allen, Chapman, and Hornaday to be the best work ever written on the Life Histories of American Animals. (Scribners.) BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA, 1910 A handbook of Woodcraft, Scouting, and Life Craft Including the Birch-Bark Roll. 192 pages. Out of print. (Doubleday, Page & Co.) The year-book of the Boy Scouts of America is now handled by the American News Co. ROLF IN THE WOODS, 1911 The Adventures of a Boy Scout with Indian Quonab and little dog Skookum. Over 200 drawings by the author. (Doubleday, Page & Co.) THE ARCTIC PRAIRIES, 1911 A canoe journey of 2,000 miles in search of the Caribou. 415 pages with many maps, photographs, and illustrations by the author. (Scribners.) THE BOOK OF WOODCRAFT AND INDIAN LORE, 1912 with over 500 drawings by the author. (Doubleday, Page & Co.) THE FORESTER'S MANUAL, 1912 One hundred of the best-known forest trees of eastern North America, with 100 maps and more than 200 drawings. Out of print. (Doubleday, Page & Co.) WILD ANIMALS AT HOME, 1913 with over 150 sketches and photographs by the author. 226 pages. In this Mr. Seton gives for the first time his personal adventures in studying wild animals. (Doubleday, Page & Co.) MANUAL OF THE WOODCRAFT INDIANS, 1915 The fourteenth Birch-Bark Roll. 100 pages. (Doubleday, Page & Co.) WILD ANIMAL WAYS, 1916 More animal stories introducing a host of new four-footed friends, with 200 illustrations by the author. (Doubleday, Page & Co.) WOODCRAFT MANUAL FOR BOYS, 1917 A handbook of Woodcraft and Outdoor life for members of the Woodcraft League. 440 pp. 700 ills. (Doubleday, Page & Co.) WOODCRAFT MANUAL FOR GIRLS, 1917 Like the foregoing but adapted for girls. 424 pp., Illus. (Doubleday, Page & Co.) THE PREACHER OF CEDAR MOUNTAIN, 1917 A novel. A tale of the open country. (Doubleday, Page & Co.) SIGN TALK, 1918 A Universal Signal Code, Without Apparatus, for use in the Army, the Navy, Camping, Hunting, Daily Life and among the Plains Indians. (Doubleday, Page & Co.) WOODLAND TALES, 1921 Delightful children's stories, of fable and fairy-tale flavour, with the wild things of the woodland for their heroes. In the heart of each some nature secret is revealed. (Doubleday, Page & Co.) BY MRS. ERNEST THOMPSON SETON |