I The Cute Coyote AN EXEMPLARY LITTLE BEAST, MY FRIEND THE COYOTE II The Prairie-dog and His Kin II The Prairie-dog and His Kin MERRY YEK-YEK AND HIS LIFE OF TROUBLES III Famous Fur-bearers FOX, MARTEN, BEAVER, AND OTTER IV Horns and Hoofs and Legs of Speed IV Horns and Hoofs and Legs of Speed THE BOUNDING BLACKTAIL V Bats in the Devil's Kitchen (2) VII Old Silver-grizzle The Badger VII Old Silver-grizzle The Badger (2) VIII The Squirrel and His Jerky-tail Brothers VIII The Squirrel and His Jerky-tail Brothers (2) IX The Rabbits and their Habits XXVII. The Snowshoe Hare is a IX The Rabbits and their Habits XII Bears of High and Low Degree XII Bears of High and Low Degree (2) Appendix Mammals of the Yellowstone Park Appendix Mammals of the Yellowstone Park (2) By the Same Author I. A Prairie-dog town In N. Y. Zoo. Photo by E. T. Seton I. A Prairie-dog town In N. Y. Zoo. Photo by E. T. Seton Wild |