Achernar, 94.
Albireo ( Cygni), 55.
Alcor, 27.
Alcyone, 102.
MÄdler's "Central Sun," 104.
Aldebaran, 22, 89, 91, 94, 95, 98.
Algenib (a Persei), 84, 85.
Algol, the Demon-Star, 83.
probable cause of variation of, 85.
Al-Mamoun, the Caliph, observation of a temporary star, 35.
Almaach (? AndromedÆ), 79, 82.
Alphard, 16.
Alpha AndromedÆ, 79.
Agnarii (Sadalmelik), 67.
Arietis (Hamal), 74.
Capricorni (Giedi), 65.
Ceti (Menkar), 70.
Draconis, formerly the pole-star, 102.
LibrÆ, 52.
Ophiuchi (Ras Alhague), 42.
Orionis (Betelgeuse), 91, 98, 106.
Pegasi (Markab), 70.
UrsÆ Majoris, 28.
Alpheratz (a AndromedÆ), 79.
Alps, the lunar, 135.
Altai Mountains, 135.
Altair, 55.
AndromedÆ, map of, 76.
mythology of, 75.
Antares, 32, 33, 98.
Antinous, 55.
Apennines, the lunar, 135.
Apollonius, regarded the moon as a mirror, 119.
Aquarius, map of, 64.
mythology of, 67.
Aquila, map of, 56.
mythology of, 55.
Aratus, description of the Manger, 15.
the "Diosemia" of, 15.
the Phenomena of, 20.
story of Virgo, 51.
description of the "Royal Family," 78.
description of Cetus, 70.
Arcturus, 10, 24, 26, 49, 56.
Argo, map of, 110.
mythology of, 115.
Aries, map of, 71.
mythology of, 75.
Ariosto, story of a trip to the moon, 136.
Aristarchus, the shining mountain, 125.
Aselli, 15.
Asterope, 103.
Atlas, 102.
Auriga, map of, 23.
mythology of, 23.
star swarms in, 22.
Autumn, map of the Stars of, 62.
Bartschius invents Monoceros, 117.
Bay of Dew, 129.
Bay of Rainbows, 129.
Bear's head, stars forming the, 28.
Bellatrix, 90, 107.
Belt, Orion's, 90, 107.
Berenice's Hair, the constellation of, 24.
picture of, 53.
Bessel, studies of Sirius and Procyon, 20.
letter about "dark stars," 114.
Beta AndromedÆ (Mirach), 79.
Arietis (Sheratan), 75.
Capricorni (Dabih), 65.
Cassiopeia, 74.
Beta Corvi, 25.
Cygni (Albireo), 55.
LibrÆ, 52.
Leonis (Denebola), 12.
LyrÆ, 50.
Pegasi, 70.
Scorpionis, 34.
UrsÆ Minoris (Kochab), 27.
Betelgeuse (a Orionis), 91, 98, 106.
Bethlehem, the so-called Star of, 87.
Biela's comet, it breaks up, 82.
Biela meteors, radiant point of the, 82.
BoÖtes, map of, 50.
mythology of, 53.
Calisto, another name of Ursa Major, 29.
Cancer, map of, 18.
mythology of, 15.
Canes Venatici, 54.
Canis Major, map of, 110.
mythology of, 115.
Canis Minor, map of, 18.
mythology of, 21.
Canopus, 114.
Capella, 9, 22, 49, 89, 91.
Cape Heraclides, 129.
Laplace, 129.
Capricornus, map of, 64.
mythology of, 67.
Cassiopeia, map of, 76.
mythology of, 75.
Castor, 17.
Catharina, 135.
Caucasus Mountains, 135.
CelÆno, 103.
Central Gulf, 129.
"Central Sun," MÄdler's ideas about a, 104.
Cepheus, map of, 58, 76.
Cetus, map of, 71.
mythology of, 70.
Chi Ceti, 73.
Clavius, 124, 132, 133.
Coal-Sack, 57.
Comet, Biela's, 82.
Comet, Halley's, the Crab Nebula mistaken for, 97.
Constellations, origin of, 6, 42, 61.
along the Milky-Way, 116.
the zodiacal, 16.
Constellations, St. Paul's knowledge of, 19.
Copernicus, 136.
Corvus, map of, 26.
mythology of, 25.
"Crimson Star," 110.
Crisian Sea, 127.
Cynosura, a name of Ursa Minor, 29.
Cygnus, map of, 56.
Cyrillus, 135.
Dabih ( Capricorni), 65.
Dark Stars, Bessel's suggestion about, 114.
Davy, Humphry, on life in other worlds, 147.
Delta Canis Majoris, 112.
Cephei, 88.
Tauri, 99.
Deltoton, 75.
Denebola ( Leonis), 12, 14, 24.
Dipper, the Great, 10, 27.
Dog-Days, origin of the, 111.
Dog-Star, 111.
Dolphin, map of the, 56.
mythology of the, 55.
Draco, map of, 58.
mythology of, 57.
El Nath, 22, 97.
Epsilon Leonis, 12.
LyrÆ, 49.
Tauri, 99.
Virginis, 51.
Equinox, autumnal, 52.
vernal, 74.
Eridanus, map of, 93.
Eta AquilÆ, 55.
Field-glass, 6.
Field of the NebulÆ, 51.
Flammarion, on a Capricorni, 65.
Flood traditions connected with the Pleiades, 101, 102.
Focus, importance of a sharp, 11.
Fomalhaut, 63.
Fontenelle, "Plurality of Worlds," 60.
Galileo, his telescope an opera-glass, 4.
his description of PrÆsepe, 15.
his description of the moon, 118.
power of his telescope, 119.
Gamma AndromedÆ, 79, 82.
Leonis, 11.
Pegasi, 70.
Tauri, 99.
Virginis, 51.
"Garnet Star" (Mu Cephei), 88.
Gemini, map of, 18.
mythology of, 19.
Genesis, a celestial, 68.
Giedi (a Capricorni), 65.
Glass, use of smoked or colored, 130, 146.
Goldschmidt sees a nebula in the Pleiades, 104.
Gomelza, 20.
Gore, estimate of the stars in 13 M, 45.
"Grape-Gatherer" (e Virginis), 51.
Grensted, Rev. Mr., suggestion about lunar rays, 132.
Grimaldi, 130.
Halley's comet and Crab Nebula, 97.
Hamal (a Arietis), 74.
HÆmus Mountains, 128.
Henry, Paul and Prosper, photographs of the Pleiades, 105.
Hercules, map of, 44.
mythology of, 45.
motion of solar system toward, 43.
Herschel, William, discovers Uranus, 19.
computation of stars in 13 M, 45.
advice about seeing star-colors, 88.
thinks he sees lunar volcano, 125.
John, description of 8 M, 34.
suggestion about ? Capricorni, 65.
Holden, Prof., on the Milky-Way, 40.
structure of Ring Nebula, 105.
Hooke, discovers first telescopic double star, 75.
Hyades, 89, 95, 98, 99.
Hydra, map of part of, 26.
mythology of, 16.
Hydra's Heart (Alphard), 16.
Humboldt Sea, 130.
Jeaurat, chart of the Pleiades, 104.
Job's coffin, 55.
Jupiter, 141.
satellites of, 142.
Kappa Argus, 116.
Tauri, 100.
Kepler observes the star of 1604, 42.
Kingsley, story of Andromeda, 77.
"King's lucky star," 67.
Kochab (Beta UrsÆ Minoris), 27.
Lake of Death, 129.
of Dreams, 129.
Land of Drought, 130.
of Hoar Frost, 130.
Leo, map of, 12.
mythology of, 13.
sickle-shaped figure in, 9, 14.
Lepus, map of, 93.
Lick telescope, views of Milky-Way, 40.
views of Ring Nebula, 105.
Light, the messenger of the universe, 147.
in a star-cluster, 45.
Libra, description and mythology of, 52.
Life, does it exist beyond the earth? 37, 48, 137, 139, 140, 147.
Locke, Richard Adams, author of the "Moon Hoax," 125.
Lyra, map of, 44.
mythology of, 45.
MÄdler, on the "Central Sun," 104.
Maginus, 124.
Maia, 103, 105.
Man in the Moon, 121.
Manger (PrÆsepe), 15.
Marine glass, 6.
Markab (? Pegasi), 70.
Marsh of Mists, 129.
of Putrefaction, 129.
of Sleep, 32.
pair of stars in sting of, 37.
Schickhard, 130.
Sea of Clouds, 130.
Sea of Cold, 129.
Sea of Fertility, 127.
Sea of Humors, 130.
Sea of Nectar, 128.
Sea of Serenity, 128.
Sea of Showers, 129.
Sea of Tranquillity, 127.
Sea of Vapors, 129.
Secchi, Father, types of the stars, 106.
description of a star-swarm, 39.
Seiss, Rev. Dr., on Canis Minor, 21.
description of Auriga, 23.
Sheratan (? Arietis), 75.
Sidus Ludovicianum, 27.
Sirius, 9, 22, 91.
color of, 111.
size and distance of, 112.
the companion of, 21, 114.
its light compared with the sun's, 46.
Sigma Tauri, 99.
Sixty-one Cygni, 56.
Smyth, Admiral, on Capricorn, 67.
description of Aldebaran, 98.
description of 35 M, 18.
Solstice, summer, 16, 19.
winter, 38.
Sobieski's Shield, 39.
Solar system, voyaging of, in space, 43.
Southern Cross, 91, 116.
South Sea, 130.
Spectroscopic analysis, 3, 98.
Spica, 10, 24, 26, 51.
Spring, map of the stars of, 8.
Square of Pegasus, 69.
St. Paul, acquainted with the constellations, 19.
Star-Clusters (see NebulÆ, etc.).
Star-Cluster, light in a, 45.
Summer, map of the stars of, 31.
Sun, opera-glass observations of the, 145.
the, a variable star, 72.
Sword of Orion, 107.
Taurus, map of, 93.
mythology of, 102.
the "Golden Horns" of, 96.
Poniatowskii, 42.
Tau Aquarii, 68.
Taygeta, 103.
Temporary stars:
134 B. C. the first on record, 35.
393 A. D.,