Historic Events

1776 Father Escalante in search of route to Pacific crossed Virgin River near Hurricane.
1826 Jedediah Smith, fur trader, with a party of about 16 men exploring the region, traversed Virgin River.
1847 Brigham Young and his band of Mormons founded Salt Lake City and began the colonization of Utah.
1858 The colonization of Utah’s “Dixie” begun by the Mormons.
1858 Zion Canyon discovered by Nephi Johnson, a Mormon scout.
1861 Joseph Black explored the canyon and 1 or 2 years later was followed by a few settlers who farmed in the canyon, which they called “Little Zion.”
1872 Maj. John Wesley Powell visited the region and gave name “Mukuntuweap” to north fork and “Parunuweap” to east fork of Virgin River.
1909 Mukuntuweap National Monument established by Presidential proclamation.
1914 Frederick Vining Fisher visited Zion Canyon and gave names to many of the outstanding formations, such as Great White Throne and Angels Landing.
1917 Wylie Way Camp, first tourist accommodations, constructed.
1918 Monument enlarged and the name changed to Zion by Presidential proclamation.
1919 Monument changed to a national park by act of Congress.
1923 President Warren G. Harding visited the park on June 27.
1930 East Rim road and tunnel completed and dedicated.
Illustrated drop-cap

Zion National Park, located in the heart of the spectacular desert and canyon country of southern Utah, has as one of its chief features the great multicolored gorge, Zion Canyon. The sandstone cliffs, rising sheer to form the canyon walls and encircle the valley, are awesome; but it is the vivid coloring which most amazes. The deep red of the Vermilion Cliffs is the prevailing tint. Two-thirds of the way up these marvelous walls and temples are painted varying shades of red; then, above the reds they rise in startling white, sometimes surmounted by a cap of brilliant red.



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