
The following list of references will be found helpful. Most of them are available at the museum nature library.

BadÉ, William F. Life and Letters of John Muir, 2 volumes. 1923 and 1924. Houghton, Mifflin Co.
Brewer, William H. Up and Down California in 1860-64. Yale University Press, 1930.
Bunnell, Lafayette Houghton. Discovery of the Yosemite; and the Indian War of 1851. 349 pp. Historical and descriptive.
Chase, J. S. Yosemite Trails; Camp and Pack Train in the Yosemite Region of the Sierra Nevada. 1911. 354 pp., illustrated.
Clark, Galen. Indians of the Yosemite Valley. 1904. 110 pp., illustrated.
—— The Yosemite Valley. 1910. 108 pp. General description and notes on flora.
—— The Big Trees of California. 1907. 104 pp., illustrated.
Foley, D. J. Yosemite Souvenir and Guide. 1911. 133 pp.
Frothingham, Robert. Trails Through the Golden West, Robert M. McBride & Co., New York. 272 pp.
Gordon-Cumming, C. F. Granite Crags. 1884. 373 pp., illustrated.
Hittell, Theo. H. The Adventures of James Capan Adams, Mountaineer and Grizzly Bear Hunter of California. 373 pp., illustrated. Chas. Scribner’s Sons.
Hutchings, J. M. In the Heart of the Sierras. 1886. 496 pp., illustrated. Historical and descriptive.
Jepson, W. L. The Silva of California: Memoirs of the University of California, vol. 2, 1910. 480 pp., illustrated.
—— The Trees of California. 1923. 240 pp., illustrated.
Kelley, Edgemond, and Chick. Three Scout Naturalists in the National Parks. Brewer, Warren & Putnam. 1931.
King, Clarence. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada.
Kneeland, Samuel. The Wonders of the Yosemite Valley. Boston. 1871-72.
LeConte, Jos. A Journal of Rambling Through the High Sierra of California—1870. Sierra Club, 1930.
Merriam, C. Hart. The Dawn of the World. Tales of the Mewan Indians of California. 273 pp., plates, map, and colored frontispiece. 1910.
Mills, Enos A. Your National Parks. 532 pp., illustrated. Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1917. Yosemite on pp. 65-98; 444-454.
Muir, John. The Mountains of California, 1894. 382 pp., illustrated.
—— Our National Parks. 1909. 382 pp., illustrated. Yosemite on pp. 76-267; Sequoia and General Grant on pp. 268-330; Yellowstone on pp. 37-75; Wild Parks of the West, pp. 1-36.
—— My First Summer in the Sierra. 1911. 354 pp. Descriptive of Yosemite and Tuolumne region.
—— The Yosemite. 1912. 284 pp., illustrated.
—— Steep Trails. Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1918.
Sierra Club Bulletin. Published by the Sierra Club, San Francisco.
Smith, Bertha H. Yosemite Legends. 1904. 64 pp.
Whitney, Josiah Dwight. The Yosemite Guide Book. Published by the California State Geological Survey. 1869, 1870, 1872, 1874.
Williams, John H. Yosemite and its High Sierra. 1921. 194 pp.
Yard, Robert Sterling. The Top of the Continent. 1917. 244 pp., illustrated. Yosemite on pp. 161-187.
—— The Book of the National Parks. 1926. 444 pp., 74 illustrations, 14 maps and diagrams. Yosemite on pp. 36-68.

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