The following publications are in such popular demand by park visitors for reference that they have been placed on sale at the Yosemite Museum, through the cooperation of the Yosemite Natural History Association. - Animal Life in Yosemite, Grinnell, Joseph, and Storer, Tracy I. An account of the mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians in a cross section of the Sierra Nevada. University of California Press, Berkeley, Calif. 1924. Illustrated. Price, $5.
- A Yosemite Flora, 1912. Hall, H. M. and C. C. 282 pages. A descriptive account of the ferns and flowering plants, including the trees, with keys for identification. Price, $2.
- Big Trees, Fry, Walter, and White, John R. A descriptive account of the Big Trees of California. 1930. Illustrated. Price, $1.
- Birds of the Pacific States, Hoffmann, Ralph. Field identification of some 400 birds. Illustrated. 1927. Price, $5.
- Birds of Yosemite Valley. Description of 37 common nesting birds. Special number Yosemite Nature Notes. Price, $0.25.
- Flowers of Coast and Sierra, Clements, Edith S. With 32 plates in color. Descriptions of flowers and plant families for average nature lover. 1928. 226 pp. Price, $3.
- Forests of Yosemite, Sequoia, and General Grant National Parks, Price, $0.10
- Geologic History of Yosemite Valley, Matthes, Francois E.
- Geological Survey Map of Yosemite National Park. Price, 25 cents.
- Geological Survey Map of Yosemite Valley. Price, 10 cents.
- Handbook of Yosemite, Hall, Ansel F. A compendium of articles on history, geology, flora, fauna, etc., by scientific authorities. Illustrated. 1921. 347 pp. Price, $1.25.
- Lights and Shadows of Yosemite, Taylor, Katherine Ames. San Francisco. 1926. Price, $1.50.
- National Parks Portfolio, cloth bound with more than 300 fine illustrations of the national parks. Price, $1.50.
- “Oh, Ranger!” Albright, Horace M., and Taylor, Frank J. A book about the national parks. Price, $2.
- 100 Years in Yosemite, Russell, Carl P. Price, $3.50.
- Our National Parks, John Muir. 1909. 382 pp. Illustrated. Yosemite on pp. 76-267; Sequoia and General Grant on pp. 268-330; Yellowstone on pp. 37-75; Wild Parks of the West, pp. 1-36. Price, $3.50.
- Outdoor Heritage, Bryant, Harold Child. Covers many phases of natural history of California. Chapters on Yosemite. 465 pp., illustrated. 1929. Price, $1.75.
- Place Names of the High Sierra, Farquhar, Francis P. A record of the origin and significance of names in the Yosemite region, especially Sierra Club. 1926. 128 pp. Price, $2.
- Rambling Through the High Sierra, LeConte, Jos. Price, $2.
- Songs of Yosemite, Symmes, Harold, with paintings by Gunnar Widforss. Twelve poems in unique binding. 1923. 44 pp. Price, $1.
- Yosemite Trip Book, Taylor, Frank J. 61 pp., illustrated. H. S. Crocker Co. (Inc.), San Francisco, 1927. Price, $0.50.
- Yosemite Valley, an Intimate Guide, Hall, Ansel F. Account of history, Indians, geology, tours to points of special interest. 80 pp., illustrated. Price, $0.50.
- Yosemite Nature Notes, published monthly by Yosemite National Park. Observations and happenings in Yosemite National Park. Distributed monthly to members of Yosemite Natural History Association. Membership, $1.